شركة استشارية في عمان بحاجة الى موظفين بتخصصات هندسية او اقتصاد

Consulting firm in Amman looking for candidates with relevant experience in developing and writing Business Plans & Feasibility Studies, with specific expertise in financial planning.
A successful candidate would have the following profile:
• relevant experience in developing and writing Business Plans*
• relevant experience in developing and writing Feasibility Studies*
• corporate finance skills (financial planning, financial modelling, project evaluation)
• ability to conduct a market analysis and elaborate a marketing strategy
• good knowledge of theoretical business concepts and models
• relevant education background – Industrial Engineering, economics/ Finance or Technical
• very good knowledge of English
• very good command of MS Office applications
*relevant experience and specific skills will be verified during the selection process.
يمكن التقديم مباشرة عبر الضغط على الصورة
*** ملاحظة : إذا لم تستطع التقديم من خلال الضغط على الصورة يرجى الدخول الى المصدر لتتمكن من تقديم الطلب .