4 وظائف شاغرة لدى بنك الاردن للتوظيف الفوري

وظائف بنك الاردن
الوظيفة الاولى
Senior Relationship Manager / Leasing company
About the jobResponsibilities:
- Determine the objectives of the affiliated units and sections in cooperation with them, ensures the efficiency of implementing the work mechanism with the required speed and accuracy, and supervise the team performance and evaluation, in addition to organizing the annual leaves to ensure smooth work.
- Participates in the development and implementation of the company's marketing plan, works with the team to approve it from the concerned authorities, and monitors the implementation of marketing and promotional campaigns In coordination with the concerned parties to ensure their effectiveness in a manner that serves the achievement of the company's general objectives.
- Manage the direct team's Sales & Marketing efforts to achieve the department goals through the below tools:
- Set the company's sales & Marketing objectives with the team.
- Distribute the company's goals to the team and set a specific plan to achieve them.
- Daily, weekly and monthly review of the performance of the company's employees and its compatibility with the objectives set.
- Concentrate marketing and sales efforts toward attracting new companies/customers.
- Supervise the marketing of financial leasing products and programs and the company's products through direct the sales team to achieve their goals and supervise the presentation of the company's services and products appropriately to preserve the company's trademark and marketing reputation.
- Checks financial and credit transaction requests submitted by clients and confirms his approval of transactions that fall within his authority after ensuring that they comply with the approved programs and the established policy, also; passes the transactions to obtain licenses according to the case and according to the designated authority.
- Audit the contracts and forms for financial leasing transactions and makes sure that all documents, conditions, guarantees, and special documents are completed before passing them for implementation to preserve the company's rights and prevent delays in the implementation of transactions, signs contracts according to approved work procedures.
- Makes sure to respond to customer inquiries/service as quickly and efficiently as possible, and deals with important complaints himself, in a way that contributes to consolidating the relationship with them, and in a way that achieves the required satisfaction.
- Participate in visiting the tenants periodically or as needed and by financing policies to verify their use of the assets for the intended purpose and to document the relationship with them.
- Ensure the implementation of the daily operations by the approved policies and procedures and within the limits of the granted authorities to preserve the rights of the company.
- Go through the executive and control statements according to their periodicity and take the necessary measures in their regard according to the approved work procedures to implement the work and achieve the element of control over the operations.
- Examine internal and external audit reports related to the work of subordinate jobs and follows up on addressing problems and observations radically to prevent their recurrence in the future.
للبحث عن وظائف تناسبك اضغط هنا
وظائف المبيعاتوظائف سائقينوظائف معلمين وظائف سكرتاريا وظائف المنظمات الدولية وظائف حكومية
- University degree in management sciences or any related field.
- Practical experience of not less than (5) years in the field of financial leasing, marketing, and sales.
- Excellent English language.
- Excellent computers use and dealing with applicable systems.
- Complete knowledge of the services and products provided by the company.
- Full knowledge of policies and procedures governing work and updates (internal and external) related to financial leasing.
- Knowledge of the Jordanian banking market.
- Sales and marketing skills.
- Administrative and supervisory skills.
- The ability to deal with customers' complaints.
- The ability to motivate and work as a team.
