Terms of Reference for [International Health Insurance SRHR Campaign]

Oxfam has been in Jordan since the 1990s. We work with local partners in Jordan for a future where everyone can reach their full potential, especially women and young people. We provide essential humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees as well as vulnerable Jordanians, while promoting longer term sustainable solutions to challenges facing Jordan, with a focus on Climate Justice, Economic Justice and Gender Justice.
Under the Gender Justice programme, Oxfam is part of a regional consortium implementing the Masarouna “Our pathway” programme. The Masarouna initiative follows two interlinked pathways to achieve lasting change: influencing decision makers and communities; and strengthening civic space. Both pathways are supported by a cross-cutting capacity strengthening approach, in partnership with a range of civil society actors. Global and regional partners facilitate access to funds and bring technical and thematic expertise. The project builds on Oxfam’s expertise in using a rights-based and gender responsive approach, with a strong focus on advocating for vulnerable women and young people in Jordan.
Introduction to Required Services
This consultancy seeks to engage an experienced organization or individual to provide strategic support and expertise in the implementation of an international advocacy campaign. The campaign aims to bring about policy changes within multinational health insurance companies operating in Jordan, specifically focusing on the inclusion of Youth-friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) insurance programs and services. The objective is to ensure access to comprehensive SRH care, with a particular emphasis on meeting the needs of young people and alignment with Masarouna values.
The consultancy services include the following:
A Youth-centered Mapping and Identifying Gaps within the Private Sector:
- Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the policy frameworks of multinational health insurance companies operating in Jordan.
- Identify gaps and shortcomings in relation to the inclusion of SRH insurance programs and services.
- Analyze relevant laws and policies that could be addressed in the advocacy effort
Deliverables & TIMEFRAME
The expected deliverables are as follows:
- Comprehensive assessment of the policy frameworks – within 4 weeks of contract signing.
Expected number of days: 3
- Gaps and Shortcomings Report – within 2 weeks of the completion of the mapping exercise.
Expected number of days: 3
- laws and policies analysis- submitted within 2 weeks after the Gaps and Shortcomings Report.
Expected number of days: 3
- Final Report and Advocacy Plan recommendation- submitted within 2 weeks of the completion of the consultancy.
Expected number of days: 3
The estimated duration of the consultancy is 3 months (12 actual days of working), starting from the contract signing date and ending in November 10th 2023.
Required Qualifications
The consultant(s) or organization should possess the following qualifications:
- Demonstrated experience in advocacy campaigns related to health insurance and/or SRHR issues.
- In-depth knowledge of international health insurance policies and regulations.
- Familiarity with the Jordanian context and understanding of local laws and policies.
- Strong analytical and research skills, with the ability to identify gaps and propose effective strategies.
- Excellent communication and facilitation skills to engage with diverse stakeholders.
- Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Financial proposal 30%: reasonable budget for the proposed goals and activities and proper budget breakdown.
- Qualifications and competencies 20%: relevant experience of the consultant who will be conducting the assignment in Jordan
- Technical proposal 50%: Completeness of the proposal including: the approach, the methodology, Timeline, expected output(s).
Submission Requirements
Please submit your application to: Jordan_Procurement@oxfam.org.uk, including each of the following separately, and valid for 90 days:
- Your CV
- Covering letter
- Technical offer explaining the methodology and approach
- Financial offer including all costs, in Jordanian Dinars (JOD), inclusive 5% income tax for Jordanians, and 10 % income tax for internationals.
Applicants should submit technical and financial proposals as separate documents to Jordan_Procurement@oxfam.org.uk with the subject line: [INSERT TITLE] and RFQ Number RFQ-JOAMM-23-0081
20 August 2023
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