اعلان توظيف للعمل لدى مكتب الأمم المتحدة للمتطوعين برواتب مجزية للمتحدثين باللغة العربية

اعلان توظيف لدى مكتب الامم المتحدة
English to Proper Arabic Translation for Social Media and Communications Materials
GeneralDescription of assignment titleEnglish to Proper Arabic Translation for Social Media and Communications Materials
Assignment countryJordan
Expected start dateInvalid Date
Sustainable Development Goal17. Partnerships for the goals
For how many hours per week will the volunteer be required?6 – 10
Host entityUNV Regional Office for Arab States
Duration6 weeks
Number of assignments1
DetailsMission and objectivesThe United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that supports human development globally by promoting volunteerism and by mobilizing volunteers. It is administered by UNDP and operates amidst growing recognition that volunteerism makes important contributions, economically and socially, to more cohesive societies by building trust and reciprocity among citizens.UNV Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS) provides oversight and strategic guidance to the UNV Field Units in their respective geographical assignments and is mainly accountable for the placement of UN Volunteers mobilized for UN Agencies, Funds, and Programmes focused on peace, development and humanitarian needs. Furthermore, ROAS represents and strategically positions UNV in the region, bringing UNV’s services and solutions closer to its partners from governments, UN entities, civil society, and the private sector. The Regional Office also leads to scoping and delivering UNV’s advisory service offer on volunteer infrastructure.
للبحث عن وظائف تناسبك اضغط هنا وظائف المبيعاتوظائف سائقينوظائف معلمين وظائف سكرتاريا وظائف المنظمات الدولية وظائف حكومية
ContextUNV Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS) represents and strategically positions UNV in the region, bringing UNV’s services and solutions closer to its partners from governments, UN entities, civil society, and the private sector. The Regional Office also leads the communication materials related to volunteer efforts in the Arab States Region.
We are seeking online volunteers support to translate some of our materials from English to proper Arabic to be shared on our social media accounts.
Task descriptionWe are seeking an online volunteer to assist us with translating social media posts and communications materials from English to proper Arabic. This will help us reach and engage with Arabic-speaking audiences and better communicate our mission and work. As an Online Volunteer, you will be responsible for translating around 10-15 materials, including social media posts promoting our events, campaigns, and initiatives, email newsletters and updates to our community of supporters, website content, such as about us pages, program descriptions, and blog posts, and communications materials, including brochures, flyers, 2-pagers, and posters.
RequirementsRequired experienceCandidates should be native in Arabic and fluent in English. Familiarity with technical terms related to volunteering will be considered an advantage. Previous translation experience is considered an asset.
LanguagesArabic, Level: Mother tongue, DesirableEnglish, Level: Fluent, Desirable
Other informationInclusivity statementUnited Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.
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