اعلان توظيف مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى مؤسسة نهر الاردن

اعلان توظيف مطلوب للعمل لدى مؤسسة نهر الاردن
تعلن مؤسسة نهر الاردن عن حاجته الى :
About the job
The budget senior officer is responsible all financial aspects related to the budgets of funded projects, including recording the financial transactions and verifying their accuracy, following up on budgets and preparing the required reports for donors and management.
- Monitors the expenditure on the budget and approving the purchase requisitions (PRs) for the project to make sure spending is within the approved budget.
- Reviews the financial claims and ensuring their compliance with JRF SOPs and manuals, in addition to its compliance with the donor rules and regulations.
- Reviews and checking all kind of payments (CBOs, suppliers, staff advances, benefices money transfer) prepared by finance assistant to complete review process cycle.
- Monthly closing of accounting records related to projects to make sure balances matched.
- Prepares internal and external financial reports on time and submit it for budgeting supervisor for review and approval to monitor spending and follow up on spending plan.
- Maintains and update documents, records, files, and reports related to his work and keep it up to date for auditing purposes.
- Commitment to implement the approved systems, procedures, and guidelines during work to achieve organizational goals.
- Strives to achieve the highest levels of proficiency on all competencies and skills required to perform the role
- Sets performance goals in the beginning of the year after discussion with the Reporting Manager and ensures that the goals are achieved during the course of the year
- Identifies the training and development requirements for self and agrees on them with the Reporting Manager to ensure that the required training is arranged and attended
- Ensures detailed and accurate documentation and reporting relating to the requirements of the function.
- Manages, priorities and organizes self, relating to additional tasks requested by Shared Services Management to support the Foundation achieve its business plan. Manages, prioritizes and organizes self, relating to additional tasks requested by Function Management to support the Foundation achieve its business plan.
- Performs other responsibilities and tasks as required or as directed by management from time to time
- Uphold the code of conduct and PSEA-related policies to ensure the adherence to HR Policies
- Actively participate in SEA-related trainings and awareness-raising efforts, including support for dissemination of PSEA materials to ensure the adherence to HR Policies
- Report allegations of SEA through the designated reporting channels to ensure the adherence to HR Policies
- Participate in investigations of SEA allegations as appropriate to ensure the adherence to HR Policies
- Identify and mitigate/avoid SEA-related programmer risks (particularly for personnel involved in programming) to ensure the adherence to HR Policies
- Bachelor in Accounting or Finance.
- Strong English and Arabic language skills (written and spoken)
- 5-7 Years of experience.
للبحث عن وظائف تناسبك اضغط هنا وظائف المبيعاتوظائف سائقينوظائف معلمين وظائف سكرتاريا وظائف المنظمات الدولية
للتقديم من خلال الضغط على الصورة بالاعلى
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على التليجرام
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على الواتس اب
للمزيد من الوظائف بالاردن اضغط هنا
محتوى "وظيفتك عنا" محمي بموجب قانون حقوق الطّبع والنّشر، يمنع اقتباس المحتوى دون إذن مسبق أو إحالة مباشِرة على المصدر
مزيدا من المعلومات حول أقتباس المحتوى