وظائف في الاردنوظائف منظمة WFP

Nutrition Sensitive Cash-based Transfer Specialist

WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles

Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance

Job Title: Nutrition sensitive cash-based transfer specialist

Type of Contract: International Regular Consultant

Division: Nutrition

Duty Station (City, Country): HQ, Rome Italy

Duration: 11 months


With the new Strategic Plan (2022-2025), the World Food Programme (WFP) reaffirms its commitment to integrate nutrition across all its operations. Nutrition is in fact explicitly part of emergency response (Strategic Outcome 1) and identified as a critical input to human capacity development (Strategic Outcome 2), as well as envisioned under livelihood (Strategic Outcome 3) and capacity strengthening efforts (Strategic Outcome 4). As such, WFP aims to effectively integrate nutrition at scale. Achieving this will rely on exploring alternate programmatic approaches and platforms that can support in tackling both underlying and immediate drivers of poor diets and malnutrition.

Nutrient poor diets are both a direct cause of undernutrition and a risk factor for obesity and Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Affordability has been identified as a key constraint to a healthier diet – an estimated 3.1 cannot afford a healthy diet (SOFI 2021). Inadequate purchasing power translates to inaccessibility to healthy and nutritious diets and in the increase in the prevalence of people suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition. The global COVID- 19 pandemic and the current global food crisis are exacerbating household access to resources and the ability of poor people to access markets and to ensure that they are able to meet their most basic and essential needs.

WFP has increased its cash footprint substantially over the past 10 years. WFP currently reaches 36 million people with cash transfers in 69 countries, equal to US$2.3 billion. With WFP’s increasing cash & voucher programming, the links to strong food systems that deliver nutritious and affordable food becomes critical. WFP is also now working with 78 countries to strengthen social protections systems. Implementing cash-based transfers and social protection programmes in an environment that leads to healthy diets and better nutrition will help governments to reach SDG 2.


WFP Nutrition aims to ensure access to and consumption of healthier diets and better nutrition outcomes by integrating nutrition across different systems, sectors and programmes. To incorporate a more operational and programmatic perspective into the Nutrition Division’s work on cash-based transfers, WFP is looking for a Nutrition Sensitive Cash-Based Transfer Consultant to support the development of a clear vision, evidence and approach to incorporate nutrition into cash-based assistance and maximize impact of cash-based assistance to achieve nutrition outcomes.


The Consultant will report directly to the Nutrition Team Lead for Social Protection, School Based Programmes and Cash-Based Transfers (CBT) under the general leadership of the Chief of Nutrition Sensitive, working closely with other NUT colleagues and colleagues in the Cash team. Specific responsibilities are:

  1. In coordination with the Cash Division, and as the lead for the nutrition sensitive team, define operational entry points to improve coverage, adequacy, and comprehensiveness of cash and voucher assistance to meet the needs of the most nutritionally vulnerable.
  • Based on global best practices and WFP’s comparative advantage strengthen programme design to better deliver nutrition outcomes through clear recommendations on nutrition sensitive assessment; definition of programme objectives, modalities, and linkages with complementary activities; and setting eligibility criteria, transfer value, frequency and duration of assistance.
  • In collaboration with WFP Regional Bureau support strengthening of delivery and implementation systems with particular focus on outreach and communications; registration and enrolment; payment delivery mechanisms; linkages, referrals, and case management; and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Support development of a user journey for nutrition sensitive cash and voucher assistance, drawing on the experience of Cash Division.
  • In direct support of Country Office, conduct field missions as requested to support operationalization of cash and voucher assistance for nutrition programmes.
  1. Lead the normative workstream related to cash and voucher assistance within the Nutrition Division.
  • Participate and contribute to global partnerships, such as the Technical Working Group for Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition outcomes under the Global Nutrition Cluster.
  • Support development of WFP Cash Policy, participating in reference group meetings, reviewing and providing input as requested, and ensuring nutrition is integrated, support development of other cash related normative guidance as need.
  • Develop guidance/recommendations/briefs based upon global best evidence and practices to inform the utilization of cash and voucher assistance for prevention of malnutrition and for assurance of nutritional adequacy within household assistance.
  • Incorporate nutrition into existing tools and programme design, implementation and monitoring of WFP Cash and Social Protection.
  1. Support the knowledge management and learning agenda for cash and voucher assistance for nutrition outcomes workstream.
  • Work closely with Cash HQ colleagues and with regional bureau nutrition and Cash advisors to support learning and knowledge management from ongoing nutrition sensitive cash and voucher assistance.
  • Support the development of a plan to capture stronger evidence of different approaches for nutrition sensitive cash and voucher assistance.
  • Provide synthesis and summaries of latest available evidence/articles related to cash and voucher assistance for dissemination to WFP global nutrition community.


  1. Operational recommendations for utilization of cash and voucher assistance to achieve nutrition outcomes within nutrition and food security programming
  1. Integrate nutrition into Cash policy, guidance and tools
  1. Research agenda developed for use of cash-based assistance to achieve nutrition outcomes and deliver on nutritional adequacy
  1. Learning journey created on use of cash-based assistance for prevention of acute malnutrition and ensuring nutritional adequacy of household assistance, including and with emphasis on Monitoring and Evaluation
  1. Options paper on potential of cash-based assistance to be utilized to support treatment of moderate acute malnutrition
  1. Support in the development and roll-out of standardized SBC modules for cash-based household assistance and prevention


Education: Advanced University degree in International Development, Development Economics, Social Sciences, Food and Nutrition or other relevant field OR First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or Training/courses.

Experience: Extensive experience in coordination and implementation of cash-based transfer programming

Experience in nutrition programming, desirable

At least 5-year experience with UN agencies or/and NGOs

Demonstrated ability to foster strong relationships with Government

Experience working at the country level on operations

Knowledge of and experience in the Cluster system and Cash Working Group, highly desirable


and Skills: Understanding of UN, and cluster response

Strong interpersonal skills: ability to liaise with a wide range of people at different levels and across different cultures and to act with credibility and diplomacy

Self-motivated and able to work with a high degree of autonomy, strong time management skills

Ability to manage and coordinate efforts from multiple stakeholders for common and purpose

Language: Strong writing skills and verbal fluency in English, a second language desirable

Terms and Conditions

WFP offers a competitive compensation package which will be determined by the contract type and selected candidate’s qualifications and experience.

Please visit the following websites for detailed information on working with WFP.

http://www.wfp.org Click on: “Our work” and “Countries” to learn more about WFP’s operations.

Deadline for applications: 16th September 2022

Ref.: VA No. 172936

Qualified female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply

WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status

No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.

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