مطلوب موظف اداري ومحاسبة للعمل لدى SAJDI – مركز الاستشارات الهندسية

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Job Vacancy – Admin & Accounting Officer
We are seeking to hire a qualified Admin & Accounting Officer with the following qualifications to work at our HQ in Jordan at the USAID/ Water Engineering Services Activity (WES):
1. bachelor’s degree in finance or Business Administration.
2. 10-15 years of experience in the field, and experience in grants programs is highly preferred.
3. Strong oral and written communication and interpersonal skills in English
4. Experience in managing USAID projects, and knowledge of USAID progra1nming rules and regulations required.
5. Demonstrated leadership and management skills.
6. Excellent command to MS Office such as MS. Word, Excel, and Power Point.
The Job description qualification associated with this position is a as follows:
1. Open electronic files & database for employees who are working on WES project as per SAJDI system and keep these files updated with all records and documents related to employees.
2. Open electronic files & database to register and archive scanned copies of all financial documents & records related to financial transactions and forward the original documents & records to Accounting Department including full explanation of each transaction to help them register them in the Accounting System of the company.
3. Supervise the collection of Time Sheets for all project staff as per the company timekeeping policy and ensure that all time sheets are correctly filled and approved by direct supervisor.
4. Ensure keeping electronic copy of time sheets, vacation, leaves and sick forms at USAID project directory and send the original to HR Department. Ensure that all project receipts (payment receipts) are filed properly.
5. Follow up and report the local staff personal vacations, unpaid leaves and sick leaves using approved forms.
6. Maintaining the confidentiality of all information, contracts, and documents of the company.
7. Help in drafting and preparation of all reports, correspondences, and contracts as per the request from Chief of Party.
8. Help in preparing of all CCN employment and subcontractors' agreements as per the request from Chief of Party.
9. Monitor account balances and ensure cash position is sufficient to meet financial obligations
10. Assist and preparing M&E reporting for client deliverables as per the request from Chief of Party
11. Follow up with all WESUSAID staff to get their feedback about any needed materials or software or hardware resources to proceed their procurement after getting CEO approval, and then manage all purchase transactions and payments as per the approved procedure in the USAID contract and keep evidence of associated supporting documentation.
12. Follow up all offices conditions to make sure that they well arranged, well maintained, and required branding of USAID is followed up.
13. Prepare the invoices payment for SAJDI as per the USAID contract, and approve it from Chief of Party, and send copy to Accounting Division.
14. Oversee expatriate advisor mobilization to tl1e project office and ensure to: Hotel and airline reservations are confirmed, transportation is arranged, and country clearance through USAID is issued in a timely manner.
15. Complying with the Code of Conduct and all applicable policies of the company, and report to Chief of Party about any cases of violation.
16. Provide administrative support to Chief of Party and other project staff upon request.
17. Follow up the approved procedures and monitor its implementation.
18. Follow and monitor the use of vehicles including the "Vehicle use control logs".
19. Participate in audits as required.