Policy Implementation Specialist

Policy Implementation Specialist
Recruiting Company |
Almethalia for Business Development |
Job Title |
Policy Implementation Specialist |
Contract Type |
Consultant |
Duration |
3 months |
Sector |
International Development Cooperation |
Location |
Amman, Jordan |
Expected salary |
Based on the candidate experience |
1.1. The contracting agency
Almethalia Company for Business Development is a private company specialized in providing general supply chain management and logistics, information technology and technical vocational education and training (TVET) as well as tailored services for institutions’ performance development. Founded and registered in Jordan in 2022, it has offices in Irbid and Amman. In July 2021, Almethalia Company for Business Development was contracted by the Amman Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) to support the implementation of a Technical Secretariat at the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This Technical Secretariat aims to support the implementation of Italian funded development projects in Jordan, with a special focus on sustainable tourism and human resources development.
- The funding agency
Established in 2016, AICS is the public agency of the Italian Government that leads the formulation, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of Italian funded development and humanitarian projects worldwide. AICS has been present in Jordan since its creation in 2016. Its country office is located in Amman. AICS Amman works in close coordination with the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the framework of the Development Framework Agreement signed between the two countries.
- Background of the assignment
In May 2021 and in the spirit of their lasting cooperation, the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan agreed on a 3-year country program concerning Italian official development assistance (ODA) to Jordan for the period 2021-2023.
As part of this 3-year program, Italy pledged a 50 million euros sovereign loan to support the development of the agricultural sector in Jordan. The loan is to be employed as a development policy loan (DPL), focused on sustaining policy reform and sectoral strategy implementation rather than funding single project/s.
Although agriculture itself represents only 5.6% of Jordan's GDP, the food-agricultural value chain represents 15-20% of GDP and employs more than 15% of the active population in Jordan. In addition, agriculture employs 52% of women who live in rural areas. The sector suffers from poor performance, using scarce water resources for crops of low value, consuming water, and do not achieve their full value in international markets due to poor post-harvest operations and logistics services. It is estimated that Jordan achieves only 50-60 percent of its export potential for fruits and vegetables and has untapped export potential in excess of $ 1 billion annually (World Bank, 2018).
Jordan has a strong comparative advantage to produce and export fresh fruits and vegetables for the high-income Gulf markets, as proximity to the Gulf countries allows for the export of high-value fresh products in a timely manner. Jordan also has a seasonal advantage in reaching European markets, as it is possible to create jobs and increase the value of exports by improving the quality of products that reach developed markets. Private investment is needed in sorting, packing and packaging new products, as well as in the field of transport and supply, especially in the cold chain and transportation. The development of the logistics chain may create investment opportunities in developing an industry of lower quality fruit and vegetables that are more suitable for export, such as juices, jams, cans, meat and similar products.
Therefore, on August 2020 the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan announced the 2020-2025 National Agricultural Development Strategy (NADS). In line with the Jordan 2025 National Vision and Strategy, NADS 2020-2025 lays out the following 8 strategic priorities for the sector:
For each strategic priority NADS 2020-2025 identifies outcomes, outputs enablers and KPIs.
Stemming from NADS 2020-2025 the Government of Jordan has also adopted a National Sustainable Agriculture Plan (NSAP) 2022-2025. Main objectives of this plan are to improve the farmers’ living conditions, to increase the agricultural sector productivity, and to improve irrigation water-use efficiency and save water. In line with the above, top priorities of the NSAP are:
- Developing the business environment in the agricultural sector
- Enhancing the efficiency of irrigation-water use
- Encouraging the use of modern technology in agriculture
- Enhancing the competitiveness of Jordanian agricultural products
- Enhancing agricultural exports
- Development and sustainability of the forest sector and ecosystem
The agrifood sector has also been recognized as one of four growth pillars in the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) 2021-2023.
Building on these important policy levers, the pledged Italian development policy loan aims to further foster an enabling environment for the sound and sustainable development of the sector.
1.4. Purpose
The main scope of this assignment is to support the Ministry of Agriculture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (MoPIC) to develop a solid rationale to justify the approval of the Italian pledged Development Policy Loan in the agricultural sector.
1.5. Results to be achieved by the consultant
The key result to be achieved by the consultant is the following:
- A Project Description of the Agriculture DPL funding proposal is drafted in consultation with all concerned Jordanian and Italian parties.
