مطلوب مساعد قانوني لدى كوكا كولا ارينا في دبي ، الإمارات

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مطلوب مساعد قانوني لدى كوكا كولا ارينا في دبي ، الإمارات آخر تحديث: 13
مطلوب مساعد قانوني لدى كوكا كولا ارينا في دبي ، الإمارات
Legal Assistant
About the role
It’s a part-time job with a flexible and hybrid work model. Should provide full business and administrative support to the Legal Executive. You are required to work closely with stakeholders and clients. You must be able to draft basic legal letters, NOC’s and simple addendums. Moreover, must have experience in reviewing documents and fill in relevant details into contract templates. Able to manage basic administrative work, such as contract approval forms and receipt of documents. In addition should follow up with the relevant departments and external parties and be a people person. Maintain and archive all legal documents as per internal policy, and able to assist the research of legal issues.
About YOU
Should be motivated, dedicated, driven and a team player. Must be accustomed to a hybrid work mode, and have own visa since it’s a freelancer part-time role. Legal Assistant certification or diploma is Desirable but not necessary. You must have a minimum 2-years’ experience in similar role, preferable in the UAE. Fluent in English but Arabic is a plus. You must be familiar with law, legal procedures and protocols and able to work unsupervised. Last but not least, you must have excellent communication skills at all levels with a great eye for detail.
About the venue
Bold, passionate, remarkable and exhilarating! Coca-Cola Arena takes dreams and makes them a reality… in the heart of Dubai.
Dubai Holding and ASM Global are together supporting the vision to pioneer the biggest and best in music, family entertainment, sport and business events in Dubai and the region. Opened in 2019, the multipurpose Coca-Cola Arena, proudly operated by ASM Global, provides one iconic venue for the ultimate in live entertainment for the GCC/MENA region.
About ASM Global
ASM Global is the world’s leading producer of entertainment experiences. It is the global leader in venue and event strategy and management – delivering locally tailored solutions and cutting-edge technologies to achieve maximum results for venue owners. The company’s elite venue network spans five continents, with a portfolio of more than 350 of the world’s most prestigious arenas, stadiums, performing arts venues, and convention and exhibition centers, including McCormick Place Chicago; Moscone Center San Francisco; ICC Sydney Australia; Olympia London; Shenzhen World China; and P&J Live in Aberdeen, U.K.
التقديم هنا
تابع نشمي للوظائف على
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على جوجل نيوز اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على الفيس بوك اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على لينكد اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على تويتر اضغط هنا
شارك هذا الموضوع:
- اضغط للمشاركة على تويتر (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على فيسبوك (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- المزيد
- اضغط لتشارك على LinkedIn (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط لمشاركة الموضوع على Reddit (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط للمشاركة على Tumblr (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على Telegram (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على WhatsApp (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
معجب بهذه:
إعجاب تحميل… قانونيكوكاكوكا كولاكولامساعد السابق
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