وظائف في الاردنوظائف وظيفتك عنا
مطلوب كادر موظفين للعمل لدى الملكية برواتب من 500 الى 1000 دينار

تعلن الملكية الاردنية عن حاجتها الى موظفي
Staff Travel
Job Description
- Handling all Received duty forms from different departments and stations.
- Handling travel arrangements for direct and indirect destinations & calculating the fees for each ticket issued.
- Booking and confirming accommodation for RJ employees on duty.
- Conducting a detailed analysis for the cost of duty trips on a quarterly basis.
- Ensuring that the best route, accommodation are booked for the employees in terms of cost, timing, and location
- Representing RJ, participating on worldwide conferences, and meeting
- Handling all invoices related to the duty travel.
- Well-developed interpersonal & Communication skills with fluency in English.
- Excellent computer and MS Office skills
- Ability to work under pressure and problem-solving abilities.
- Flexibility in working hours.
- Time Management; organizing and prioritizing work assignments.
- Demonstrate ability to follow instructions and complete tasks independently.
- Experience in Travel Arrangements
- Knowledge of Amadeus ticketing system is a must.
- Education
- Tourism Management or any related field
IT Auditor
Job DescriptionAbout the Job
Conducting internal audits with high quality and ensuring audit reports are properly reviewed and acknowledged by the Manager or Head of Department
Responsibilities:للبحث عن وظائف تناسبك اضغط هنا وظائف المبيعاتوظائف سائقينوظائف معلمين وظائف سكرتاريا وظائف المنظمات الدولية وظائف حكومية
- Conducting an internal audit with an audit report covering auditing procedure, findings, risks, and recommendation
- Understand and analyze business processes
- Conducting audit plan and audit program
- Excellent command of English Communication and Negotiation skills.
- Strong organizational skills; ability to interact effectively with international and national personnel.
- Have a clear understanding of the procurement procedures.
- Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Excel).
- Accurate and Precise attention to details
- Minimum of a 4 year experience in IT Auditing (Preferably in Aviation)
EducationComputer Science or any related field
للتقديم من خلال الضغط على الصورة بالاعلى
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على التليجرام
اضغط هنا للتواصل معنا على الواتس اب
للمزيد من الوظائف بالاردن اضغط هنا
محتوى "وظيفتك عنا" محمي بموجب قانون حقوق الطّبع والنّشر، يمنع اقتباس المحتوى دون إذن مسبق أو إحالة مباشِرة على المصدر
مزيدا من المعلومات حول أقتباس المحتوى