مطلوب كادر تعليمي وتربوي للعمل لدي مدارس البكالوريا عمان
The Amman Baccalaureate School is looking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced administrators and teaching staff for the academic year 2022-2023 in the following roles:· #Senior_Accountant· #Accountant· #Cashier· #People & #Culture_Officer· #Preschool_Teacher· #Administrative_Assistant· #Substitute_IBMYP_Science_TeacherFor further details regarding the Job requirements & related job description, you can visit our careers page www.abs.edu.joIf you are interested in any of the above Positions, please send your resume to HR@abs.edu.jo, mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of the email.The deadline for submitting applications is the 31st of October 2022.The School reserves the right to interview and appoint suitable candidates in advance of this date.
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