اعلان توظيف .. يعلن برنامج ( الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي ) عن حاجته الى موظفين برواتب تصل 700 دينار

اعلان توظيف .. يعلن برنامج ( الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي ) عن حاجته الى موظفين برواتب تصل 700 دينار
للبحث عن وظائف تناسبك اضغط هنا وظائف المبيعاتوظائف سائقينوظائف معلمين وظائف سكرتاريا وظائف المنظمات الدولية وظائف حكومية
Job Description
Background UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
The Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator Project (GGJAP) is one out of three projects under the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme’s (DAPP) which is funded and managed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The GGJAP is part of DAPP’s programme for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship. UNDP will implement the GGJAP which sits regionally as part of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States’ Regional Youth Project Portfolio.
GGJAP will be implemented in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia building on UNDP’s work and experience with implementing the SDG Accelerator for SMEs methodology which directly supports sustainable business development and commercial green growth in SMEs. The SDG Accelerator is a part of UNDP’s service offer UNDP Impact Venture Accelerators (IVA). The IVA is a practical approach to help businesses focus on delivering products/services, business models and business plans which contribute to the SDGs.
The objective of the Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator Project is to support established entrepreneurs and SMEs, of which a proportion will be youth-led, to accelerate green growth in their businesses and through this, support the local transition to a green and sustainable economy, and enable green jobs for youth.
Each year, in each of the four countries in mention, two 5-months Accelerators will be implemented, and each Accelerator will include a cohort of up to 25 carefully recruited SMEs. Each company in the Accelerator will develop one or more business plans for green growth also integrating relevant ways for the company to create jobs for youth, either as a result of the implementation of the business plan, as means to realize the business plan, or preferably both.
Under the management and guidance of the UNDP Arab States Bureau’s Regional Youth Project Portfolio and the UNDP Nordic Represenattive Office, the Country Offices (CO) in the four participating countries will implement the Accelerators at the country level and leverage their longstanding local networks of relevant stakeholders across sectors (SMEs). The implementation will be done in close collaboration with local management consulting firms in each country (or regionally) who will assist the CO team in implementation and deliver strategic business development consulting on green growth and business instruments to grow business. The strategic business development consulting will consist of e.g., consulting on the development of business plans for new environmentally friendly products and services, through implementation of greener production or operational processes, and/or through the integration of selected standards that can enable some companies to get access to new markets.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the GGJA Project Manager, the Project Associate is expected to perform the following duties:
- Supports coordination with the Regional Youth Project Portfolio Team.
- Support facilitation of stakeholder engagement and dialogue with external partners relevant to the project implementation.
- Support the project oversight and management of local accelerators, including the monitoring of the implementation of activities and the expenditure of funds, as well as supporting project coordination efforts with the management consultants:
- Prepare structured progress reporting reports for SME cohorts
- Conducting monitoring visits at SME premises
- Support in collecting country-level project data at a field level.
- Collect data and material to be used in the development of communication material
- Participate in meetings and coordinate activites with local DAPP secretariats consisting of representatives of the projects in the overall Danish-Arab Partnership Programme’s Youth Employement and Entrepreneurship Program.
- Support the activation, facilitation and management of the UNDP Jordan Green Growth Hub (Heart of Amman Hub) as a central place for the Job Green Growth Community – for interactive exchange, thematic dialogue, events, joint initiative, awareness raising, and youth engagement. The HOA premises will be activated as a hub for SMEs, youth and project partners to exchange knowledge, share experiences and best practices.
- Support linking with UNDP Jordan programme initiatives on SDG Impact and Financing, Social Entrepreneurship and impact driven support to MSMEs.
- Map and assess the readiness of small businesses established under the different UNDP programmes to participate in the project- be included in the SMEs Cohorts.
- Support the process of documentation on progress
- Assist in the formulation of budgets;
- Assist in the formulation of procurement and HR plans;
- Identify and collect policy-related and other relevant information, documents and data, compile and analyze data for further use in project management.
- Support organization and coordination of meetings, training sessions, workshops, conferences, and project events and prepare reports and meeting minutes, as required
- Ensure full compliance of activities with UNDP rules, regulations, and policies.
Output 1: Accelerators:
Established entrepreneurs and SMEs, of which at least 10% will be youth-led enterprises, will be supported with green growth business instruments and advisory through an intensive 5-months business development process called the Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator. The youth-led enterprises will follow the same process in the accelerators as the non-youth-led companies. The overall goal of Output 1 is to target companies enabled to grow their business and create green jobs for youth.
Duties and responsibilities within Output 1:
- Support the implementation of two 5-month Accelerators each year between 2023-2027 in tandem (close collaboration) with management consultant firms:
- Support the recruitment process of SMEs to accelerators through inter-alia mapping, research and outreach activities
- Support on effective on the ground facilitation of green growth consulting services to individual SMEs in accelerator cohorts
- Conduct on daily project coordination with local management consultant firm
- Take part in fortnightly learning sessions with UNDP (Regional and Nordic offices) on SME progress, methodology/tools application and other items relevant to the project
- Support in collecting data and evidence on results from SMEs.
- Support the coordination of youth that are part of youth4sustainability and their involvement in the accelerators and support to SMEs.
- Support in feeding data, knowledge, information for the UNDP Arab States Regional Youth Platform (NextGenYouth Platform).
Output 2: SME Finance
Many of the target companies in the Accelerator are expected to need risk capital to realise their green growth business plans. UNDP will function as a connector between the target companies and relevant financial institutions providing capital to SMEs in and outside the region. Here, UNDP will also make use of the SDG Investor Maps, if available, to identify the supply and demand of investment appetite in the countries. Through the Accelerator, target companies that need finance will also be offered some coaching aiming to strengthen their ability to pitch green growth business plans to potential investors and capital providers. The overall goal of Output 2 is to ensure that green business solutions of target companies are accelerated by increased access to finance.
Duties and responsibilities within Output 2:
- Support the GGJA project manager on mapping and related research activities on sustainable finance and risk finance providers in Jordan and the region, relevant for the SMEs in the accelerators
- Support on matchmaking SMEs with relevant investors and finance providers
- Ensure related financial issues are tackled in a timely manne
Output 3: Learning Modality
In the MENA region, young entrepreneurs and businesses using digital platforms and technology and taking advantage of digital payment opportunities are on the rise. Output 3 will work to strengthen the capacity of entrepreneurs and SMEs to take advantage of these new digital growth opportunities which will be delivered through a targeted learning modality. The learning modality will comprise different learning assets including:
- Digital learning on 1) sustainable business development and innovation, 2) Impact Management and Measurement (IMM); and 3) ecommerce.
The overall goal of Output 3 is for youth and companies to be capacitated to accelerate and manage green, sustainable growth.
Duties and responsibilities within Output 3:
- Participate in design sessions and provide input relevant for local contexts with the team responsible for development of Learning Modality
- Support on outreach and facilitation of stakeholder dialogues with relevant networks and entities
- Support the project manager in embedding learning materials into relevant channels, curricula, and outlets of stakeholders to ensure wide uptake and use of the e-learning materials
- Support on design and setup of Green Growth Community to ensure local relevance and convergence with the Jordan context
- Support on onboarding SMEs alumni to the Green Growth Community
- Co-create and ideate on how best to use the Regional Youth Project Platform (NextGenYouth Platform) for creating a network, sharing knowledge, uploading assets, connecting youth job seekers to SMEs.
- Mapping viable accelerators existing in the national-level ecosystems.
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