Service Contract Consultant: Gender Analysis for ISRY Project

Project/Consultancy Title: Individual gender analysis for the Inclusive Security and Resilient Youth Project
Project Location(s): Jordan
Finance Department Code:
Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within now, and for the future.
Inclusive Security and Resilient Youth (ISRY)
Mercy Corps and Axiom International have started the implementation of the 24-month programme “Inclusive Security and Resilient Youth Project – ISRY,'' a community-based development programme supporting at-risk youth (between ages 16-30) in Jordan. ISRY adopts a positive youth development approach to psychosocial support interventions with the aim of 1) promoting learning; 2) increasing stability through co-existence and inclusive security; and 3) building the psychosocial resiliency of youth and their families. Mercy Corps, in close coordination with Axiom, will create connections between youth and Public Security actors through engagement in nature and community-based activities.
In close collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and the Ministry of Social Development, the programme will identify three local community-based organizations (CBOs), one in the north, center and south of Jordan – to establish Community Action Hubs providing youth with a safe space to improve social stability and ultimately make youth and their communities more resilient. Additionally, the programme will seek to strengthen the CBOs’institutional capacities to sustain long-term impact.
The project will place additional focus on the national level to strengthen the role of women and youth representation in the Youth Peace and Security – YPS 2250 – coalition in Jordan, through close collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and other stakeholders.
The overall goal of this gender equality and social inclusion analysis is to better understand the gender equality and social inclusion dynamics in the areas where the ISRY project will be implemented. Specifically, the analysis aims to:
- Understand: 1) gender roles, that women and youth play in the social, economic and security dynamics, specifically in the project targeted locations (Jerash, Zarqa, Karak) 2) access and control of women and youth to resources including health and legal services, transportation, and education 3) access to income/labor opportunities and to tribal security sector services, and 4) specific and strategic gender needs and risks.
- Identify the needs for women and young girls who have experienced sexual and gender-based violence.
- Provide an overview of safeguarding risks and develop mitigation measures.
The dimensions of diversity in this analysis include gender, age, disability and whether, and refugee or from the host community.
Specific Objectives
The analysis is intended to support the project team to:
- Better understand (and try to address) the root causes of gender inequalities and correlations with the root causes of disengagement of women and youth in prevention violence spaces.
- Understand the barriers to reintegration of women residing in protection centers in their own communities, as well as mapping aftercare services existed in the project locations.
- Support in community and participant selection that is sensitive and responsive to the needs and unique risk factors of diverse youth identifying as economically and socially vulnerable1
- Support refinement of ISRY interventions based on the gender analysis findings and inform the design and implementation of specific gender mainstreamed interventions.
- Conduct a thorough review of the design and workplan of the project to ensure encompassing gender lens.
- Facilitate effective gender and youth integration into ISRY Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning frameworks, project planning and key program interventions.
- Deliverables:
The assessment will adopt a participatory approach in the collection of gender and inclusion related data on the lives of diverse women, men, young girls, and boys. Data will be collected from each of the Jerash, Zarqa and Al-Karak localities that Mercy Corps and AXIOM will operate in for this project.
The consultant will conduct a review of existing literature, including:
- Previous reports on gender analysis
- ISRY conflict analysis
- Existing quantitative and qualitative data on participation of diverse women, men, young girls, and boys in local community groups
- Government policies and how they impact the lives of women, men, young girls, and boys
- Conduct KII with experts and service providers, no more than 12 to 15 interviews, as well as discussion meeting with the technical team in the project.
The outcome (report) will contribute to the design of ISRY Project interventions to address young women and men engagement in violence prevention and mapping barriers to better engagement of women, youth and the security sector. This includes:
- Identify and gather key resource materials for the desk review, and develop the analysis methodology
- Map barriers between gender, youth, social and formal dynamics, and map actors who play impactful roles in the implementation of ISRY activities.
- Draw findings from the project conflict analysis and integrate these findings in the gender analysis.
- Conduct field interviews to inform the gender analysis, this includes developing study plan and data collection tools and procedures, train survey team, in liaison with ISRY team,
- Clear recommendations on specific areas where ISRY/wider stakeholders can add value to increase the resilience capacities of vulnerable male and female in targeted communities to effectively prevent violence, through gender and youth-focused interventions,
- Provide clear and tangible suggestions integrating gender and youth responsiveness into ISRY activities
1 The consultant should work with the Program Manager to define this and set a number of criteria that the project should look into when doing outreach for youth and women
The gender analysis report should not be more than 30 pages long, and it must include specific recommendations and tangible action points.
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Deliverable 1: -proposed research methodology and workplan. -List of documents reviewed and summary of findings and gaps from literature review. -Qualitative analysis of data. -Draft report including findings and initial recommendations. |
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Deliverable 2: -Workshop with ISRY team to review findings and develop recommendations for the programme -Final report |
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- The consultant is expected to submit a soft copy of the final analysis report (which should be 30 pages maximum), including the following components: Preliminary Pages (Title page, Table of Contents including a list of annexes, Executive Summary, List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, Definition of Terms and Concepts)
- Design of the methodology of the analysis.
- Introduction: Project description, context, purpose, and objectives of desk analysis
- A complete and comprehensive bibliography
- Desk study findings organized by the assessment goals.
- Conclusion based on the findings, key recommendations, and appendices (as per agreement).
- A PowerPoint presentation (maximum 20 slides) of the key findings and recommendations.
- Facilitate an interactive ISRY team dissemination session as guided, at the end of the assignment.
3.Key roles of the consultant
The Consultant reports to the Mercy Corps Lead and has key working relations with the ISRY team. The main roles will include:
- Conduct literature review and analysis, including all relevant project documents and analysis reports
- Describe the gender analysis methodology and oversee and assure quality through the document processes
- Support primary data collection in the field, to ensure quality processes and outcomes
- Conduct the data analysis and write the report, collaborating with the necessary ISRY personnel,
- Prepare a final comprehensive desk review report, informed by ISRY team/other key actors’ critical feedback on the draft, and the key actor validation and dissemination session outcomes.
- Master’s Degree in gender studies, or related fields, with at least 5 years of experience in gender/youth programming and violent prevention analysis.
- A combination of strong experience in qualitative research methods, and extensive expertise in gender analysis preferably in the Jordanian context
- In-depth knowledge and experience of participatory research approaches and tools. Proven experience in gender research/studies and unlimited access to published grey materials relevant for this study
- Experience in integrating gender issues into inclusive security programs, as well as gender considerations in Jordan, and youth programming.
- Experience in training and coordinating with diverse groups of project staff and stakeholders, especially on relevant issues and work.
- Experience in qualitative data analysis packages
- Excellent analytical and English language report writing skills.
- Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic and excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent time management skills, ability to take initiative and deliver assignments within set deadlines.
- The consultant(s) shall outline the study’s anticipated overall schedule. (i.e., duration, phasing, timing, key milestones etc., as well as anticipated work hours/days required. Include an outline of issues that might affect data collection and key risk mitigation measures, the consultant contract may be extended for the implementation phase (phase II)
- Service shall start during the last week of September, and shall be completed maximum by 20/10/2022
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