وظائف في الاردنوظائف وظيفتك عنا
مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى شركة أمريكية بدوام مسائي براتب جيد وعمولة وتأمين صحي

The company’s name is Allied Digital Media. It's an American company based out of Amman, Jordan.
Below you will find the type of employment available and the description.
-SDR, Call Center employees to partner with our sales department.
-Prospect and make calls.
-Must be fluent in English (Speaking, writing, and reading).
-Good pay + Commission.
-Social Security.
-A+ Health Insurance after 3 months.
-Work hours are from 4:00 pm – 1 am Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday days off.
-Every hour you get a 5-minute break and at 7 pm a half-hour lunch break.
-Location of the office – Dabouq.
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