وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن

Deputy Field Coordinator – NWS Base

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) has been working in Syria since 2012. The mission employs more than 350 staff and provides assistance to more than 1 million Syrians. The forecasted budget for 2023 is 25 million. There are 3 implementing offices in Syria (2 in Northeast Syria/NES, 1 in Northwest Syria/NWS) with the coordination based in Amman – Jordan and support colleagues in Erbil, KRI. In North-West Syria, main current activities are related to WaSH, FSL and shelter, WaSH rehabilitation, with nexus approach (emergency to early recovery and rehabilitation), with a particular focus on earthquake response.

Type and content of program:

Syria mission is dedicated to work in areas recently and in challenging contexts to provide lifesaving activities to the population affected by the conflict. A turn from lifesaving activities to more post-emergency/development has also been undertaken.

Main current activities are related to:

  • Lifesaving
    • Wash – emergency package in IDPs settlements following a sudden shock (cholera outbreak, etc).
    • Distribution of NFIs and cash for vulnerable populations following a sudden shock (harsh winter, etc). COVID, cholera and other water-borne diseases response.
  • 2nd line humanitarian interventions:
    • Installation of dignified shelters.
    • WASH in camps and MPCA.
    • Multi-round MPCA.
  • Early recovery and rehabilitation (including post-Earthquake response):
    • Institutional rehabilitations and support: light water systems rehabilitation.
    • Rehabilitation of schools and other infrastructures.


The position

The Deputy Field Coordinator for Programs (DFC-P) will manage and support the Project Managers for the implementation of SI’s intervention and projects, will ensure the relevance of the activities implemented in line with SI annual country strategy, and will propose new interventions in line with both this strategy and the evolution of the humanitarian situation in the area. The DFCO will pay specific attention to the development of innovative approaches and integrated strategies. The DFCO will help the FC to represent SI programs to partners and stakeholders.

  • General Objectives:
    • Ensure the quality framework of the projects is respected.
    • Ensure coordination with partners.
    • Strengthen the integrated approaches/synergies initiated within the components of SI intervention, and the new sectors recently opened.
    • Launch technical assessments to reinforce the strategy.
  • Specific stakes and challenges:
    • One of the main challenges is related to management as the NWS programmatic strategy is dense with a large number of sectors and voluminous grants.
    • Ensure coherence and synergies of various projects.
    • Ensure programmatic internal and external coordination.
  • Priorities for the 2/3 first months
    • Ensure coordination with other partners (Health, Protection, Nutrition etc.).
    • Support the development of livelihood activities (relatively new sector for the base).
    • Support the implementation of the new projects (BHA, CDCS, etc.).
    • Provide support and capacity building to PMs (planning, OFU, etc.).
    • Support integration of the different sectors on the base and mainstreaming of protection and accountability questions.

Responsibilities and main activities:


  • Ensure that the operations comply with the multi-annual program strategy and are consistent with SI policy and population’s needs, in close coordination with the Field Coordinator.
  • Propose adaptations and evolutions of the strategy if the context and the needs require such considerations.
  • Feed the strategy with the launching and coordination of assessments when needed.
  • Contributes to draft new project proposals to donors in close collaboration with the Program managers, the Field Coordinator, the Technical Coordinator and DCD-Program.

Programs’s quality and monitoring

  • In coordination with the Deputy Country Director for Programs, ensure that all programs are implemented in compliance with the SI technical standards and donor guidelines.
  • Ensure the follow up and support to integrated approaches internally to SI’s sectors, within the consortium and with other partners.
  • Ensure that programs are relevant to the population’s needs and in line with SI strategy.
  • Ensure that project management, monitoring and evaluation tools are further developed where required and used correctly.
  • In close coordination with the MEAL department, ensure clear programs’ monitoring systems are in place; quality, transparency and accountability are maintained throughout all phases of programs’ implementations.
  • Ensure that quality criteria and indicators are monitored and lead to decision making: adjustment of activities or result shifts according to the evolution of the context.
  • Ensure that the programs evaluations’ recommendations are taken into consideration and that corrective measures are put in place.
  • Conduct regular field visits on programme sites.
  • Develop collaboration with local partners, follow-up and coordinate their capacity building under multi-sectoral programs.
  • Ensure consistent capitalization is undertaken at PMs’ level, compilation of SoV and other contractual documents are regularly managed and archived.

Institutional knowledge building:

  • List and summarize SI and other actors’ intervention methodologies, approaches and experience.
  • Update and disseminate procedures, guides and tools, in particular program implementation, monitoring and evaluation tools.
  • Coordinate internal and external program evaluations.

Reporting / communication / representation

  • Lead the construction and writing of new project proposals / amendments in close collaboration with the with the Deputy Country Director for Programs and the Grant Manager/Reporting and Communication Officer.
  • Contribute to the elaboration of donors reports, with the support from the Grant Coordinator/RCO.
  • Be part of the implementation of the communication strategy validated at Mission level.
  • Represent the organization in external meetings / sessions when asked and/or delegated to do so.

Team management

  • Organize and coordinate the activities of the different projects among themselves.
  • Harmonize practices, tools and activities across different zones and projects.
  • Develop the capacity of the Program Managers, deepen understanding of their roles.
  • Initiate and lead programs workshops if necessary and carry-on day-to-day capacity building.
  • Set up training sessions according to operational requirements.
  • In coordination with FC, suggest adaptations in the team size and/or team responsibilities, according to the evolution of the operations.
  • Assist program team members with information, tools and resources to improve performance & reach objectives.

Team management

Number of persons under direct management:

  • 1 Shelter PM, 1 WASH PM, Cash and distribution PM.

Number of persons under indirect management:

  • 80/90 staffs


Specific skills and experience:


  • A degree related to International Relations and/or Project Management would be an advantage.
  • A background in Civil Engineer would be an advantage.

Technical skills and experinces

  • A minimum of 4 years of field experience in humanitarian relief and/or development programs.
  • Previous experience in managing an expatriate team is highly appreciated.
  • Previous experience in coordination and representation is a must.
  • Previous experience in challenging, insecure areas is a must.
  • Previous experience in the Middle East is appreciated.
  • Previous experience in proposal and report writing is a must.
  • A previous experience in RRM is an advantage.
  • A previous experience in FSL is an advantage.

Soft skills and spirit:

  • Excellent communication skills in both written and verbal English.
  • Good computer skills (Excel, Word, Google Earth).
  • A good listener with very well-developed diplomatic skills.
  • Flexible and resourceful.
  • Solution-oriented management.


  • Excellent English skills (written, spoken and read) is mandatory.
  • To speak Levantine Arabic and/or French would be an asset.

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