اعلان توظيف صادر عن الملكية الأردنية

اعلان توظيف صادر عن الملكية الأردنية
IT Infrastructure Engineer
About the job
The IT Systems & Infrastructure oversees the design, planning, setup, monitoring, maintenance, security configuration, and testing of hardware and software components of IT systems and infrastructure, such as SAN, servers (cloud physical, virtual), and Data Centers (including distributed data rooms), working as an IT Systems & Infrastructure will require you to operate in a demanding environment, supporting the business in day-to-day operations and facilitating business changes.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Applies professional concepts to implement system network communications and solutions.
Under general supervision, implements system enhancements (software and hardware updates) that will improve the performance and reliability of the system.
Under general supervision, manages one or a group of centralized computer servers.
Analyzes, installs, modifies, and supports operating systems, utilities and Internet/intranet-related tools.
Learns to Operates Corporate’ internal data systems, including Storage SANs.
Under general supervision, implements server networked systems.
Assists with execution of security control to prevent hackers from infiltrating corporate information.
Applies professional concepts to administer security policies to control access to systems.
Defines users, access levels and authority levels on the application or operating system level.
Solves Email server related problem and manages Email users and groups.
Implements and supports Virtual servers and Virtual applications.
Ability to manage own tasks and assigned tickets in a timely manner, ensuring that they are completed within approved SLAs.
Knowledge of IT process frameworks, supporting roles, and technologies, especially in incident, critical incident, problem, and change management.
Solid awareness of Microsoft products and suites, as well as network, server, and application architectures, as well as their applications for clients and services
Knowledge & Skills Required:
Communication skills
Ability to work under pressure.
Windows and Linux Infrastructure
One or more Virtualization platform
Health & safety awareness
Azure and office 365 administration
Systems administration
2+ years’ of related experience
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering or any related field
التقديم المباشر من خلال الضغط على الصورة بالاعلى
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اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على الواتس اب
للمزيد من الوظائف بالاردن اضغط هنا
محتوى "وظيفتك عنا" محمي بموجب قانون حقوق الطّبع والنّشر، يمنع اقتباس المحتوى دون إذن مسبق أو إحالة مباشِرة على المصدر
مزيدا من المعلومات حول أقتباس المحتوى