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مطلوب swimming trainer and female lifeguard

تاريخ النشر: 2020-09-27

الراتب: غير محدد

Golds gym




Swimming Trainer & Female Lifeguard

الوصف ومتطلبات الوظيفة

Swimming Pool Trainer


Provide competent, safe instructions to clients.

Plan and effectively organize class times for maximum practice. This is accomplished through weekly lesson plans.

Teach with encouragement and positive reinforcement.

Have a clear understanding of business objectives, vision, mission and core values.

Facilitate the certification process with the swimming lesson supervisors.

Promote good public relations by talking with parents before and after class, not during sessions.

Dress appropriately for all classes.

Turn in required paperwork, and make sure the paperwork is well organized and that the customer sign on their PT conducted sessions.

Position Requirements:

Ability to instruct swimming lessons.

Knowledge of swimming strokes and teaching levels and have knowledge of the latest swimming techniques.

Excellent interpersonal communication and organizational skills.

Experience in public facility management.

Strong problem solving skills.

Self-motivated with the ability to work without supervision.

Ability to lead and motivate staff.

Available to work on weekends/holidays when needed.

Certificate in teaching swimming.

Lifeguard certificate and it must be up-to-date.



Ensure the health and safety of our patrons in the swimming pool. This includes appropriate and efficient emergency response when needed.

To enforce the pool rules in an appropriate, fair and equitable manner and explain the rationale for the rule(s) when needed.

Assist the patrons as needed, but without compromising the safety of others.

Adhere to the policies and procedures set forth in the aquatics staff manual.

Attend all staff and evaluation meetings as requested.

Be on time and cover all assigned hours.

Attend to the cleanliness of the swimming pool and its equipment.

Perform other jobs related to tasks as assigned.

Have a clear understanding of business objectives, vision, mission and core values.

Additional Tasks:

You have to do your daily fingerprint access for signing on for duty and signing off from duty AS WELL AS all breaks taken. Any neglect on this part will result in a warning being issued.

Attend all your duties diligently and be at work for a minimum of 9 hours per day – including your break (breaks during the first and last hour of duty are prohibited), and one day off per week.

To perform your duties ON TIME and be liable and accountable for your own actions, duties and performance.

Position requirements:

Pass a preliminary CPR and swimming test.

Complete the aquatics orientation training with the aquatics manager prior to working a shift.

A valid silver or gold lifeguard license that is up-to-date.

قدّم الآن


متطلبات الوظيفة

غير محددة

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غير محددة

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