SRO CO Accountability Coordinator – National Position (Short Term/Maternity Cover)

Applicants are only considered if holding a Jordanian Nationality & if applying on Webcruiter using this link:
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, education, emergency food security, legal assistance, and water, sanitation, and hygiene sectors. The Norwegian Refugee Council has approximately 9000 committed and competent employees involved in projects across four continents. In addition, NRC runs one of the world’s largest standby rosters -NORCAP, with 650 professionals, ready to be deployed on 72 hours notice when a crisis occurs.
As a humanitarian organization, NRC must remain accountable to the affected population it serves. In particular, NRC seeks to regularly engage with affected communities and to ensure all feedback and complaints received are addressed, followed up, and utilized to enhance the office’s understanding of the design and consequences of its programming. To increase accountability and impact, NRC is strengthening existing mechanisms through an established centralized, transparent and widely communicated complaints and feedback mechanism (CFM). The role of the Accountability Coordinator will support the Programme Unit in developing an Accountability Framework and oversee the operationalization of a centralized CFM mechanism within the NRC Syria Response Office, and build on it to create a culture of accountability for affected populations. He/she will act as a focal point for all CFM-related issues within the office, and coordinate with programmes and support functions. The Coordinator will ensure that clear, transparent rules for raising and processing complaints are established and that complaints are recorded and addressed by relevant parts of NRC SRO within a reasonable timeframe. The Coordinator will ensure quality in responses through capacity building and support of staff involved in responding to complaints, and utilize the information received through complaints and feedback channels to produce periodic reports and analyses that can strengthen programming and increase overall organizational accountability to beneficiaries, and the wider affected population.
Duties and responsibilities
Generic responsibilities
Adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures
Support and contribute to the development and implementation of Accountability systems, including CFM SOPs, guidance and tools.
Support programme staff in planning for and executing accountability activities, including the CFM, tools, analysis and use of CFM data.
Support the implementation, dissemination and use of CFM data in programme development, adjustment or review.
Contribute to organizational learning through supporting specific analysis, lessons learned and reports.
Capacity building and training of programme and accountability staff on accountability and CFM technical and conceptual areas.
Supervise and mentor accountability support staff.
Contribute to the design of accountability staffing structure and resourcing, including collaboration with programme staff to identify and plan for accountability needs.
Specific responsibilities
Coordinate the operationalization of NRC SRO’s CFM system and develop/build upon existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for CFM within the country office;
Serve as primary contact for all CFM-related issues within the office and with Head Office;
Communicate and disseminate NRC CFM standards and guidelines within NRC and conduct training, capacity building and mentoring of all staff involved;
Triage all complaints received by NRC, transfer to relevant parts of NRC, and ensure that complaints are responded to in a timely manner by the Country Office;
Coordinate the processing and provision of response, specifically in relation to confidential complaints mechanisms i.e. complaints boxes
Provide technical management of a small team of Complaints and Feedback staff in each of NRC’s field locations. Support the recruitment of additional CFM staff where needed; Manage the CFM team at the CO level.
Manage data analysis and information presentation related to CFM; Produce/oversee production of regular internal (and external) reports on complaint trends, response procedures, and relevant issues
Hold inductions, training and refresher sessions for CFM and program staff to ensure they have the capacity and skills to deal with complaints at the field level;
Support programme staff in identifying and addressing all complaints and feedback-related needs and formalising feedback loops within programmes, ensuring the existence of accountability communications materials to promote access to accountability mechanisms amongst beneficiaries.
Provide support to programme managers in reviewing information across projects, to ensure that feedback and complaints are taken into account in programme management decisions
Provide inputs to NRC SRO’s accountability framework
Develop benchmarks/indicators to monitor accountability across programmes
Attend or initiate regular e.g. monthly, review meetings with Accountability/CFM Focal Points to examine and share all open cases
Work with the wider MEAL/Programme teams to promote beneficiary participation at all points of programming, especially during the design of accountability systems and activities