Livelihood Consultant – Open for: Registered companies as well as individuals

Scope of Work (SoW)
Consultant –Livelihoods and Durable solutions for vulnerable families in Jordan
Position: Consultant/Researcher
Location: Amman, potential travel to the field
Job Category: Technical Advisor
Reports to: Country Director
Direct Supervision: N/A
Position Type: Consultancy
Position’s duration: 6 weeks, starting on November 7, 2022
About RI: Relief International (RI) specializes in relief and development programs that benefit people in acute distress. A registered non-profit in the US, UK, France and Belgium, our work targets those fragile countries or communities that suffer from man-made or natural crises that impede human development. The people that we serve live in 16 countries across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia where the debilitating effects of political instability, forced displacement, and natural disasters are pervasive.
In March 2022, RI Jordan finalized its strategic plan for 2022-2025. The goal for the coming three years is: “RI Jordan building the resilience of youth and empowering their communities to recover from the protracted vulnerabilities, improving their long-term well-being and livelihood.” RI will work toward this goal through three strategic objectives:
- RI strengthens the resilience of youth and improves their livelihoods, contributing to their enhanced long-term well-being
- RI reinforces an enabling environment for youth, through eradicating deep-rooted barriers and addressing their communities’ needs.
- RI expands its programming to include development and nexus interventions parallel to its humanitarian programming, adapting to the emerging context.
These objectives require RI to increase its knowledge and understanding of the current context in regards to the developments of the context, deep understanding of the Gender roles, feasibility of Livelihood opportunities and Durable solutions. This will require research and assessment that will enable RI to expand beyond program-generated learning and pre-conceived ideas of youth needs and aspirations.
RI is planning to complete an assessment on Livelihoods and Durable solutions for Youth and their families as a continuation of its Education Programming. The study will inform the design of future programs and provide the evidence and knowledge to develop quality proposals targeting youth development.
Therefore, RI is planning to conduct an assessment seeking to improve understanding of challenges, opportunities and long-term potential of Durable solutions and Livelihood opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. It aims to identify enabling factors for individuals to successfully start and operate a Home-Based Business HBB and other employment and livelihood opportunities. It also looks at the general context, the gender dynamics, the gaps in the current response and the overall financial situation, empowerment, family dynamics and community engagement. In addition, the assessment seeks to identify needs (such as skills trainings, information, funding and support) to start and operate HBB, as well as intentions and perspectives of Syrian refugees related to continuing their business if/when they return to Syria. The aim of the overall assessment is to inform understanding, response and programming related to HBB for implementing partners within the Livelihoods in Jordan.
The assessment should rely on using a mixed-methods approach with both qualitative and quantitative components, involving structured individual interviews (IIs), as well as semi-structured key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs). While the population of interest broadly speaking including RI beneficiaries in Jordan – including both Jordanians and Syrian refugees – information for this assessment will be collected primarily from agreed desk review resources and primary data.
The scope of the assessment will include:
- A context analysis focusing on the Nexus, and potential scenarios for Syrian Refugees in Jordan in the next 3 years, including a Gender analysis
- Analysis of Home-Based Businesses HBB and other employment and Livelihood opportunities and their feasibility withing the context in Jordan
- Analysis of Durable solutions for Refugees and non-refugees, and the feasible opportunities in Jordan
- Inception meeting with RI to finalize the objectives of the assessment and its main components, and discussion over the proposed methodology/timeline, and agreeing the scope of the desk review
- Desk review of similar assessments conducted in Jordan, to avoid duplication of efforts and to inform the tools based on the findings
- Development and revision of methodology and data collection tools
- Carrying out the data collection and Livelihood and durable solutions mapping (data collection can be conducted by the consultant and the team they hire). Data Collection and Mapping: mapping of key actors in the context and of linkages between them. Each analysis stream will include interviews with actors from the sector, including other humanitarian and development partners, relevant working groups and the private sector. The assessment should review supporting and service functions to that value chain as well as the formal and informal rules and regulations that impact the scope of the research.
- Preliminary findings presentation
- 2-day training to RI team on Durable solutions
- Presentation to RI team of the assessment’s main findings and recommendations
- Submit a final report
- A brief inception report outlining the approach, methodology, work plan and including assessment tools submitted for review and approval before starting field data collection
- 2-day training for RI on Durable Solutions
- Assessment Report (example template will be provided/ to include):
- Description of the methodology
- Context in Jordan
- Gender analysis
- Analysis of the feasible Durable solutions
- Analysis of the feasible Livelihood opportunities
- Recommendations for suggested interventions
- Present findings to RI staff to validate findings and refine interventions
Timeframe / Schedule
Due dates will be finalized in the workplan approved by RI. The anticipated level of effort for this assignment is 6 weeks. Start date is November 7, 2022.
Eligibility criteria:
- Companies/Individuals applying for the consultancy should be legally registered/ have the right to work in Jordan and be able to provide invoice.
- Have previous experience in research and assessment in Jordan preferably in livelihood.
- Consultant (s) should have advanced university degree (development studies, development economics, agriculture economics, and labor economics) or related field.
- 5 to 8 years of relevant practical field experience in livelihoods or similar programming is a plus
- Demonstrated experience conducting assessments for proposal development
- In-depth knowledge of policy and regulatory environment in Jordan
- Familiarity with community-based, participatory approaches
- Fluency in English is required, Arabic is a plus
Intellectual Property
All information pertaining to the project (audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc.) belonging to RI, which the consultant may come into contact with in the performance of his/her duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of RI who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without written permission of RI.
Contractual Arrangements and Supervision
Within the agreed period, the consultant will be hired under RI terms of contract and supervised by RI solely for delivering the above outputs. RI as the client shall provide necessary support to the Service Provider in order to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy.
Application Procedure
Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, cover letter, financial proposal, and examples of similar work conducted in the past, by the 5th of Nov, 2022 via email to: with the subject line: Livelihood Consultant
Please note filtering will start from date of announcement for the urgency of the consultancy.
Registered companies as well as individuals are welcome to apply
RI Values:
- We uphold the Humanitarian Principles: humanity, neutrality, impartiality and operational independence.
- We affirmatively engage the most vulnerable communities.
- We value
- Inclusiveness
- Transparency and accountability
- Agility and innovation
- Safeguarding
- Collaboration
- Sustainability
All RI staff, volunteers and interns must adhere and respect these values
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