وظائف تنقيب الاردنوظائف في الاردن

Backend Java Developers (All levels)

Backend Java Developers (All levels)

Atypon is a software and services company headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, renowned for its technological leadership when it comes to online delivery of publisher content.

We are looking for talented and self-directed engineers to expand our Amman engineering team in the areas of:

  • Backend (Content Management – CMS)

Mid- to senior-level engineers preferred but all levels may apply.


Atypon continues to lead in content delivery with technologies such as machine learning, linked data, big data analytics, and their novel application for publishers. In addition, publishers engage Atypon to create innovative work environments that enhance the productivity of the researcher and knowledge worker, who are the end-users of our publishing systems. Atypon has a global sales and development team with several offices spread in five different countries. More information at www.atypon.com

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