1.6. Assumptions underlying the project
- The service of this contract should contribute to the overall objective of Italian Development Cooperation in Jordan of improving living conditions of people, uprooting poverty and reducing inequalities.
- The Jordan 2020-2025 National Agricultural Development Strategy paves the way for the improvement of the sector and identifies national priorities.
1.7. Risks
- Force majeure causes.
- Force majeure causes.
1.8. General
Description of the assignment
The consultant shall draft the technical components of the Italian Development Policy Loan (DPL) for the implementation of the 2020-2025 National Agricultural Strategy in order to facilitate the approval of the funding proposal of the Italian sovereign soft loan by the concerned parties. In carrying out its assignment the consultant will report to MOPIC and AICS Amman and will work in close consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Considering the above, the end deliverable of the consultancy is:
- The development of a matrix with the proposed technical key performance indicators and related triggers against whose accomplishment the disbursement of the Italian soft loan shall be conditioned. Proposed KPIs and triggers shall be identified from actual indicators foreseen in the existing national/sectoral strategies and action plans.
Moreover, the following intermediate deliverables are expected throughout the assignment:
- A description and a rationale of the DPL programme including problem definition and proposed methodological approach.
- A stakeholder analysis of development partners working in the agricultural sector in Jordan, identifying space for synergies and areas of possible duplication.
- A result framework of the DPL Programme, identifying outputs (both direct and induced) outcomes and impacts.
Amman, Jordan. The consultant is expected to carry out regular meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture and other concerned parties throughout his assignment. Office space will be offered at AICS premises, as needed.
1.11.Start date & period of implementation
As soon as possible and upon completion of the recruitment process. The expected period of implementation of this consultancy is 90 calendar days.
1.12. Equipment
The consultant is expected to have its own equipment (laptop, cell phone etc) and transportation.
CONSULTANT PROFILE Job Title: Policy Implementation Specialist
- Required
- Minimum 10 years of experience in supporting the implementation of national or sub-national policies (e.g. design of sectoral action plans)
- Proven professional experience in designing and/or managing and/or evaluating sector budget support and/or development policy loan programs
- Solid understanding of result-based finance principles and practices
- Professional experience in large program design (result framework, theory of change etc)
- Excellent understanding of international development principles and practices
- Required
- Minimum 10 years of experience in supporting the implementation of national or sub-national policies (e.g. design of sectoral action plans)
- Proven professional experience in designing and/or managing and/or evaluating sector budget support and/or development policy loan programs
- Solid understanding of result-based finance principles and practices
- Professional experience in large program design (result framework, theory of change etc)
- Excellent understanding of international development principles and practices
- Desired
- Prior experience in agricultural projects is highly desirable.
- Prior working experience in Jordan. Qualifications
- Master’s degree in Political Science, Public/Business Management, International Development, Economics or Agricultural Sciences
- Fluency in English and Arabic (both written and oral) is required
All External Consultants must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.
1.15.Reporting requirements
The consultant will submit to the recruiting agency, MoPIC and AICS Amman in English in one original signed copy and in digital copy via email the following reports:
- Inception report including a brief work-plan and a timeline, by 7 days after the beginning of the assignment
- First progress report, including draft of the DPL rationale (deliverable 1.9 b.) stakeholder analysis (deliverable 1.9 c.), by 30 days after the beginning of the assignment
- Second progress report, including reviewed deliverables 1.9. b. and 1.9. c. and first draft of the KPI matrix (deliverable 1.9 a.) and the Result Framework (deliverable 1.9. d), by 60 days after the beginning of the assignment
- Final Report, including all reviewed deliverables, by 90 days after the beginning of the assignment
1.16. Submission and approval of reports
The report referred to above must be submitted to the approval of AICS Amman and MoPIC.
Interested candidates shall submit a technical and financial offer.
- Technical offer
The technical offer consists in an updated resume, highlighting the relevant work experience of the candidate, plus a copy of a valid ID.
- Financial Offer
Candidates shall submit a financial offer with their proposed fees. Important: Financial offers are intended as a global price for the full assignment. No reimbursement or any other form of extra compensation is foreseen.
Applications shall be submitted via email to [ [اضغط هنا لمشاهدة البريد اﻹلكتروني] ] cc [اضغط هنا لمشاهدة البريد اﻹلكتروني] by 23:59 Amman time of 30 November 2022
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
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