Governance, Gender, and Institutional Development Advisor Consultant, Jordan

Governance, Gender, and Institutional Development Advisor Consultant, Jordan
Position Description
The Makanati | USAID Women Economic Empowerment and leadership Activity will use a Champions of Change approach to work with private sector firms, the government, community- based organizations (CBOs), and other high-level stakeholders to create an enabling environment for women to undertake waged employment in the private sector in Jordan. To that end, Makanati will work with partners and stakeholders to encourage women to consider career choices in high-growth, priority sectors and promote the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in Jordan’s labor force. Using a targeted sector and regional focus, Makanati will seek to increase women’s access to the job market and demand-driven job skills and leadership training that responds to market needs. Makanati will also identify and address policy gaps, workplace inequalities and prohibitive social norms and traditions to support an equitable and inclusive workforce enabling environment.
Makanati’s goal is to establish pathways through which social change and economic opportunities lead to a systemic shift from women’s exclusion to inclusion in market systems and increase women’s economic participation in the private sector. This holistic approach will bridge the gap between women’s and men’s inclusion in the workforce and, overall, will contribute to inclusive economic growth in Jordan.
Makanati is implemented by EnCompass LLC in partnership with Nathan Associates, Integrated International and JoWomenomics.
The objective of this consultancy is to work with Makanati team as a technical resource to the government component to assess and recommend a strategy for the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming in governance processes and staffing within the government entities targeted by Makanati.
All responsibilities and activities for this consultancy will be guided by Senior Government and Policy Lead.
This position is a short-term consultancy based in Amman, Jordan.
Expected level of effort: up to 60 days