وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن

Design and roll-out a three-year Gender and social inclusion action plan


The Jordan Economic Reform Activity Task Order 1 (ERA TO1) is a 5-year, $54 million program funded by USAID, which aims to support the Government of Jordan (GOJ) to prioritize and implement economic reforms. Through coordination with the GOJ, the Jordanian and international private sector, other donors, and Jordanian civil society, ERA TO 1 will (1) advance economic reforms, (2) strengthen the business enabling environment, (3) increase exports and local, regional, and international investments, and (4) respond to emerging priorities. 

In year 1, USAID ERA conducted a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis for five themes of ERA and identified areas of opportunities to enhance inclusion within economic reform, and specifically exports. The GESI Analysis gender and trade section included specific recommendations that focus on improving and expanding exports and investments through targeted support for gender inclusion. The findings further emphasise the need to increase GESI within Jordan Exports (JE).


JE has the potential to extend its services and support to women-focused businesses, and to support businesses led by women and men alike. ERA will collaborate with JE to design a process that strengthens JE ownership and commitment to inclusion, including: a basic inclusion pledge that targets the main components of JE, agreeing on a gender action plan, conducting coaching and training programs on gender. This will enable JE to service and enable export-led inclusion and growth. The purpose of this scope is to strengthen institutional GESI within JE. More specifically, the main two outputs envisioned for this assignment are as follows:

  1. A Participatory Gender Audit Report of JE which takes into consideration the exports ecosystem
  2. A three-year Gender Equality and Social Inclusion action plan within Jordan Exports that is aligned with ERA existing collaboration with JE, and overall, Gender and Trade interventions by ERA

The SOW will contribute to the implementation of USAID/Jordan ERA Y2 Activity 3.1.2. Roll-out a three-year inclusion action plan within JE. The results will be measured against the following indicator:

  • Number of legal instruments drafted, proposed or adopted with USG assistance designed to promote gender equality or non-discrimination against women or girls at the national or sub-national level (Standard F: GNDR-1; Mission PMP 5.2.1.a)


The selected consultant will develop, design and roll-out a three-year inclusion action plan within JE. This assignment will include the following activities:

Activities and Deliverables






  1. Kick off meeting with ERA which includes sharing ERA’s GESI report and other material requested by the consultant in order to develop an outline for a three-year GESI action plan within JE

D1. Action Plan

One week after signing the contract



  1. Conduct desk research, and linking assignment to already existing national policies, baselines, and indicators around gender and exports. This shall be followed by a debriefing meeting

D2a. Literature review document not exceeding 20 pages, which links inclusion and women economic empowerment policies within EMV

D2b. Debriefing meeting minutes

Two weeks after approval of Action Plan



  1. Design the participatory Gender Audit, including the quantitative and qualitative tools

D3. Findings of research tool analysis and main findings

Four weeks after signing the contract


Tools can be in Arabic, while findings in English

  1. Implement Gender Audit and submit First Draft of Gender Audit

D4. Gender Audit Report with annexes, methodologies, list of participants, and pictures. Not to exceed 40 pages

Five weeks after signing the contract


Report is in English

  1. De-Briefing about the Gender Audit

D5. Power Point Presentation

Five weeks after signing the contract


  1. Draft three-year GESI plan for JE with accompanying tools (HR, M&E, Communications, capacity Building, etc)

D6. Three Year Inclusion plan for JE

Eight weeks after signing the contract


  1. Workshop for presenting and discussion the three-year action plan for feedback and validation

D7a: Power Point Presentation

D7b: Notes from discussions

Eight weeks after signing the contract


  1. Final Report including:

The Gender Audit and the Three Year GESI Plan for JE

D8: Final Report with Annexes





This assignment is to be conducted in Amman.


The deliverables for this assignment shall consist of deliverables specified in the table above.


  • B.A. in Gender Studies, Human Rights, Law, Administration, Business, or any related field
  • More than five years of Gender Audit assignments for medium and large size institutions
  • Experience in developing strategies and plans
  • Demonstrated knowledge of international trade and export preferred
  • Proven cultural sensitivity to gender norms and beliefs
  • Experience in analyzing policies from a gender perspective
  • Experience with private sector and government entities.
  • Sound working knowledge of economic reform, experience in exports in a plus
  • Excellent writing and qualitative research skills
  • Strong communication, negotiation and writing skills.
  • Flexible team player with the ability to also work independently.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English.


The position holder will directly report to the GESI Advisor and Export Promotion Component Team Lead

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications no later than Thursday, April 06, 2023

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