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مطلوب محاسب

تاريخ النشر: 2024-07-09

الراتب: غير محدد

Joswe medical - شركة الأردنية السويدية



Job title : Accountant

experience, skills required:

- BSc in Accounting or a related field.

- 0-3 year of experience at least.

- Good command of English language.

- Excellent computer skills.

- Good communication skills.

- Knowledge of SAP / ERP System.

Primary location:

• Na’ur 851831 Jordan


• Joswe Medical

Please send your resume to the following email address:

[email protected]

‎‏It is necessary to mention the job title in the subject

متطلبات الوظيفة

غير محددة

ساعات العمل


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