Environmental Compliance Advisor

USAID/Jordan Economic Reform Activity (ERA)
Environmental Compliance Advisor
Scope of Service
The environmental compliance Advisor will be providing support to the USAID Jordan ERA Activity’s grants program in environmental risk screening and monitoring systems of prospective grant applications. In accordance with the USAID Environmental Code 22 CFR 216, the Advisor will develop applicable mitigating measures for any cases identified that are not in the low-risk category.
IEE determination: as Per Section H.2 of the ERA TO1 contract and Section H.18 of the ERA IDIQ contract, ERA TO1 will use the recommendations of the forthcoming IDIQ-level Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Project IEE for TO1 to identify and assess the potential environmental impact of the planned project activities with a view to eliminate or reduce them through appropriate mitigation measures and monitoring protocols.
All project activities, including grants, will comply with the recommendations under the IEE, PIEE and the ERA TO1 EMMP and will utilize an environmental documentation form (EDF) for each proposed grant. For activities not clearly identified as categorically excluded, ERA TO1 will prepare a request for approval from the USAID COR and Mission Environmental Officer.
The environmental compliance Advisor will be responsible for undertaking the following tasks and responsibilities:
- Coordinate with the focal point from the grantee side to identify any gap in the project description.
- Screen proposed grant activities to determine the risk level category associated with the proposed activities, and any potential adverse environmental impacts through desktop research, interviews, or field visits where necessary in accordance with USAID environmental regulations and standards, and all enacted Jordanian environmental regulations and standards.
- Ensure completion of all required environmental documentation per Annex A of the USAID Jordan ERA Grants Manual for each grant application, which may include any or all of the following scenarios:
- Proposal of essential ‘stipulating conditions’ and/or mitigation measures to be included in the grant agreement for all activities determined to be of ‘negligible environmental impacts.
- Preparation of an Environmental Review Report (ERR) per USAID Regulation 216 if activities are determined to have ‘unknown or moderate risk’.
- Take part in any discussion, as necessary, with the Mission Environmental Officer
- Provide follow-up on the status of the ERRs throughout the implementation of the and by close of the grants.
Deliverables for this assignment include:
- Training conducted for technical team members, and selected grantees.
- For each prospective grantee application determined to be of ‘negligible environmental impacts’:
- A completed Environmental Review Forms (per USAID regulations and the ERA Grants Manual).
- ‘Stipulating conditions’ and/or ‘mitigation measures’ to be included in the grant agreement. The stipulating conditions will include both (1) general environmental conditions, applicable to all (2) customized conditions. On exceptional basis, the conditions/measures must be drafted in Arabic in addition to English.
- Report on ERR status by the close of each grant.
- For each prospective grantee application determined to have ‘unknown or moderate risk’, or in selected cases of a proposed ‘high-risk activity’:
- A completed Environmental Review Forms (per USAID regulations and the ERA grants manual).
- An Environmental Review Report (ERR).
- Environmental monitoring plan
- Report on ERR status by the close of each grant.
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering, or another relevant field.
- Master’s degree preferred.
- Minimum (10) years of experience in assessing the environmental need.
- A high level of professional commitment is essential.
- Demonstrated knowledge and familiarity with Jordan’s operating environment.
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work with culturally diverse staff.
- Strong Arabic and English communication skills (oral and written).
This assignment will require approximately 100 days of level of effort (LOE)
The assignment will be completed from on/about February 1, 2023, to January 31, 2024.
The assignment will be conducted in Amman.
The Environmental Compliance Advisor will report to the Grants Manager as his/her Point of Contact (POC).
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