شركة رائدة في مجال صناعة الادوية البيطرية والمبيدات الزراعية بحاجة الى عدد من الشواغر

شركة رائدة في مجال صناعة الادوية البيطرية والمبيدات الزراعية بحاجة الى عدد من الشواغر
شركة رائدة في مجال صناعة الادوية البيطرية والمبيدات الزراعية بحاجة الى عدد من الشواغر
Manufacturing company in Amman – Al-Muwaqqar is looking for the following position:
1. Production supervisor: (Powder & Liquid)• Minimum 5 years of experience in Veterinary Medicines as a Production supervisor.• Strong experience in GMP’s, SOPs, BMR, BPR, deviations, errors, accidents, Forms, logbooks, sheets, and others).• A Bachelor's Degree in chemical engineer or any related field.• Analytical and problem-solving skills.• Leadership and management skills.
2. R&D Analyst: • (2-3) years of experience in Veterinary Medicines as a Production supervisor.• A Bachelor's Degree in chemistry or another related field.• Chemical and physical analysis for stability samples and R&D samples with GLP.• Strong experience in validation tests and Daily calibration and monthly for analytical lab instruments such as balances, pH Meter, Karl fisher, conductivity, HPLC, Water unit, spectrophotometer, disintegration apparatus, dissolution …etc.• Analytical development and validation for APIs, finished.• products such as (Creams, ointments, tables, capsules, film….)• indicating methods such as assay, dissolution, related substances.• Documentation and reporting with GDP.• Analysis the PT samples with very accurate results
3. Registration Officer: • (2-4) years of experience in Veterinary Medicines and Agricultural Pesticides.• A Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Engineer or any related field.• Preparing the registration files for veterinary medicines, feed additives, agricultural pesticides and Fertilizers.• Follow up the registration requirements until the completion of the registration process and obtaining registration certificates and approving the information contained therein• Documentation of scientific references of preparations for registration.• Preparation of the scientific material included in the brochures.• Archiving all official documents related to the registration of preparations.
4. Accountant: • (3-5) years of experience in Manufacturing Sector.• Strong experience in GAAP, A/P, A/R, Payroll, journal entries, reconciling balance sheet, general ledger accounts…. etc.• Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or any related field.• Advanced MS Excel skills.
If you are interested, please fill in the application in below link
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