وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة اكتد في الاردن براتب 1059 دينار

وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة اكتد في الاردن براتب 1059 دينار
تعلن منظمة اكتد عن حاجتها الى :
Finance OfficerJob PurposeThe Finance Officer – CCA Amman unit is a key member of the finance team at capital level
The Finance Officer is part of the Cash, Control and Accountancy sub-department with Finance Department in Capital. Under the direct supervision of the Sr. Finance Officer– CCA unit, he/she is responsible of Amman Procurement and payments by bank, Accountancy, and Cash Flow.
Procurement validation and SFU-DFU updateProcurement’s, Expats’ and Running costs’ paymentsBank ReconciliationAccountancy and ArchivingMonthly Cash Request
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Procurement:
1.1. Review the procurement related to offices & GHs in respect to ACTED procurement scenarios’ procedures and threshold, and donors’ rules
1.2. Adequate check on the budget availability/forecast
2. Payments:
2.1. Make adequate check on the procurement’s/suppliers’ supporting documents and insure it is in line with ACTED threshold and procedures, prepare the payment voucher and submit it to be paid by bank after once approved
2.2. Review the premises rents’ documents, prepare the payment vouchers and crate a bank transfer once approved.
2.3. Review the utilities and communications’ bills and supporting documents, prepare the payment vouchers and crate a bank transfer once approved
2.4. Responsible for monthly health insurance payment and reconciliation
3. Accounting:
3.1. Bookkeeper of the Bank Books in Jordan, provide a high accuracy of accounting codes, allocation and ensure the description is meeting ACTED standards, prepare the monthly amortization entries
3.2. Ensure the monthly submission deadline is respected
3.3. Support the Sr. Officer in preparing the staff salaries and benefits
3.4. Responsible for the monthly bank reconciliation
4. Archiving:
4.1. Numbering the payment vouchers and add the date as per SAGA
4.2. Make sure all vouchers are stamped PAID
4.3. Responsible for the vouchers’ and supporting documents scanning as per ACTED digitization policy
4.4. Label the folder, and physical archiving in the storage
5. Audit:
5.1. Validate the samples requested from the auditors, ensure accuracy and completeness of supporting documents and approvals as per ACTED manual and insure matching across SAGA
Proceed with the correction as requested
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Procurement:
1.1. Review the procurement related to offices & GHs in respect to ACTED procurement scenarios’ procedures and threshold, and donors’ rules
1.2. Adequate check on the budget availability/forecast
2. Payments:
2.1. Make adequate check on the procurement’s/suppliers’ supporting documents and insure it is in line with ACTED threshold and procedures, prepare the payment voucher and submit it to be paid by bank after once approved
2.2. Review the premises rents’ documents, prepare the payment vouchers and crate a bank transfer once approved.
2.3. Review the utilities and communications’ bills and supporting documents, prepare the payment vouchers and crate a bank transfer once approved
2.4. Responsible for monthly health insurance payment and reconciliation
3. Accounting:
3.1. Bookkeeper of the Bank Books in Jordan, provide a high accuracy of accounting codes, allocation and ensure the description is meeting ACTED standards, prepare the monthly amortization entries
3.2. Ensure the monthly submission deadline is respected
3.3. Support the Sr. Officer in preparing the staff salaries and benefits
3.4. Responsible for the monthly bank reconciliation
4. Archiving:
4.1. Numbering the payment vouchers and add the date as per SAGA
4.2. Make sure all vouchers are stamped PAID
4.3. Responsible for the vouchers’ and supporting documents scanning as per ACTED digitization policy
4.4. Label the folder, and physical archiving in the storage
5. Audit:
5.1. Validate the samples requested from the auditors, ensure accuracy and completeness of supporting documents and approvals as per ACTED manual and insure matching across SAGA
5.2. Proceed with the correction as requested
6. Reporting:
6.1. Monthly contracts and debits follow up (CFU-DFU)
6.2. Monthly Trackers; Expats Benefits, Premises’ rents amortization, and other offices & GHs running costs
6.3. Inputs in the Monthly Cash Request to HQ
7. SAGA:
7.1. When requested; SAGA Master;
Upload the mission monthly accountancy, XNLEs, HQ NLEs, correct any red lines, provide feedback to each bookkeeper, and proceed with the redlines correction if there is any and if applicableLettering/Matching/Reconciliation of the balance sheet accountsUpload Projects’ Financial SheetsUpdate the monthly exchange ratesCreate and Monitor the Third Party Codes (TPC)When requested; Cover the cashier absence with his/her tasks7.3. When requested; Monthly PRATIC (Balance Sheet)
8. Other tasks assigned by the line manager.
Key Performance Indicators
Procurement and payments validation and CFU-DFU update on a timely mannerAccuracy of the accountancy and bank reconciliation and adherence to the monthly deadlineMonthly archiving and level of response to the audit/compliance requirements within the deadlineMonthly cash sufficiency and accuracy, and adherence to the deadlineMonthly update of the several trackers
*ACTED’s proposed monthly salary: 1059 JOD’s
Bachelor’s degree in Finance.Fluent English and Arabic (written and spoken).Excellent writing and communication skills.At least 2 years’ work experience with an INGO in an emergency and/or development setting.Ability to work under pressure in a high-pace environment.Good organisational and prioritisation skills.Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, and Publisher.Strong interpersonal skillsStrong analytical skills
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