STTA – Access to Finance Trainer

STTA – Access to Finance Trainer
Activity Name: Training and Coaching
SOW No. and Title: Developing Access to Finance (A2F) training material and Reporting for Waste Recycling Sector in
Jordan as a part of the Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) Training Program
Period of Performance: 15 December 2022 – 20 March 2022
Level of Effort: Up to 18 working days
Consultant’s Name: Local STTA
The Recycling in Jordan Activity is a multi-year Activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Activity is partnering with the Ministry of Environment (MOENV), the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM), and private-sector recycling companies to increase the commercial sector’s utilization of recycling services in Amman.
Through a market-based approach, the USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity seeks to improve and expand private-sector recycling markets, increasing demand for and use of recycling services within Amman’s commercial sector and improving the business-enabling environment for recycling services and material markets.
During FY2021, USAID Recycling in Jordan launched the “Waste Management and Recycling Acceleration Training Program for Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in the Recycling Sector in Amman” as part of the USAID Recycling Jordan’s efforts to enhance the competitiveness of waste management service providers in Jordan. The training aims to strengthen the capacity of small and growing businesses in the areas of industry analysis and evaluation, marketing and sales, business modeling, supply chain optimization, solid waste management characterization and basic feasibility assessment, process mapping and operations, quality assurance and quality control, financial knowledge, and literacy, and practical – solid waste management characterization, and sorting techniques. Through the engagement with different types of service providers across the value chains in terms of functions and business models; The Activity team recognized that service providers based on their position in the value chains widely varies in the levels of their competencies and abilities that require different training topics and business models to adopt recycling. It was also very clear that the process of mixing the ToT and SP trainings, then following them with one-on-one coaching sessions was effective. Moreover, the process of engaging all training participants in deciding on the training approach, topics, timing, and dates was effective as well due to high attendance and commitment.
Based on feedback sessions and discussions conducted with different attendees of the previous training cohorts, recommendations revealed the necessity of adding a new training module about Access to Finance for Recycling Sector in Jordan to raise the participants’ awareness and provide them with the required knowledge.
The Recycling in Jordan Activity plans to implement two small and growing business training cohorts in FY2023 targeting different types of recycling service providers across the value chains for the purpose of equipping them with business skills and modeling as needed to improve their understanding of the market and enhance their value proposition, hence improving their ability to promote their services and products more effectively.
This consultancy aims to develop a new training module about Access to Finance (A2F) and the training material will be tailored to fit with the requirements of the private-led recycling sector in Jordan. This new module will be added to the other training modules that were developed and prepared for the first “Small and Growing Businesses Training Program” that tackles the needs of the targeted private firms in the waste recycling sector across the value chains in Jordan, who will be invited to engage in the upcoming training cohorts.
Moreover, the consultancy aims to develop a separate report on “Access to Finance” for the purpose of informing the recycling service providers about potential financial assistance of existing financing programs and the process and procedure to qualify and apply for financing as well as recommendations on next steps for way forward.
The Recycling in Jordan Activity envisions delivering business training materials to target the following groups:
- Service Providers: individuals, businesses, and/or civil society organizations in the formal or informal sector who provide services to waste generators that contribute to reducing, reusing, and recycling. This includes advisory services with the objective of improving solid waste management practices (reusing, repurposing, or selling). These services include any services provided by any actor across the value chain – including but not limited to – separation at source, aggregation, collection, sorting, processing, and transportation of the recyclables.
- Based on the above definition, it is expected that the upcoming training cohorts may include different groups of service providers in terms of function or location across the value chain – including but not limited to – collectors, transporters, sorters, aggregators, and processors. As well as manufacturers or end markets defined by their outputs, which are finished commercial products used by other sectors. The training program should be tailored to the needs and capacities of the target groups.
The Consultant shall use his education, considerable experience, and resources to develop/ customize a new training module about “Access to Finance (A2F)” that will be added to training curricula of the Small and Growing Businesses Training and Coaching Program. The Consultant should keep very close coordination with the USAID Recycling in Jordan in performing the following tasks:
Deliverable I: Develop “Access to Finance A2F” Training Curricula and Material
- Conduct a rapid desk review study on the available literature and reports related to Access to Finance topic in Jordan including any that were published by USAID funded projects in recent years. The output of this desk research study will be used for developing the content of the training module. To ensure consistency with the original curricula and format of the training program, USAID Recycling in Jordan will provide the consultant with “Financial Literacy Training Material” as PowerPoints format to be considered in preparing the content.