الوظيفة الثانية :
كيفية التقديم
تفاصيل التقديم بالصفحة التالية 👇👇 اضغط على السهم
MetaData & Data Quality Lead
About the jobResponsibilities:
• Responsible for defining Metadata for the Bank in collaboration with the data stewards• Manage and maintain metadata systems by monitoring system performance, diagnosing andtroubleshooting issues, and making necessary changes to optimize system performance• Process, clean, and integrate metadata from various sources to ensure that the metadata isaccurate, complete, and consistent• Responsible for installation, implementation and maintenance of data catalog tool• Monitor and manage access, business glossary, lineage and metadata to ensure the adoption ofbest practices• Understand end to end flow of data within systems & applications of their data domains, so thatthey can help building and maintaining a data lineage• Responsible to train data stewards and data users on data catalog tool usage• Act as the first point of contact for data catalog users, data stewards and data custodians for alldata catalog / metadata related queries.• Single point of contact for any issue resolution with data catalog vendor• Approve the processes related to data catalog scanner configuration, ETL transformation forlineage and data access in the data catalog tool• Understand best practices followed and hence support to maintain policies, methodologies, andguidelines around metadata• Communicate data catalog tool upgrades and communicate to relevant stakeholders• Responsible for maintaining, updating and monitoring the data catalog• Responsible for monitoring change requests and metadata related metrics to gauge the adoptionof the catalog across business units and corporate functions• Develop a data quality strategy and policy that is in line with a bank’s goals and objectives and toevolving data landscape and domains• Responsible for ensuring that the bank’s data quality standards are achieved• Responsible for defining and documenting security rules for data classification and registrationfor both structured and unstructured data• Create and enforce data quality initiatives and oversee data quality remediation plan andprocesses• Monitor Data Quality KPIs for critical data elements (CDEs) across the bank• Maintenance of data quality standards during storage & processing of data & helping resolve anydata quality issues raised by data consumers for their data domains• Identify stakeholders responsible to implement relevant data quality rules and policies andensure those rules and policies are implemented• Measure data quality metrics, analyze and certify data quality at a data category level to ensuredata consistency within the bank• Evaluate, implement and manage Data Quality Health Index (DQHI) tool to track and managedata quality• Resolve data related issues including data quality issues, data definition & standards conflicts,and service level problems in coordination with data steward/stewardship
الوظيفة رقم 3
Head of budgeting and Planning
About the jobResponsibilities:
●Ensuring business insight requirements for Business units are addressed and met●Drive optimization of the planning and budgeting, management reporting and FTP and cost allocation process, strive for continuous improvement●Keep awareness on risk management and process governance●Proactively identify business opportunities and risks associated with the opportunities to drive business growth●Lead the planning and budgeting and management reporting processes, soliciting inputs from concerned business units and departments as required●Support all divisions in developing their budgets and forecast and value adding tasks requiring financial analysis●Develop internal reporting system and management information reports and dashboards, and monitor data quality to ensure accurate reporting●Understanding of relevant commercial, economical, industry conditions & map with business objectives to develop business plans, targets and practices to meet business objectives
Skills & Qualifications:
●Empathy and have the ability to motivate and direct business units and other departments stakeholders to meet the objectives of the bank●Sound judgement, decision making and negotiation skills●Effective assertiveness capabilities to establish credibility and influence across the organisation●Significant exposure to budget and cost / variance reporting●Ability to translate business output into insight and commentaries for decision making●Understanding of the bank operations and the cost allocation process and cost driver approach●Knowledge of cost drivers, KPIs and benchmarks
الوظيفة رقم 4
Data Architect
About the jobResponsibilities:
• Work with relevant stakeholders to map out future state and roadmap for embedding a properdata architecture throughout the bank• Ensure that the architecture supports the defined enterprise data model (EDM), and oversee anyprocesses implementation that require changes on architecture• Analyze new data sources, recommending changes to the current architecture if necessary• Monitor the data architecture’s performance by running regular tests , troubleshooting andintegrating new features• Ensure compliance with data architecture and data model standards and guidelines• Ensure that the bank’s data architecture supports strategic and operational plans of the bank, recommend and implement any required changes• Define the guidelines in producing conceptual, logical and physical data models across the bank• Support the management of data dictionaries and provide input as and when required
Skills & Qualifications:
• Bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, engineering technology or a related field• Expertise in business and big data architectures, tools, and vendors• Knowledge in enterprise resource planning implementation along with emerging technologies and architectures• Experience in management of structured and unstructured data• Technical expertise regarding data models, database design development, data mining and segmentation techniques
للتقديم للوظائف المتاحة من خلال الضغط هنا
ملاحظة مهمه – جميع الاعلانات – بقسم الوظائف الشاغرة في الاردن
ننشرها كما تردنا من الشركات المعلنة عن الوظائف الشاغرة او من المواقع الاخبارية ومواقع التوظيف دون تحمل اى مسؤولية
طرق التأكد من صحة الوظائف المعلنة
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على التليجرام
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على الواتس اب
للمزيد من الوظائف بالاردن اضغط هنا
محتوى "وظيفتك عنا" محمي بموجب حقوق الطّبع والنّشر، يمنع اقتباس المحتوى دون إذن مسبق أو إحالة مباشِرة على المصدر
مزيدا من المعلومات حول أقتباس المحتوى