وظائف تنقيب الاردنوظائف في الاردن

WUR Project Support Officer

WUR Project Support Officer

Who we are

Advance Consulting is a business development consultancy that operates in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our North Star is to develop vibrant, green and inclusive Small and Medium Enterprises in the Agrifood and Renewable Energy sectors.

In 2050, the number of people who live on this planet will have doubled. We believe that that Agrifood Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will play a key role in feeding this population, as they occupy critical positions along the value chains as producers, input suppliers, off-takers, processors, and distributors. At the same time, access to affordable energy is a pre-condition for sustainable development and renewable energy production in developing countries already surpassed the capacity generated by fossil fuels. SMEs in the renewable energy sector are pivotal in assuring that 900 million people, who currently don’t have electricity, will gain access to affordable energy by 2030.

We are contributing to these goals by facilitating private sector development of the Agrifood and Renewable Energy sectors of Africa, Asia and Latin America in an environmental-friendly, socially responsible and commercially sustainable way.

Our work in Jordan

In Jordan, we support the development of a sustainable and competitive agriculture sector through an increasing number of programs and partnerships. Amongst others, we are co-implementors of a 3 year Netherlands Government funded program that aims to improve the income opportunities and longer-term resilience of horticulture smallholder farmers, cooperatives and SMEs in Balqa, Irbid, and Ajloun and strengthen the broader horticulture sector. The program will support horticulture smallholder farmers, cooperatives and SMEs to improve their production of high quality crops and business practices, support to the broader horticulture value chain to improve performance and efficiencies, and support various Governmental and sector organizations for an improved enabling environment.

On behalf of our consortium partner Wageningen University & Research (WUR) we are looking for a Project Support Officer for the JordanHortiFuture programme, with an affinity for agriculture and the horticulture sector in particular.

About Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

The mission of WUR is to ‘explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’. More than 6,800 employees and 12,900 students from over hundred countries contribute to this mission worldwide, working in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large.

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