- Map the green/environmental funds and finance in Jordan provided by public, private, national, and international donors, and NGOs. This mapping exercise shall include the themes, sectors, beneficiaries that are eligible to be funded by these entities.
- Based on the findings of the desk research, prepare a table of content (headline and sub-headline) for the new training and educational module entitled (Access to Finance for recycling sector in Jordan) and make sure to cover the guiding topics but not limited to the following
Defining the concept of financing and what financing means?
- Why understanding concept of finance is important?
- What is the amount of finance needed for the company's project?
- What will the company use the finance for?
- How the selection of the right financing source depends on the amount of money needed?
- Needs vs Wants
- Availability and affordability
Types and sources of finance in Jordan and requirements for each
- Debt Financing (Secured/unsecured loans (commercial banks loans), Family and Friends (unsecured), Micro loans (invoice/trade financing), Asset Finance and Leasing, Crowd-Lending, Bonds
- Equity Investment (Business Angels / Private Equity / Public Funding, Crowd-Investing, Family and Friends, Corporate Venturing, Own resources, internal funding, Venture Capitalist
- Grants and Subsidies (national/regional/international)
- Governmental Sources
- Franchising
- Finance and Micro-Finance products in Jordan
- Access to sustainability and green finance
- Access to climate finance
Ecosystem of Financial inclusion in Jordan and relevance to the waste recycling sector in Jordan
- Map of the financial institutions in Jordan
- Different scale of available funds especially for the waste management and recycling sector
- Type of finance vs growth/size of firm/business
- Financing’s pre-requisites categorized by the type and function of the financial institution type
Access to digital financial services in Jordan
- Pivotal role of digitalization (particularly digital payments)
How to access the finance?
- Selection of the most appropriate finance to firms/business needs and future expectations
- Demonstrate prerequisites for Financing process/procedure(s), Templates used, and documentation as needed.
- Collateral requirements
- Access to finance for startups, women, and youth-led businesses
- Planning ahead for your financing and Investment readiness.
- Once the provided table of content approved by the Activity, the consultant will start with preparing and developing the training material/module with adaption of the content to the Jordanian context and the needs of different service providers across the recycling value chains in Jordan. This includes developing the examples and the required templates by reflecting the “localization” and the training needs in the recycling sector.
- Share the draft material/module with the respective Activity team and its local partner, if any, for their review and feedback to reflect in the final version of the training module and curricula.
- The training material/modules should consider the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) framework, through – but not limited to – the following:
- Include the sub-topic regarding Access to Finance for women and youth-led businesses. This topic should illustrate the type of challenges women and youth face in Access to finance.
- Identify the available resources/entities that support women and youth businesses that facilitate their access to finance and the facilitation provided for them.
- Prepare the training material/module in the Arabic language for the Activity’s approval (quality version) and afterward to be presented and delivered to participants during the workshop training and training session in the SGBs program as clarified in the below.
Deliverable 2: Access to Finance (A2F) Training Workshop conducted, and Access to Finance (A2F) report prepared and submitted to the Activity
- Deliver and conduct a one-day training workshop of Access to Finance according to the previous recycling service providers across the value chain, who were participated in the former rounds of the SGBs training program. The activity will provide the consultant with the time schedule for the delivery of the assignment.
- Based on the outputs of the Deliverable 1 in this scope and feedback collected from the delivery of the one-day training workshop as specified in the above, the consultant shall use these findings in examining the existing financing mechanisms currently available in the local market in Jordan or offered under other USAID-funded programs. Based on consultations with the concerned stakeholders, the consultant shall build appropriate recommendations over the later steps or next stages like collaborating with Central Bank or specialized financing institution(s) or funding sources.
- In close collaboration with the Activity, the consultant shall develop an “Access to Finance Report” to inform the recycling service providers seeking financial assistance of existing financing programs and the process and procedure to qualify and apply for financing. Based on consultations with the concerned stakeholders, the report shall include such recommendation for developing or visualizing a product specifically for “Access to Finance” which suit the financing requirements and needs of the private companies in the recycling sector. The table of content and structure of the report are subject for the technical review and prior approval of the Recycling Enabling Environment Lead to proceed.
