Lead – Global Supporter Content Hub, Individual Fundraising

WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles.
Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance.
Job Title: Lead – Global Supporter Content Hub, Individual Fundraising
Division: PPF – Private Partnerships and Fundraising Division
Duty Station: Rome HQ or remote agreement can be considered.
Type of Contract: full-time regular Consultant
Duration: 11 months (Start January 2023)
Deadline for applications: 20.12.2022
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian agency working to end hunger. WFP and its partners believe that no child should go to bed hungry and that individual and collective wellbeing can only be achieved if all children, women and men get the nutritious food they need to lead healthy, dignified lives. Each year, WFP assists 86.7 million people in 83 countries. Every day, some 5,600 WFP-chartered trucks are on the road, 92 planes are in the air and 20 ships are at sea. These numbers speak to WFP’s unparalleled reputation as an emergency responder, one that is often the first on the scene in the most difficult environments. WFP also works with partners to strengthen the resilience of communities most vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition through long-term development programmes aimed at boosting food security, local economies, education, employment and gender equality. While hunger and malnutrition are the world’s largest solvable issues, the needs are still immense and growing. 821 million people in the world suffer from chronic hunger.
To increase the funds to end hunger, WFP is committed to growing private sector fundraising with a focus on individuals and through WFP.org (Individual Giving/IG) and the app Share The Meal (STM) as well as Friends’ organizations. Fundraising from individuals has been successfully developed by other UN agencies, as well as many international NGOs, generating the majority of their private sector income.
Fundraising from individuals can deliver significant revenue and loyal donors as well as valuable unrestricted funds. During WFP’s Private Sector Partnerships & Fundraising strategy (2020 – 2025) income from individuals is estimated to grow tenfold to USD 170m p.a. in 2025.
To achieve this income growth, WFP has invested significantly and it is critical that the investment in this programme to raise funds from individuals is as effective as possible: generating a high return on every dollar invested and attracting loyal donors who will continue to support WFP’s work for many years.
The income growth in the first three years of the six-year strategy has been delivered by the IG and STM teams taking a global and digital-first approach and recruiting individual donors in all countries in the world, plus two Friends’ organizations in the USA and Japan. Continuing to attract new supporters and engage them so that hungry people can count on their ongoing generosity, requires a regular flow of content from WFP’s country offices around the world to represent the people we serve.
The Lead of the Global Supporter Content Hub will develop and implement a strategy to deliver inspiring communications and content with a regular flow of content for IF teams. They will have the responsibility for coordinating with relevant teams in the field including Regional Bureaux (RBs), Country Offices (COs) and Communications, Advocacy and Marketing (CAM) as well as PPF teams and will ensure all communications and content follow brand guidelines and agreed organizational messaging and do not pose a reputational risk to the organisation. This will include embedding the sector best practice included in WFP’s image and story guidelines on capturing informed consent from people who agree to feature in our communications to supporters. The content will span the full range of WFP’s programmes from Saving Lives to Changing Lives. The consultant will provide guidance to PPF and CAM colleagues as needed and help troubleshoot challenges if they arise.
They will be able to work at the strategic level as well as with a range of stakeholders in headquarters teams as well as in regional and country teams, but also at times hands-on including leading content gathering field trips. They will have experience of working in country communications teams in both humanitarian and development contexts as well as experience of digital channels and social media platforms.
They will work under the guidance of the GHSE who heads the Individual Giving and the ShareTheMeal teams as well as the Business Intelligence Hub. They will also work with WFP’s Friends organisations and their marketing or fundraising communications teams. They may also work with the incoming Head of International Market Development and Head of Fundraising Solutions. who will simultaneously be developing a strategy to focus on new market and channel revenue opportunities. Within PPF, they will also work closely with the Communications team who currently focus on partnerships communications, however over time it is anticipated that this team and the Supporter Content Hub could merge.
They will lead a small team (2-3 consultants) who will deliver multi-media content gathering and production, story producing, curating and uploading content to the Multimedia Hub for use across WFP. They will oversee and report on the budget allocated for the consultant team and content gathering and will maintain a roster of agencies or freelance consultants who are closer to the field and so can gather content more cost-effectively and benefit from local knowledge including languages.
In their role, leading the creation and then management of a Global Supporter Content Hub in PPF, the candidate will:
- Lead the creation of the new Global Supporter Content Hub and establish an approach that works for all relevant teams and stakeholders. Provide ongoing coordination across all relevant teams in PPF and in CAM as well as RBs/COs.
- Develop and deliver a content plan for the core content required by key teams throughout the year and lead the team to undertake content gathering missions or secure content remotely for a regular flow of content with the required breadth of programmes across the IG and STM teams in particular which will also be relevant to Friends teams.
- Lead on establishing and implementing efficient processes to ensure the effective, efficient and successful clearance of communications with agreed timelines.
