Education Coordinator “Nationals Only”

Education Coordinator "Nationals Only"
The purpose of the Education Program Coordinator position is to make sure that the Education programm in Camps is running smoothly in cooperation with other NRC Core Competences, with Education Sector Working Group and other protection and health providers in camps and NRC Support functions (logistics, finance and security). The Education Coordinator oversees the whole Education Staff in camp (nearly 7 staff) and support them during daily activities providing guidance and capacity building. The Education Coordinator is also responsible of the Project Cycle Management implementation: planning, reporting, data tracking, budget follow up (as delegated by PM). The EPC is as well responsible that the Syrian Incentive Based Volunteers are supported by the team during daily activities and capacity building along with making sure that proper activities’ information and follow up are provided. The EPC also monitor that child protection mechanisms are in place and followed according to NRC Child Protection SoPs.