تعلن سفارة هولندا في عمان عن توفر شاغر لديها وبراتب 2800 دينار اردني

//تعلن سفارة هولندا في عمان عن توفر شاغر لديها وبراتب 2800 دينار اردني
تعلن سفارة هولندا في عمان عن توفر شاغر لديها وبراتب 2800 دينار اردني

A| Basic information
محتويات المقالة :
Job title | Policy Officer on Climate Action |
Service component/ Post | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), Amman, Jordan |
Job level | 09 – Gross monthly starting salary in the range of JOD 2.160 to 2.880, depending on qualifications and relevant experience. Other benefits include medical insurance, Social Security, 13th and 14th month, leave days and family allowances. |
Number of working hours/week | 37.5 |
A2. Introduction
In December 2022, the Netherlands government released its first whole-of-government Global Climate Strategy. It describes how the Netherlands wants to strengthen its response to climate challenges, both domestically and globally. The focus will be on the three pillars of the Paris Agreement: mitigation, adaptation and finance. Addressing climate change is also an integral part of the Netherlands’ Multi-Annual Country Strategy (MACS) 2023-2026 for Jordan. In our efforts, we closely cooperate and coordinate with the Government of Jordan. The Netherlands will provide support to Jordan to achieve its NDC climate ambitions. Specific mitigation measures that the Netherlands will continue to contribute to are energy efficiency in the water sector, nature inclusive solutions in agriculture and investment in renewable energy. The Netherlands will contribute to adaptation by reducing water use through the promotion of water and climate smart agriculture and by making new water sources available through desalination, rainwater harvesting and treating wastewater. The Netherlands will also support exploring innovative green finance options. The Netherlands is keen to identify new and innovative approaches, closely linked to our interventions in the water, private sector development and agriculture sectors.
B| Tasks and responsibilities
B1. Description of tasks
The policy officer on climate will be responsible for:
- monitoring and advising on the status and trends in the legal, policy and institutional framework in relation to climate change in Jordan;
- providing policy advise with a view to achieving maximum climate-related impact in the Netherlands Multi-Annual Country Strategy 2023-2026, also considering the local situation and the needs, knowledge and experiences of vulnerable groups and aligning with the priorities of the Government of Jordan;
- proactively incorporating considerations of climate change impacts (including climate adaptation) within development cooperation programming, project design and implementation, particularly in the fields of water and private sector development (PSD), in close cooperation with the respective policy officers;
- exploring opportunities for involvement Dutch (knowledge) institutions and private sector in the green transition, in close cooperation with the trade officer;
- supporting cooperation and dialogue between the Netherlands and Jordan on policies, strategies and plans with regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation, including with regard to the NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) partnership.
- building, expanding and maintaining a strong functional network of, and actively liaise with, contacts within relevant government authorities, civil society, private sector, knowledge institutions, societial structures such as tribes and relevant international development partners and (I)NGOs;
- managing and ensuring (project cycle) administration of selected projects, programs and activities;
- providing support into accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals related to climate;
- carrying out other tasks on the basis of professional capabilities and capacity as deemed necessary in the framework of the EKN activities, like preparing incoming or outgoing missions.
B2. Description of result areas
- Organizing key data, to be available for notes, reports, monitoring sheets/result monitoring etc.
- Contribution to policy notes, briefs, studies, strategies and where necessary concrete advice on legal, policy and institutional framework in relation to climate change in Jordan.
- Briefs, advice on opportunities and/or constraints in incorporating considerations of climate change impacts and adaptation within development cooperation programming, project design and implementation, particularly in the fields of water and private sector development (PSD), in close cooperation with the respective policy officers;
- A relevant network of contacts with relevant GOJ authorities, civil society, private sector, knowledge institutes and development partners, and (I)NGOs. Optimal functioning liaison/communication with relevant partners, including representing the embassy in relevant meetings.
- Opportunities for cooperation between NL and JOR (knowledge) institutions and private sector in the green transition identified; advice provided to individual companies in collaboration with the Embassy’s trade officer.
- Effective interaction and cooperation with Jordanian government stakeholder on policies, strategies and plans with regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation, including with regard to the NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) partnership.
- Well managed project activities in the field of climate change: activities conceived, identified, appraised, registered, monitored and closed in line with established rules and regulations.
- Contributions to the preparation and monitoring of annual and multi-annual plans, budgets and progress reports.
- Stimulate the interaction between water-energy-food environment within Jordan. This can be done by pro-actively exploring opportunities for policy making and implementation (identifying win-win situations).
- Execution of other assigned tasks deemed necessary in the scope of embassy activities.
C| Requirements for the position
We are looking for a strong team player with an excellent understanding of the latest developments and policies regarding climate change at international level and in Jordan and their interconnectedness with sectors such as water, private sector development, agriculture and energy. He/she takes initiative and is good at building connections and putting the dots together to make the most out of this newly created position at the Embassy. She/he is politically savvy. A networker within the public as well as the private sector, in Jordan, but also with the colleagues and the private sector in The Netherlands. Excellent analytical thinking and writing skills in English.
C1. Knowledge, education and skills
- Excellent knowledge and understanding of the latest developments and relevant ministerial frameworks and responsibilities, legislation and policies regarding climate change in Jordan. This requires knowledge and understanding of international policies (relating to the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement) as well.
- General knowledge about the water situation and sector in Jordan and its connection to agriculture and climate change;
- General knowledge about the private sector in Jordan;
- A proven appropriate network of contacts in relevant Jordanian government institutions, private sector and civil society (NGOs, CBOs);
- Experience in project cycle management, incl. monitoring and evaluation;
- Knowledge of Jordanian culture, tribes and habits.
Level of education
- Master degree in a relevant academic area;
- Level of experience: a minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience is required.
- Good communication skills;
- Mother tongue Arabic, fluent English language skills (written and verbal) required;
- Excellent political antenna
- Skill in translating insights and information into advice, plans and reports and in assessing their policy and financial implications;
- Networking skills and ability to establish and maintain diplomatic and other contacts at a higher level;
- A proactive approach and ability to work independently;
- Dedicated and energetic team-member, who enjoys working closely with others;
- Good computer skills.
- Ability to work with others
- Ability to work independently
- Goal-centeredness
- Integrity
- Organizational sensitivity
- Initiative
- Environmental consciousness
- Networking skills
- Analytical thinking
- Flexibility
- Eager to learn
D| Working environment and contacts
The Policy Officer on Climate is part of the integrated policy team of the Embassy, headed by the Deputy Head of Mission. With a view to coordinating bilateral and regional efforts, the Policy Officer on Climate will cooperate closely with the Netherlands’ Regional Envoy for Water, Energy and Food, who is also part of the Embassy team in Amman.
The Netherlands embassy is located in Abdoun Al Shamali. The Embassy team consists of 40 staff members among which attachés, (regional) policy officers and support staff. The atmosphere at the embassy is informal, and very much one-team oriented, with a ‘can do’-mentality. The mission of the Embassy in the different policy fields is considered a joint responsibility of all. Working languages are English, Dutch, Arabic.
- With the involved ministries and authorities in Jordan and in the Netherlands;
- With development agencies, other embassies and the business community;
- With relevant knowledge institutes in the Netherlands and in Jordan;
- With diplomats and fellow policy officers in the Dutch Embassy in order to cooperate with them and advise them; with other embassy staff on a variety of work-related matters, including on procedures and working methods;
- With independent civil society organisations, such as CBO`s and NGO’s.
E| How to apply
If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your cover letter and CV to
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