Education Coordinator “Nationals Only”

The purpose of the Education Program Coordinator position is to make sure that the Education programm in Camps is running smoothly in cooperation with other NRC Core Competences, with Education Sector Working Group and other protection and health providers in camps and NRC Support functions (logistics, finance and security). The Education Coordinator oversees the whole Education Staff in camp (nearly 7 staff) and support them during daily activities providing guidance and capacity building. The Education Coordinator is also responsible of the Project Cycle Management implementation: planning, reporting, data tracking, budget follow up (as delegated by PM). The EPC is as well responsible that the Syrian Incentive Based Volunteers are supported by the team during daily activities and capacity building along with making sure that proper activities’ information and follow up are provided. The EPC also monitor that child protection mechanisms are in place and followed according to NRC Child Protection SoPs.
The following is a brief description of the role.
Generic responsibilities
These responsibilities shall be the same for all positions with the same title. The responsibilities shall be short and essential. Details belong in the Work- and Professional Development Plan.
- Line management of CC project field staff
- Adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures and awareness of NRC global and regional strategies.
- Contribute to Core Competency strategy development, project proposals and provide input on needs and gaps, considering where appropriate the role of cash-based interventions and market based programs
- Manage and implement delegated portfolio of education projects (activities, budget and project documentation) as delegated from PM in line with proposals, strategies and donor requirements, and ensure high technical quality.
- Provide regular progress reports to PM (AM and Core Competency Specialist if no PM)
- Promote and share ideas for improvement and necessary changes in the activities.
- Actively promote PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards & principles within NRC and amongst beneficiaries served by NRC.
- Ensure that projects target beneficiaries most in need of protection, explore and asses new and better ways to assist.
- Ensure capacity building of project staff and transfer key skills.
- Liaise and collaborate with relevant local authorities and other key stakeholders.
- Promote the rights of IDPs/returnees in line with the advocacy strategy.
Specific responsibilities
These responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus and type of program intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly.
- Follow up on the Education program budgeting, budget follow up, planning, reporting data tracking and implementation.
- Provide information and guidance for education program development in line with INEE (Inter Agency Network for Education in Emergency) and Ministry of Education Standards.
- Make sure that proper refugee's participation during activities’ implementation is in place by consulting with the refugees’ community (parents and children).
- Coordinate with Local authorities when required and in coordination with the Project Manager: Department of Education, Formal Schools and SRAD.
- Ensure that proper protection mechanisms are in place in cooperation with the PM and the NRC Protection department; – Monitor on site security.
- Make sure that proper staff (IBVs and NRC national staff) capacity building is in place.
- Be focal point for external visits.
- Perform other duties as assigned.
Critical interfaces
By interfaces, NRC means processes and projects that are interlinked with other departments/units or persons. Relevant interfaces for this position are:
- Project planning: CC Specialists
- Area operations: Support Coordinators (field office coordinators)
- Staff capacity building: CC Specialists, HR Development Officer
- Implementation: CC Specialists and support team
Scale and scope of position
Staff: |
Directly: Education Project Officer Indirectly: Site Officers (2), Incentive based volunteers (49). |
Stakeholders: | UN Agencies, INGO's, Formal Schools and Department/ Directorate of Education |
Budgets: | Education Master Budget as delegated by Project Manager |
Information: | Agresso |
Legal or compliance: |
NRC Code of Conduct |
Competencies are important in order for the employee and the organization to deliver desired results. They are relevant for all staff and are divided into the following two categories:
1. Professional competencies
These are skills, knowledge and experience that are important for effective performance.
Generic professional competencies for this position:
- Minimum 4 years of experience from working in project implementation position in a humanitarian/recovery context.
- Bachelor’s Degree in any disciplinary, preferred in education.
- Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts.
- Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities.
- Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile
- Fluency in English and Arabic, both written and verbal
- Knowledge and usage of INEE Minimum Standards
Context related skills, knowledge and experience (shall be adapted to the specific position):
- Knowledge of the context in Jordan Refugee camps
- Strong organizational and interpersonal skills
- Previous relevant experience in education is a plus.
- Positive and professional attitude
2. Behavioral competencies
These are personal qualities that influence how successful people are in their job. NRC’s Competency Framework states 12 behavioral competencies, and the following are essential for this position:
- Handling insecure environments
- Managing resources to optimize results.
- Empowering and building trust
- Managing performance and development
- Planning and delivering results.
Performance Management
The employee will be accountable for the responsibilities and the competencies, in accordance with the NRC Performance Management Manual. The following documents will be used for performance reviews:
- The Job Description
- The individual Work- and Professional Development Plan
- The Competency Framework
If interested please apply through:
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