موقع سجلموقع فرصة

مطلوب محاسب للعمل لدى مؤسسة الملك حسين

نظرة عامة

مطلوب محاسب للعمل لدى مؤسسة الملك حسين

The King Hussein Foundation is seeking qualified candidates to fill in the position of “Accountant”.

He/ She will be responsible for performing the day-to-day financial transactions, assisting in the preparation of annual budgets, producing regular reports, preparing the yearly external and internal audit documents, and ensuring strict adherence to finance policies.

Minimum Requirements: a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, 1-3 years experience, fluency in English, proficiency in excel and ERP systems, and strong problem-solving skills.

Qualified candidates are invited to send their C.V. s to email Deadline: March 11th, 2023

[email protected]


في اي وقت تبحث فيه عن وظائف اكتب في جوجل فرصة للوظائف و ستظهر لك احدث الوظائف

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قناة فرصة للوظائف

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