نظرة عامة
شركة امريكية في عمان بحاجة الى مهندس مدني او انشائي برواتب ممتاز
Excellent immediate opportunity to work for a U.S. based company in Amman as an entry-level structural engineer specializing in design review of structures and buildings using American Codes and Standards.
Selected candidates will work at our Shmesani office.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Structural or Civil Engineering with emphasis in structural design.
University classes in Structural Design, Advanced Structural Design, Concrete Design using ACI, Steel Design using AISC, Earthquake Design.
Knolwedge of ACI 318-19, ASCE7-16 and 2018 NDS For Wood Construction is highly desirable.
2-5 years of structural design experience. working knowledge of structural engineering design software.
fluent in written and spoken English. Excellent communication skills, strong work ethics, self-starter, team player and pleasant personality.
Excellent compensation package and health benefits.
Please send a cover letter, resume and university transcripts to email .
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