وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن

End of Project Evaluation – Consultancy

End of Project Evaluation – Consultancy

Medair is an impartial, independent, and neutral humanitarian organisation inspired to save lives and relieve human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places. Medair is committed to providing life-saving humanitarian assistance in Jordan for refugees and vulnerable Jordanians through combined programmes in community health, cash for health (C4H), social protection, and psychosocial support (PSS).

To review project achievements and inform the shape of ongoing and future programming, Medair is seeking a consultant to conduct an end of project evaluation for an estimated 20 days based on the TOR below.


Applicants are expected to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Substantial experience in humanitarian programme evaluations, including in at least one of the following areas: cash for health, community health, social protection, psychosocial support
  • Relevant qualifications, preferably at least to the level of master's degree
  • Experience in overseeing humanitarian programmes, including in the areas of cash for health, community health, social protection, and psychosocial support
  • Demonstrated understanding of the Jordan context
  • Fluency in Arabic and English
  • Strong English writing skills


Interested parties are requested to upload the following requested documents to Akhtaboot or submit to [email protected] by Tuesday 16th May 2023. Late or incomplete submissions will not advance to the shortlisting phase. The subject line of the submission should be: “Application for Consultancy: Evaluation of AA funded project in Jordan”.

  • An expression of interest setting out:
    • The applicant’s interest in the consultancy
    • How the applicant is suited to the role, including relevant experience
    • How the applicant would conduct the consultancy
    • The applicant’s financial proposal
  • A CV (in the case of a joint- or multi-person application please ensure CVs of all team members are included)
  • An example of written work, authored solely by the applicant(s)

Terms of Reference (TOR) for end of project evaluation

“Life-saving humanitarian assistance for refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in Jordan through community health, cash for health, protection and psychosocial support”

Name of evaluation

End of project evaluation

Evaluation purpose

To review project achievements and inform the shape of ongoing and future programming

Scope of evaluation (programme components / timeframe)

Overall: May 2020 – June 2023

Health: May 2020 – June 2023

Social Protection: January 2022 – June 2023

PSS: January 2022 – June 2023

Country programme


Evaluation commissioner

Country Director




14th May – 22nd June 2023


National consultant

Consultant days (provisional)


Methodology (provisional)

Desk review combined with relevant primary data collection and analysis

Primary intended users

Medair in Jordan

Country Director, Projects Coordinator, SP/PSS Project Manager, Health Project Manager, Medair MEAL Manager

Medair Global Support Office

Head of Country Programmes, Senior Health Advisor, Senior PSS Advisor, MEAL Advisor


Assistant Desk Officer Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon & Jordan


Managing Director International Programmes

International Programme Coordinator

1. Project summary

Medair is committed to providing life-saving humanitarian assistance for refugees and vulnerable Jordanians through combined programmes in community health, cash for health (C4H), social protection, and psychosocial support (PSS). Medair is directly implementing the project in the target regions of Amman, Zarqa, Irbid and Mafraq (protection being in Amman and Irbid only). In May 2020, with funding from AA, Medair started the implementation of a C4H programme to support Syrian and non-Syrian refugees to access secondary healthcare through the provision of cash assistance and supporting referral mechanisms to increase access to vital and lifesaving health services. This project also included a community health component, in which refugee and Jordanian households are supported through community health awareness sessions to prevent illness and bring out positive behaviours.

In January 2022, under the AA funded project, Medair added a social protection component to combat protection risks among refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. Medair initiated comprehensive cash and case management activities to address vulnerabilities related to shelter, health, PSS, education, livelihoods, and legal awareness in response to urgent needs of vulnerable populations. Through protection activities, Medair is also providing support to the elderly and persons with disabilities through mobility aid assistance, capacity development sessions in sign-language for children and their caregivers, and self-empowerment workshops for people with disability. Also in January 2022, Medair added a PSS component to the AA funded project to address needs of adults and adolescents in refugee and vulnerable Jordanian households who are experiencing challenges related to displacement and socioeconomic challenges. Medair is supporting adults and caregivers and adolescents to adopt healthy psychosocial related strategies for coping with stress, and to improve communication skills.

2. Purpose of the evaluation

The objectives of the evaluation are:

  • To assess progress made towards the project’s key outputs
  • To review the need for the continuation of activities (in relation to the 3 month extension and the forthcoming regional project)
  • To make recommendations to guide future programming.

Medair conducted an internal evaluation in August 2021 of the programme’s cash for health and community health components, and another in August 2022 of its Social Protection & PSS components. These evaluations conducted by Medair’s MEAL department assessed overall programme relevance and effectiveness to determine the degree of progress made towards achieving outcomes. As such, this evaluation will build on these past evaluations, similarly focusing on effectiveness and relevance.

