إعلان توظيف اكثر من 23 شاغر لدى منظمة ميرسي كور برواتب تصل 900 دينار | بخبرة و بدون خبرة

اكثر من 23 شاغر لدى منظمة ميرسي كور برواتب تصل 900 دينار | بخبرة و بدون خبرة
اعلان توظيف صادر عن منظمة ميرسي كورالشواغر في ميرسي كور
Community Accountability Reporting Mechanism (CARM) Assistant (Jordan)Procurement Coordinator (Jordan)Procurement Officer (Jordan)Information Management Senior Coordinator (Jordan)MHPSS Senior Training Officer (Jordan)Finance Manager (Jordan)Outreach and Coordination Coordinator (Northern Jordan) (Jordan)Digital Mentoring Community Success Senior Coordinator (Jordan)Finance Officer (Jordan)Outreach and Coordination Specialist (Jordan)Finance Assistant (Jordan)Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Officer (Jordan)Access to Finance Lead (Jordan)Communications Officer (Jordan)Senior Project Management Officer (Jordan)Research and Analytics Coordinator (Jordan)Outreach and Coordination Coordinator (Southern Jordan) (Jordan)Communications Manager (Jordan)Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer (Jordan)Project Assistant (Jordan)Area Project Assistant (Jordan)Research and Learning Officer (Jordan)Sub Grants Compliance and Capacity Building Officer (Jordan)About Mercy CorpsMercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. To do this, we know our teams doاعلان توظيف. اكثر من 23 شاغر لدى منظمة ميرسي كور برواتب تصل 900 دينار بخبرة وبدونtheir best work when they are diverse and every team member feels that they belong. We welcomediverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be stronger and have a long-term impact.Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. Indisaster, in hardship, and in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutionsinto action, helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities now and for thefuture.Mercy Corps has worked in Jordan since 2003 to implement a variety of programs funded by globalpublic institutions, as well as private donors, to meet the urgent needs of vulnerable populations, buildcohesive and civically engaged communities, and increase inclusive economic opportunities. MercyCorps’ current portfolio in Jordan focuses on three domains: resilient individuals, strong communitiesand governance, and environmentally sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Mercy Corpsintegrates crosscutting themes of youth, gender equality and empowerment, governance, naturalresource management, and technology.The Program / Department / TeamInformal Livelihoods Advancement Activity (Iqlaa ع (is a five-year USAID-funded program that aims tosupport Jordan’s home-based businesses (HBBs) and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to grow,transform, and become resilient to future shocks. HBBs and MSEs are essential drivers of employmentand economic stability in Jordan. Micro and small enterprises represent 98 percent of all businesses inJordan and compose half of the country’s private sector employment. Therefore, the Iqlaa ع approachplaces formal and informal Jordanian HBBs and MSEs on a path to recovery, stabilization, and growth,focusing on four critical sectors: agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and services, with special attentionto technology development and implementation.Iqlaa ع works to implement best practices in crisis response, enterprise strengthening, inclusive jobcreation, and financial sector development within a market-systems development (MSD) framework andleveraging innovative behavioral change methodologies to facilitate long-term, sustainable changes inthe behaviors or stakeholders and beneficiaries that align better with the current needs of Jordan’sMSEs. Iqlaa ع will offer bundled support through technical assistance and grants. The program will workwith market sector actors to offer five main grants: formalization, start-up funding, business Growth,innovation & Scale, and Technology Integration.The PositionThe Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, and learning officer will support the implementation and use of themonitoring and evaluation system to improve Iqlaa ع’s impact on MSEs and overall economic growth inJordan. The Senior MEL officer will provide support in setting up MEL data collection and reportingsystems, Additionally, the MEL Senior Officer will work with the MEL assistant in making properdocumentation and filing it to ensure the project is following minimum standards set out in the agreement.Also, the MEL Senior officer will be responsible for reporting program achievement and developing MELanalysis and reports. The MEL Senior Officer will report directly to the Monitoring and EvaluationCoordinator but will work closely with other project team members and program partners.Essential ResponsibilitiesMONITORING, EVALUATION AND LEARNING, INFORMATION, AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT● Support the development of a MEL plan.● Support the development of a systematic and realistic monitoring plan that captures quantitativeand qualitative data to report on program indicators.● Patriciate in planning and conducting quarterly and final learning reviews.● Participate in planning, and conducting the Data Quality assessment (DQAs), by ensuring thatall stakeholders are aware of the indicator’s definition and method of calculation.● Support in updating MEL results on the MC data visualization system (TolaData) regularly.● Assist in organizing and maintaining filing for the project in accordance with Mercy CorpsProgram Management Minimum Standards.● Support in developing hard and soft copy filing structures for documents. And ensure that theevidence filing by the program team and partners are using the filing structure.● Ensure compliance with relevant Mercy Corps MEL and donor policies and regulations● Support in developing MEL training material for capacity building.● Support in building the capacity of project teams and partners on the data collection andmanagement, analysis, reporting techniques, and requirements for relevant donors througharranging structured training and providing continuous on-the-job training to partners.● Ensure adherence to participants’ data protection protocols.● Actively participate in MC-Jordan MEL community of practice and support other MEL teamswhere needed.● Supervising three assistants located in 3 different locations.● Other duties as assigned.
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