تعلن مدرسة عجمان الامريكية عن اجراء مقابلات فورية الاسبوع القادم للتعيين لديها – للمقيمين في الامارات

تعلن مدرسة عجمان الامريكية عن اجراء مقابلات فورية الاسبوع القادم للتعيين لديها – للمقيمين في الامارات
Hiring for Ajman American Private School, for the new academic year 2022-2023 for the below vacancies.
We are conducting walk-in interviews starting from June 27 to July 1, 2022.
Timing for the walk-in Interviews – Monday (8.30 am – 3.00 pm) to Friday (till 11.30 am)
Entry is restricted to the Green pass holders only
Teachers with Equivalency & MOE Approval with a minimum of 1 –year of experience in UAE will be considered.
1. Kindergarten Teachers
2. Primary Homeroom Teachers
3. French Teacher
4. Physical Education Teacher (females only)
5. ICT Teachers (females only)
6. English Teachers
7. Mathematics Teachers
8. Arabic Teachers
9. Islamic Teachers
10. SEN Coordinator
11. Science Teachers
12. Social Studies Teachers
13. Arabic Teacher KG
14. Islamic Teacher KG
Kindly bring your educational documents for the interview.
Should you be interested, please share your CV with careers@ajmanamericanschool.com
يرجى التقديم فورا عبر الضغط على الصورة