Contract Agent FGII – Administrative and Financial Assistant – EEAS Headquarters job n° 303010

We are
The European External Action Service (EEAS) supports the High Representative in the exercise of his mandate to conduct and implement an effective and coherent EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), of representing the EU and of chairing the Foreign Affairs Council. It also supports the High Representative in his capacity as Vice-President of the Commission with regard to his responsibilities within the Commission in the external relations field including the coordination of other aspects of the EU’s external action. The EEAS works in close cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council, the services of the Commission and the Secretariat General of the European Parliament.
As set out in Council Decision (CFSP) 2020/1515 of 19 October 2020, the mission of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) is to provide training and education in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in the wider context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) at European level in order to develop and promote a common understanding of CSFP and CSDP among civilian and military personnel and to identify and disseminate best practices in relation to various CFSP and CSDP issues through its training and education activities.
The ESDC works under the overall responsibility of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy ('HR').
We propose
The position of Administrative and Financial Agent – contract agent FGII as per article 3b of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS).
The successful candidate will report to the Head of the European Security and Defence College. (S)he will be a part of the administration and financial cell of the ESDC. The two main responsibilities are support to the Head of the ESDC and the staff at the ESDC secretariat and contribution to the preparation and execution of the ESDC budget, in particular of payment requests.
Place of employment: EEAS Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium
Post available: immediately
We look for
A dynamic, flexible and proactive colleague with good communication and organizational skills with a developed sense of service. The assistant should be able to quickly adapt to new working environment and be a good team-player. The successful candidate should have good computer skills with a sound knowledge of the standard IT applications and administrative procedures.
Functions and Duties:
Under the authority of the Head of the European Security and College Defence, the assistant is expected to perform the following tasks and responsibilities:
- support the Head of the ESDC and the staff of the ESDC secretariat in the coordination of their activities
- support the preparation and execution of the ESDC budget
- provide assistance to members of the ESDC network on finance plans, payment requests, and related tasks
- support the preparation and conduct of the annual external audit
- initiate or verify payments, and assisting the operational sectors on financial management
- prepare and follow up the missions of the Head of the ESDC
- carry out various administrative tasks such as diary-keeping, filtering telephone calls, filing and ordering supplies, dealing with correspondence
- document management: registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence, including in Ares
- follow-up and management of the functional mailbox of the ESDC
- prepare meetings, relevant documents and access requests for ESDC
- organize meetings and events
- co-ordinate translation requests
- contribute administratively to the organization of the meetings of the different bodies of the ESDC and of events, seminars, conferences, workshops and of training courses
- perform ad-hoc tasks as appropriate, upon instruction by the hierarchy.
Legal basis
The vacancy is to be filled in accordance with the conditions stipulated under the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). (1)
The successful candidate will be offered a contract agent position (Function group II); renewable contract for a maximum duration of 6 years (with a valid CAST exam).
Eligibility criteria
Candidates for this contract agent II post should:
- (i) have passed a valid EPSO CAST in a valid FG for this post
- (ii) be registered in the EPSO Permanent CAST in a valid FG for this post
- have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma or a level of secondary education attested by a diploma giving access to post-secondary education and appropriate professional experience of three year
- have the capacity to work in languages of CFSP and external relations necessary for the performance of their duties. Knowledge of other EU languages would be an asset
- be a national of one of the member States of the European Union and enjoy full rights as a citizen
A. Qualifications and experience required
- experience in providing administrative support in an international, multicultural environment
- experience in providing financial support (preparation of tenders, payment requests, contribution to budget execution) in politically sensitive environments
- experience in providing administrative support to sustainable conference and seminar organisation
- experience in using the latest IT tools
Furthermore, knowledge of finance and accounting principles and standards would be an asset.
B. Skills required
- have the ability to remain objective in complex scenarios and to display sensitivity and sound judgement;
- have good organisational skills, the ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines and to manage multiple tasks and unexpected demands;
- have excellent communication skills;
- have the ability to work professionally as a staff member, in mixed-composition task forces and working groups, in an interesting and challenging environment;
- good computer skills, notably in word processing, spreadsheets, presentations software, Internet / Intranet and email systems. Knowledge of other IT tools would be an asset, in particular of tools to support agile team work.
C. Languages
- thorough knowledge of one EU working language and satisfactory knowledge of another one are required; in practical terms, in order to perform the required duties, that means an excellent command of written and spoken English, good knowledge of written and spoken French is desirable;
D. Personal Qualities
- maintain the highest standards of personal integrity, impartiality and self-discipline. The assistant must exercise the greatest discretion with regard to all facts and information coming to his/her knowledge in the performance of his/her duties;
- possess a dynamic motivated and flexible personality;
- Be able to adapt quickly to new situations and deal with new challenges;
Specific conditions of employment
The signature of the contract will be subject to prior favourable opinion of the Medical Service.
The successful candidate might be required to undergo security vetting if she or he does not hold already a Personal Security Clearance to an appropriate level, in accordance with relevant security provisions.
Equal Opportunities
The EEAS is committed to an equal opportunities policy for all its employees and applicants for employment. As an employer, the EEAS is committed to promoting gender equality and to preventing discrimination on any grounds. It actively welcomes applications from all qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds and from the broadest possible geographical basis amongst the EU Member States. We aim at a service which is truly representative of society, where each staff member feels respected, is able to give their best and can develop their full potential.
Candidates with disabilities are invited to contact in order to accommodate any special needs and provide assistance to ensure the possibility to pass the selection procedure in equality of opportunities with other candidates. If a candidate with a disability is selected for a vacant post, the EEAS is committed to providing reasonable accommodation in accordance with Art 1d.4 of the Staff Regulations.
Application and selection procedure (2)
Please send your CV and cover letter (with your EPSO CAST number) via email to
Deadline for sending application: 08/11/2022 at 12.00 (CET).
Candidates shall draft their CV following the European CV form which can be found at the following internet address:
Late applications will not be accepted.
The selection panel will make a pre-selection on the basis of the qualifications and professional experience described in the CV and motivational letter, and will produce a shortlist of eligible candidates who best meet the selection criteria for the post. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be informed about the outcome of the pre-selection phase.
The candidates who have been preselected will be invited for an interview by a selection panel. The panel will recommend a shortlist of candidates for a final decision by the Authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment. The Authority may decide to interview the candidates on the final shortlist before taking this decision.
It is recalled, that if the interest of the service so requires, the selection procedures can be terminated at any stage in the interest of the service.
(1) Staff Regulations of Officials (SR) and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS). For reference, see
(2) Your personal data will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, as implemented by ADMIN(2019)8 Decision of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The privacy statement is available on the Europa website: ( and on the EEAS Intranet: