Gender Adviser Jordan – Open to Nationals only

Gender Adviser Jordan – Open to Nationals only
NRC currently has over 3,000 staff across the Middle East dedicated to assisting people affected by displacement in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine. NRC’s interventions are based upon its programming expertise in six Core Competencies (CC): Shelter & Settlements, Education, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Livelihoods and Food Security (LFS), Information Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA), and Protection of vulnerable civilians affected by displacement against violence. To support its work in these Core Competencies, NRC has also elected globally to focus on a few cross-cutting thematic areas, including Cash & Markets, Climate Change and Environment, Durable Solutions and Self-Reliance, Integrated Programming, as well as Safe and Inclusive Programming.
Jordan currently hosts nearly 670,000 registered Syrian refugees. On average, they have lived in in Jordan for over seven years. In addition, there are nearly 90,000 refugees of other nationalities residing in Jordan and registered with UNHCR, who have quite a different set of needs and constraints than Syrian refugees. For the time being, the focus is on increasing the self-reliance of these populations as a pathway towards more durable solutions in the future: since the border with Syria re-opened in October 2018, only 7% of Syrian refugees have returned and no more than 1% resettle annually.
Often cited as amongst the most welcoming environment for refugees in the region, Jordan has put in place over the years a myriad of progressive policies in support of refugee presence in the country. Yet, despite tremendous efforts and goodwill from the Jordanian population, its government and the international community over the past decade, effective progress in terms of access of these refugees to decent and sustainable work opportunities has been limited. This is in part related to existing restrictive regulations for refugees in terms of access to various sectors of labour markets.
Overview of Role
This position is part of the Consortium Coordinating Unit (CCU) hosted by NRC, in the framework of the 20D4C (20 dunums for change) consortium. The Gender Adviser’s primary purpose is to carry out a project- wide gender analysis, working with all consortium membersto ensure activities are gender sensitive, taking a technical leadership so that gender is fully mainstreamed throughout NRC’s project cycle and all consortium’s activities.
He/she is responsible for selecting the gender equality tool to use, conducting a gender analysis at the start of the project, and guiding each member of the consortium in adapting their respective activities to make sure they are gender sensitive.
The Gender Adviser will provide a range of advisory support, technical oversight and capacity building to NRC Jordan and other consortium members in relation to the thematic area of gender. The Core Competency (CC) and Thematic team are part of a technical matrix structure and are required to work collaboratively with colleagues in both the technical and the operational management structures in the country office as well as work collaboratively with colleagues within the Consortia.
What you will do
- Responsible for supporting the development of gender strategies and implementation plans, in close coordination with the NRC Jordan technical Specialists (Shelter, Education, Livelihood, ICLA).
- Responsible for providing strategic advice, technical support, and capacity building support to NRC technical Specialists and implementation teams, to ensure the mainstreaming of gender in all programming, in line with global standards and international frameworks on gender and women’s rights.
- Ensure the integration of a gender sensitive approach into project planning and management of all NRC programming and propose strategies to increase program impact on gender equality.
- Responsible for ensuring compliance and adherence to NRC policies, guidance, and procedures in relation to the thematic area while contributing to the development of policies, strategies, tools, and new approaches with a focus on innovation and piloting.
- Facilitating and stimulating an environment conducive to innovation. Keeping informed on innovation insights and analysis of relevance to the gender thematic area.
- Contribute to development and delivery of induction and training provision on gender- act as a focal point on learning and development initiatives as an integral part of capacity building for the thematic area
- Responsible for ensuring that best practices within the thematic area are identified, documented, and disseminated.
- Provide timely inputs to workplans, budgets, and program and donor reports on gender components in compliance with internal requirements and any relevant external donor requirements, in close collaboration with the Specialists and Grants team.
- Work in partnership with M&E staff and program teams to conduct strategic gender analysis prior, during and after the implementation of the activities, to ensure the alignment of the programmatic areas in the M&E and PCM systems in relation to gender thematic area.
- Coordinate with Consortium members to ensure activities implemented by all members are gender sensitive, in compliance with donor and consortium rules, and accountability to beneficiaries, including, but not limited to;
- Responsible for identification, development, and maintenance of relationships with relevant stakeholders related to gender programming.
- Actively promote PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards & principles within NRC and amongst beneficiaries served by NRC, as well as within other consortium members.
- Participate in gender equality related working groups and maintain close working relationships with counterparts in other relevant international NGOs in Jordan.
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