وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن

Gender Trainer

SCOPE OF Service (SOS)

Jordan Economic Reform Activity Project

TITLE: Gender Trainer

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: December 15, 2022 – May 31, 2023

LEVEL OF EFFORT: up to 17 days


The Jordan Economic Reform Activity Task Order 1 (ERA TO1) is a 5-year, $54 million program funded by USAID, which aims to support the Government of Jordan (GOJ) to prioritize and implement economic reforms. Through coordination with the GOJ, the Jordanian and international private sector, other donors, and Jordanian civil society, ERA TO 1 will (1) advance economic reforms, (2) strengthen the business enabling environment, (3) increase exports and local, regional, and international investments, and (4) respond to emerging priorities. 

In year 1, USAID ERA conducted a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Analysis for five themes of ERA and identified areas of opportunities to enhance inclusion within economic reform. This assignment addresses two of these recommendations: First: Increase the knowledge of ERA main stakeholders on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion by establishing basic training for managers and staff of main stakeholders to ensure unified baselines of understanding, terminology and understanding. Second: develop an easy-to-use gender lens tool that would help stakeholders, especially gender focal points improve the inclusion levels of their activities, SOPs, services, to name a few. ERA already has a draft that has underwent several discussions by the private and public sectors.


In conformity to the terms of this agreement and with the concurrence of the USAID ERA Chief of Party, Consultant is requested to:

Activities and Deliverables






  1. Kick off meeting with ERA which includes sharing ERA’s GESI report and other material requested by the consultant to develop an outline for the training material and Action plan for the assignment

D1. Action Plan

1 week after signing the contract



  1. Develop two training materials,
    1. Training material for a half day Gender equality training,
    2. Training material for two-day and one for the Gender Lens Assessment Tool

D2.1 Training material for half day gender training. Training material will be in Arabic, using ERA branding

PowerPoint Presentations

Case studies

Reading Material

Pre and post assessment


D2.2 Training material two-day Gender-Lens Assessment Tool training will be in Arabic, using ERA branding

PowerPoint Presentations

Case studies

Reading Material

Pre and post assessment


Two weeks after approval of Action Plan



  1. Deliver Gender Training for ERA main stakeholders (repeated per institution)

Combined Training Report which includes:

  • Agenda of training,
  • list of participants, training material,
  • findings of the pre-post assessment, pictures,
  • brief quotes from participants,
  • and a list of suggestions for future capacity building.

1 week after delivering the final training workshop


Brief report in English, Annexes in Arabic

  1. Deliver two- day training workshop for gender focal points of selected ERA stakeholders on the use of Gender Lens Assessment Tool.

Submit a brief training report which includes:

  • Agenda of training,
  • list of participants,
  • training material,
  • findings of the pre-post assessment,
  • pictures,
  • and a list of suggestions for improving the fender lens assessment tool and its institutionalization.

1 week after delivering the final training workshop


Brief report in English, Annexes in Arabic


The total Level of Effort contemplated for this assignment is for a total of LoE 17 over a period from December 15, 2022 through May 2023. The assignment will be in Amman, with possible training in Aqaba, pending approval by USAID ERA.


This assignment is to be conducted in Amman and Aqaba


The deliverables for this assignment shall consist of deliverables specified in the table above.


  • B.A. in Gender Studies, human rights, Law, Administration, Business, or any related field.
  • More than five years of training experience in Arabic, especially for civil servants, public sector, and governorates.
  • Minimum (10) years of experience
  • Proven cultural sensitivity to gender norms and beliefs.
  • Experience in analyzing policies from a gender perspective.
  • Experience with Government and Jordanian Municipalities preferred
  • Sound knowledge of the public sector.
  • Excellent training/presentation skills.
  • Communication, negotiation and writing skills.
  • Flexible team player with the ability to also work independently.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English.


The position holder will directly report to the GESI Advisor and COP.


The primary duty post is in Amman, Jordan with an average of 20% of time maybe spent in Aqaba.

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