تعلن شركة الحكمة للصناعات الدوائية عن حاجتها الى محاسب (مرحب بحديثي التخرج )

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تعلن شركة الحكمة للصناعات الدوائية عن حاجتها الى محاسب (مرحب بحديثي التخرج )
Implements the day-to-day operations assigned for the position to ensure compliance with the established standards and procedures.Performs basic general accounting activities (such as bookkeeping and basic and routine journal entries) in well-defined parameters requiring gathering, entering and simple analysis of financial transactions to ensure the accuracy and the effectiveness of the financial records under close supervision.Assists the accountant in reconciliations and calculations to provide meaningful financial information for decision making.Follows all relevant accounting policies, processes, and SOPs so that work is carried out in a controlled and consistent manner.Complies with all relevant safety, quality and health and environmental procedures to ensure a healthy and safe work environment.Education:
BSc of Accounting.
0-1 years of experience
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