- Put in place and monitor a fast-track clearance process in CAM when rapid turnaround is required including at weekends/holidays in the case of major humanitarian emergencies.
- In line with team needs and communications opportunities, work with CAM colleagues and the network to include IF needs where possible in CAM-led missions that aim to deliver for key teams across WFP (e.g., by Creative Studio or the Emergency am). With PPF teams, ensure briefs are clear, reflect the team’s needs as well as the range of our programmes, and provide colleagues with clear information and examples of what IF/PPF teams require. Ensure that the Supporter Content Hub is included and represented in person in briefings either to the content gatherer or an RB/CO for CAM-led content gathering including by Creative Studio/ Emergencies team / RBs/COs.
- Identify and implement training opportunities for field staff and fundraisers so they can strengthen their content gathering skills. Take the lead with training staff to identify powerful stories, conduct interviews, process content and capture multimedia content.
- Attend all relevant global CAM-led calls and meetings to be fully connected to WFP’s communications priorities and messages as well as aware of key communications moments that IF teams can communicate to their supporters. Identify and communicate to IF teams moments that would be relevant for specific communications to their supporters (e.g., humanitarian emergency anniversary, moments when WFP will get higher media coverage). Lead the Content Hub to adapt core organizational and media messages into suitable text for private sector audiences and agree on de-jargoned language that works for WFP and for individual supporters.
- Establish effective working relationships with colleagues across the network of COs and also across PPF including the partnership staff located in RBs and call on them if needed in discussions/negotiations on identifying COs for content.
- Establish effective working relationships with IG and STM colleagues responsible for turning content into creatives for supporter acquisition or supporter development and retention. Evaluate content effectiveness to inform future content needs and work with the teams and BI Hub to assess new creatives.
- Agree with PPF Comms team and CAM on coordination in the case of sudden onset major emergencies, playing a role in rapidly securing usable images (with Creative Studio) as well as approved organizational messages (with Media) in a matter of hours.
- Where needed, augment content from the field with relevant context, facts and figures from programme teams or technical units and collate incoming content and assets into user friendly content packages for PPF to develop their creatives assets.
- Introduce a regular feedback loop for teams and colleagues (in CAM, in RBs/Cos) on the results of the content they helped to provide.
- Develop, regularly refresh and deliver presentations to RBs/COs to communicate the importance of content showing the impact that compelling content can have in generating income for WFP programmes while PPF teams are respectful of the potential burden on colleagues in the field.
- Through a more coordinated approach, identify the countries to be featured by teams and negotiate across teams to ensure we are leveraging content for all teams where income may be restricted to specific countries/programmes/ emergency responses.
- Provide regular reports and performance reviews on progress of the above for heads of teams/leaders in PPF to inform regular reviews
- Contribute to a culture that is target-driven, is data-evidenced where possible and creates a best-in-class supporter experience in line with our strategic objectives.
- Ensure that risks are identified and mitigation strategies are in place.
- Lead on ensuring effective relationships with key business partners in WFP and with key external partners where relevant (e.g., social media platforms, media, creative / customer care agencies) to enable teams to work efficiently and demonstrate excellence in relationship management.
- Lead an effective team ensuring that consultants receive contracts in a timely way and hold regular performance and review meetings to create a high-performing team working in line with WFP’s and PPF’s values.
- An established Global Supporter Content Hub in PPF that provides IF teams with a flow of content that is of the quality and quantity teams need to achieve their income targets. To include development of ToRs and recruitment of consultants with PPF HR and management of a high-performing team.
- Annual content plan/s coordinated across all teams with regular review and content gathering trips/remote provision.
- Lead on content gathering trips to demonstrate best practice across all teams.
- Established ways of working with relevant teams in CAM and RBs/COs on content gathering.
- Regular content briefs and briefings, evaluation of content secured and feedback to RBs/COs.
- Delivery of core organizational messages and identification of key moments to communicate to supporters.
- A roster of in-region or in-country agencies or freelancers the Hub can commission.
- Management of the team budget.
- A proposal on different modalities that WFP could pilot for a presence in market considering new hybrid approaches
Education |
Experience |
Technical skills |
Soft skills |
Languages |
Terms and Conditions
Short-listed candidates can be subject to written assessment.
WFP offers a competitive compensation package which will be determined by role’s responsibilities and deliverables. This consultancy assignment is renewable upon funding.
Visit the website for detailed information on working with WFP: http://www.wfp.org – Click on: “Our work” and “Countries” to learn more about our operations.
Qualified female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply.
WFP is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all qualified candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the Organisation. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the selection & recruitment process, and for work-related needs upon joining the Programme.
WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status. WFP has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, abuse of authority or discrimination. All selected candidates will, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.
We greatly appreciate your interest in WFP and joining our mission to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030
Saving Lives, Changing Lives!