Deliverable 3: Access to Finance (A2F) Training Sessions conducted, within the framework of the Small and Growing (SGBs) Businesses Training Program
- Deliver and conduct a one-day training session of Access to Finance as a part of the fourth “Waste Management and Recycling Acceleration Training Program for Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in the Recycling Sector in Amman”, which will be conducted during the first quarter of the year 2023.
- Provide pre and post evaluation forms of the trainees to be used in evaluating their performance and training effectiveness. This is essential to ensure that learning has taken place.
Deliverable 4: Access to Finance (A2F) training report prepared and submitted to the Activity
Following the delivery of the training session of the SGBs Program, the consultant shall draft the training report (using the approved templates, formats and branding requirements) including the following: Training objective and approach, description about the trainers’ expertise, implementation arrangements, invitation and workshops agenda, including schedule and location (physical/virtual), modules covered, topics and sub-topics presented, participants and audience group attended, attendance record keeping, participants evaluations summary, training workshops discussions, challenges, conclusions including the workshops evaluation by the participants (modules/trainers), suggested next steps and recommendations if any, and list of records, log of sessions, documentary record including photography as annexes.
The consultant shall submit the deliverables described above in accordance with the following period of performance:
# |
Deliverable Name |
Delivery method |
Location |
Format |
Language |
LOE (days) |
Due Date |
D1 |
First Draft – Develop Training Curricula and Materials including examples, and the results of the mapping for financial institutions provided loans/funds in Jordan for the recycling sector |
Virtual |
Home Country |
PowerPoint |
Arabic |
5 |
30-12-2022 |
Final Draft – Develop Training Curricula and Materials including examples, and the results of the mapping for financial institutions provided loans/funds in Jordan for the recycling sector |
Virtual |
Home Country |
PowerPoint |
Arabic |
2 |
12-01-2023 |
D2 |
Deliver the one-day training workshop |
In-person |
Home Country |
PowerPoint |
Arabic |
1 |
25-01-2023 |
First Draft – develop “Access to Finance Report” financial assistance of existing financing programs and the process and procedure to qualify and apply for financing as well as recommendations for the next steps of financial inclusion |
Virtual |
Home Country |
Word |
Arabic/ English |
4 |
12-02-2023 |
Final Draft – develop “Access to Finance Report” financial assistance of existing financing programs and the process and procedure to qualify and apply for financing as well as recommendations for the next steps of financial inclusion |
Virtual |
Home Country |
Word |
Arabic/ English |
4 |
19-02-2023 |
D3 |
Deliver the one-day training session in the SGBs program |
In-person |
Home Country |
PowerPoint |
Arabic |
1 |
28-02-2023 |
D4 |
Prepare the report for the one-day training session in the SGBs program |
Virtual |
Home Country |
Word |
English |
1 |
20-03-2023 |
Total LOE |
18 |
The consultant who is assigned for the delivery of this assignment must submit a time sheet indicating the actual days done, a list of deliverables completed and a breakdown of the achieved activities. Timesheets are subject for the technical review and prior approval of the Recycling Sector Lead to proceed with invoicing.
The Consultant shall conduct this assignment physically in the Governorate of Amman. The primary duty post is in Amman and/or Zarqa.
The Consultant shall read, but is not limited to, the following materials related to fully understanding the work specified under this consultancy:
- Financial Literacy Training Module
- Country-outlook-on-sustainable-finance-Jordan.pdf (
- Mapping Access to Finance in Jordan (
- The National Financial Inclusion Strategy A9.pdf (
The consultant shall have the following minimum qualifications to be considered for this consultancy:
- 7 years of experience in finance in Jordan and the region
- Knowledge of Jordan’s access to finance environment
- Knowledge and experience in Recycling Sector in Jordan would be an advantage
- Worked with banks and has knowledge of banking loans requirements.
- 7 years of experience in training development and delivery
- Outstanding experience in financial inclusion and financial literacy strategy and policies
- Contributed to financial literacy literature and knowledge in Jordan and the region.
- Work experience in development finance projects and donors’ projects.
- Excellent interpersonal communication skills and strong oral presentation skills for discussion including experience in the facilitation of training and presentation.
The Consultant will directly report to the Gender, Social Inclusion, and Informal Sector Specialist, Value Chain Specialist, Recycling Enabling Environment Lead, and the Recycling Sector Lead.