وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن
Full-Time Faculty at the College of Business
The role of the faculty is central in addressing the primary educational mission in the colleges of AUK at large. Faculty members’ primary focus is on teaching; he/she disseminates and imparts basic or applied knowledge to students and assists students with the learning process. Faculty at AUK engage in the process of knowledge creation through research which constitutes an important part of the mission of the University. Equally important is their active engagement in AUK’s activities and community service. The key responsibilities of the faculty are as follows:
- Facilitate student learning, provide effective instruction, and perform evaluations of student learning for all assigned classes, using each course's standard course outline as a guide.
- The basic instructional assignment is 24 credit hours per academic year, unless provided course releases for administrative or research duties by approval of the respective dean and Provost. An additional three (3) credit hours of teaching per semester may be assigned subject to the approval of the faculty member and the respective dean and Provost. The Faculty Member engaged in extra assignments shall be compensated based on the prior approval of their dean as per the financial policies, rules, and amendments of the University.
- Develop course curricula, teaching and other instructional materials, lectures, labs, etc. as appropriate to the respective course assignment.
- Participate in program-level learning assessment. Participation includes helping articulate learning outcomes, assessment administration, data collection and analysis, and discussing and implementing measures to improve student learning outcomes.
- The Faculty shall implement the AUK provisions and regulations on Quality Assurance (QA) and Institutional Academic Effectiveness (IAE) for enhancing student's learning outcomes.
- Work with other faculty and administrators in developing program curricula as per disciplinary standards, including reviewing and participating in textbook selection process where appropriate.
- Schedule, supervise, debrief, and evaluate students in clinical, internship, observation, and field experiences, etc. as appropriate for the course/program.
- Be available to students via email, phone, or other virtual platform for personal conferences. The method of contact and hours of availability should be clearly communicated to students through the course syllabus each semester; the communication plan should also be on file with the department. air.
- Assign grades and maintain course/student records in accordance with FERPA regulations and submit grades and records by established deadlines. Meet all classes and other scheduled responsibilities such as office hours and meetings at the designated times; a faculty member should inform the department chair if he or she is unable to meet a class on time. Any changes in the scheduled class times or locations should have prior approval by the department chair.
- Help students achieve their educational and career goals through formal and/or informal advising.
- Post and keep on campus hours to facilitate interaction with students, other faculty, staff, administrators, and the public.
- Serve on standing and ad hoc committees, advisory boards, hiring committees, faculty senate, or as a student organization advisor.
- Attend local, regional, state, or national meetings where required or necessary for the discipline.
- Mentor and/or assist in orienting new faculty.
- Attend commencement or other ceremonies appropriate to the faculty member's discipline or program.
- Attend departmental, divisional, and college-wide meetings.
- Perform other academically related duties as assigned by the instructor's supervisor.
- Participate in faculty business meetings and forums.
- Participate in faculty evaluation process.
- The Faculty shall endeavor to take part in research activities in order to remain current in their respective disciplines. In particular, those who carry a teaching load that is less than 24 credit hours, and do not have administrative duties are required to deliver one research paper for each 6 credit hours that s/he doesn’t teach because of other valid circumstances. The research output is to be published in international journals. AUK also encourages other dimensions of well documented and evaluated research addressing societal issues and aligned with the mission and vision of the University.
- Receive training or stay current in current trends in instructional development that promote student learning.
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