3. Evaluation criteria

Within its purpose set out above, the evaluation will use the criteria of relevance and effectiveness:

  1. Relevance

The OECD’s revised evaluation criteria (2019)[3] defines ‘relevance’ as, ‘The extent to which the intervention objectives and design respond to beneficiaries’, global, country, and partner/institution needs, policies, and priorities, and continue to do so if circumstances change’. Exploring relevance is about asking the question, ‘Is the intervention doing the right things?’

  1. Effectiveness

The OECD’s revised evaluation criteria[4] defines ‘effectiveness’ as, ‘The extent to which the intervention achieved, or is expected to achieve, its objectives and its results, including any differential results across groups.’ Exploring effectiveness is about asking the question, ‘Is the intervention achieving its objectives?’

4. Key questions


To what extent has the project’s objectives and design responded to the needs of vulnerable Jordanians and refugees in Jordan?

To what extent has the project addressed service needs at the country level? To what extent does it continue to do so?

What could make the project more relevant?


To what extent have the project’s outputs been achieved?

How could the project be enhanced to increase its effectiveness?

5. Project outputs

The evaluation will cover the project’s outputs as follows:

Output 1 Women, girls, boys and men (WGBM) have increased capacity to adopt healthier behaviours, including regarding protection from COVID-19 and access to relevant assistance mechanisms through Medair’s community health programme.

Output 2 Refugee households have increased access to urgent health services via cash for health assistance, and vulnerable Jordanian households have increased support for urgent basic needs via emergency cash assistance.

Output 3 Reduced use of negative coping strategies by targeted refugee and vulnerable Jordanian households through the provision of comprehensive case management (CCM).

Output 4 Improved access to psychosocial care and improved reported psychosocial well-being of targeted refugees and Jordanians.

6. Methodology

In line with the evaluation’s scope and key questions, the tools will be developed within the consultancy in line with the following breakdown:

Data Collection



Tools required

Responsible for data Collection

Responsible for data analysis / Report writing



Health, SP, PSS beneficiaries

FGD tools





KII tools



Desk Review

Health, SP, PSS project documents, Needs Assessments, Surveys

N / A


7. Roles and responsibilities




Country Director

Data Collection Coordinator

National Consultant

Data Collection

National Consultant

Data Analysis and Report Writing

National Consultant

Report reviewers

Medair in Jordan

Country Director, Program Coordinator, SP/PSS Project Manager, Health Project Manager, Medair MEAL Manager

Medair Global Support Office

Head of Country Programmes, Senior Health Advisor, Senior PSS Advisor, MEAL Advisor

Report approval

Country Director

8. Proposed timeline


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Initial secondary data review


Provision and review of inception report


Secondary data review



Preparing primary data collection (FGDs, KIIs)


Primary data collection






Report Writing



Report review and finalisation


9. Consultancy responsibilities

The consultant is responsible for:

  1. Sharing an evaluation inception report
  2. Designing the data collection tools
  3. Administering the primary data collection
  4. Carrying out the Desk Review
  5. Performing an analysis of the primary and secondary data
  6. Drafting an evaluation report in English inclusive of the following sections: Executive Summary, Introduction, Methodology, Findings and Discussion, Recommendations, and Conclusion
  7. Delivering the work within the specified timeframe
  8. Acknowledging all data and results produced by the consultancy as owned by Medair
  9. Signing and abiding by Medair’s Data Protection Policy

10. Medair responsibilities

Medair is responsible for:

  1. Providing verbal introductions to the programme and the evaluation
  2. Providing all relevant Medair project documents as required by the consultant
  3. Reviewing the inception report and draft evaluation report for factual accuracy
  4. Facilitating the transportation of the consultant for conducting relevant FGDs and KIIs

[1] The 3 months extension covers the period 1st April – 30th June 2023.

[2] The regional project (Jordan/Lebanon) is expected to commence on 1st July 2023. For the purposes of the current consultancy, this relates to Jordan only.

[3] Better Evaluation Revised Evaluation Criteria Definitions and Principles for Use OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation. https://www.oecd.org/dac/evaluation/revised-evaluation-criteria-dec-2019.pdf.

[4] Ibid.

[5] This relates to the 3 months extension and the regional project (in relation to Jordan only).

[6] This should include an outline of the consultant’s understanding of the evaluation, how it will be structured, its contents, and methodology, for review by the country programme Senior Management Team and Advisers.

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