وظائف اخطبوطوظائف في الاردن


Oxfam’s MENA Regional Platform is planning to produce an engaging online newsletter that uses different types of content including videos, photo story, articles, and different presentation styles such as motion and zoom on texts or images. This newsletter is an integral product of the Masarouna project communications strategy. The engaging online newsletter is envisioned as a public-facing information and knowledge sharing tool in both Arabic and English which will be hosted later by Masarouna website: https://www.masarouna.org/

Masarouna wishes to produce 4 newsletters per year (quarterly) according to a well-defined schedule and proposed themes. Here are some examples of inspiration for the Masarouna newsletter can look like.

Ex 1 : https://i.micr.io/hcsJc/en/oxfam-e-motive

Ex 2 : https://i.micr.io/lJvGN/ (showcase)

Ex 2: http://www.iambinadam.org/en/

Oxfam in MENA has started its work on SRHR in the region through Masarouna Project.

Masarouna is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Partnership Fund. It seeks to mobilize the power of young people (YP) for collective action across the MENA region to support their fight for greater freedom of choice and respect for their SRHR through new and innovative pathways for change. The Masarouna consortium – comprising of RNW Media, Oxfam Novib and Oxfam country offices and partners – is implementing Masarouna to advance the fulfilment of SRHR for the chosen target group of YP aged 18-35 in 6 MENA countries.

Within Masarouna project, Oxfam aims to help communicate the themes, issues, and needs around SRHR through commissioning a communication/media agency to provide web design service, editing, proofreading and copywrite to consolidate content provided from consortium partners and the Communications Working Group that raise awareness and tell stories of YP’s needs, priorities, challenges, gaps and/or solutions experienced by young people living in the MENA region.

Objectives of the newsletter:

Objective 1 (primary): Increase the capacities and knowledge of different stakeholders around SRHR issues in the region.

The newsletter will do this by increasing the available knowledge of SRHR in Arabic (mainly) and in English to contribute mainly to the lack of available evidence-based knowledge of SRHR in Arabic, which was highlighted in the program proposal as a challenge for young people to enjoy their SRHR.

Objective 2 (secondary): Act as a credible source of information on the issues on which Masarouna works and provide updates on the activities of the program

This objective contributes to the broader Masarouna communications strategy to communicate issues around SRHR that the project addresses, increase visibility of the program and our partners work, while also provide a platform to the influencing agenda.

The purpose of this terms of reference (ToR) is to select a qualified consultant or company to implement the following tasks:

  • Web developing ∕ User Experience (UX) Design
  1. Propose and build a webpage to host the newsletter.
  2. The webpage should be mobile- friendly. The platform "user-friendly" for administrators and editors once created, the online newsletter must be managed autonomously by them.
  3. Train Oxfam administrators to be able to use the platform and create a user guide.
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO) improvement
  • Graphic design
  1. Conceptualize, propose, and develop an interactive newsletter to better visualize the impact of Masarouna's work in MENA
  2. Graphic design of creative and innovative information and communication materials for the interactive newsletter in accordance with Masarouna's and Oxfam's graphic guidelines.
  3. Layout of texts, video, podcast, illustrations, or anything else is needed for each newsletter.
  • Internal or external Copywrite in English and Arabic
  1. Brainstorm with the team and editorial board on new stories, themes, potential writers, sources of information and formats
  2. Knowledge on the gender issues; Oxfam can help to suggest a copywrite if needed
  3. Support Oxfam MENA Regional Platform team craft and refine the articles from a language (mainly Arabic) and style perspectives
  4. Consolidate, and verify and edit content and news written and provided by members of consortium, partners, experts, and writers on a quarterly basis.
  5. Suggest creative ideas, identify the most suitable themes for the newsletter and review content to be able to produce a youth-friendly and content sensitive newsletter that clearly portray issues related to SRHR that exist in the MENA region.
  • Translation
  1. Translate from the English to the Arabic and vice versa.
  2. Ensure the quality of the language (Punctuation, grammar, etc.)
  • Illustration /Animation
  1. Creation of illustrations or animation in connection with the articles if needed.
  2. Suggest creative ideas, identify the most suitable.

All Oxfam brand guidelines and ethical content gathering expectations and Masarouna risk guidelines should be followed.

Expected results

  • Up to standards newsletter that follows the guidelines and the TOR directions
  • A pleasant visual
  • A newsletter integrated into the Masarouna website
  • High quality content
  • A User and youth-Friendly newsletter.

Application process and selection criteria

Interested service provider applicants are expected to have the following skills and competencies:

  • To have all the services needed (Copywriter with strong editorial background and proofreading skills, translator, illustrator, Web designer, Web developer)
  • Experience adhering to editorial and technical style guides
  • Ability to speak and write clearly and compellingly in Arabic and English
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to produce on tight deadlines
  • Proven experience or knowledge dealing with SRHR and / or public health and other sensitive issues,
  • Background in story creation and generating creative ideas and concepts under different themes
  • Ability to edit materials in line with Oxfam brand guidelines and Masarouna risk guidelines
  • Ability to work in a culturally diverse environment
  • Experience in working with international development organizations
  • Comfortable with frequent cross-functional and senior management contact

How to apply

Interested consultants should submit a brief about the agency and creative staff, portfolio of similar work and examples of edited materials, and a detailed financial offer indicating daily rate, and daily expenses required to create the entire product. The amount includes any taxes, which may apply.

Selection Criteria:

The most favorable proposal shall be selected based on the best total value for Oxfam both in terms of merit and technical score and price.

  • One hundred (100) points is the maximum score that a single bid can get, based on the two following components:

Technical experience

Financial Proposal

[70] points

[30] points

  • The Evaluation Committee appointed by Oxfam, jointly and separately, shall evaluate the proposals having into consideration whether those comply with the ToR and applying both the evaluation criteria and the scoring grid indicated. Each proposal shall be given a technical score.
  • After evaluation of technical expertise, only those which have obtained a minimum score of forty (40) points shall proceed to the next stage (i.e. financial evaluation) and only then the price of the proposals is taken into consideration. Technical Proposals obtaining thirty-nine (39) points or less shall be disqualified and not considered for further evaluation.

Submission Process:

Please submit the technical and financial offer with all requested documents by 24 November 2022 to the email address: [email protected]

Period of Validity: the technical and financial offers shall be valid for a period of maximum 60 days, starting from the submission date.

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