مطلوب أستاذ مساعد في الهندسة الكهربائية والطاقة المتجددة لدى جامعة الدوحة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا

وظائف قطر
مطلوب أستاذ مساعد في الهندسة الكهربائية والطاقة المتجددة لدى جامعة الدوحة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا آخر تحديث: 18
مطلوب أستاذ مساعد في الهندسة الكهربائية والطاقة المتجددة لدى جامعة الدوحة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering & Renewable Energy
Job Description
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world-class post-secondary institution, the University of Doha for Science & Technology. Internationally recognized as a comprehensive technical university, UDST is committed to high-quality, student-centered education. This commitment is reflected through state-of-the-art facilities, accessible and responsive technology programs, and strong partnerships with the industry.
With more than 600 staff and 6,000 students, UDST is one of Qatar’s largest post-secondary institutions offering applied diplomas, degrees, and master’s programs through student-centered learning. By providing training in a range of technical areas including Engineering Technology, Health Sciences, Industrial Trades, Business Studies, and Information Technology, UDST brings the State closer to the goals of the Qatar National Vision, 2030.
The College of Engineering Technology invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering (Automation and System Control).
The College of Engineering Technology invites applications for positions at the level of Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering.
Your commitment
Reporting to the Department Head of Sustainable Systems Engineering, the successful candidate will be responsible for the development, delivery, and evaluation of a broad range of courses within the Electrical Engineering and related diploma and degree programs. S/he will evaluate student progress and manage the resources of the learning environment. The successful candidate will liaise with industry and other educational institutions; participate in industry advisory committees and coordinate, manage, and supervise final year/capstone projects within the specified program area. Faculty members will maintain course portfolio documents required for accreditation processes and engage in instructional development/improvement plans.
You will also be involved in applied research activities/projects with the industry in the following areas.
Power Systems
Smart Grid
Power Electronics
Electrical Machines and Drives
System Protection and Control
Renewable Energy Systems
Sensors and Internet of Things
All employees are expected to contribute to professional and community life within the College and beyond.
PhD. in Electrical Engineering or a closely related field is required; specifically, in Power Systems, Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Electronics or Renewable Energy.
A minimum of 5 years teaching experience in a university, institute of higher learning, adult training, or industry training environment.
A minimum of 5 years of industrial experience as a practitioner/professional in a related field (preferably in operation, maintenance, testing and protection of low, medium, and high voltage equipment).
Candidates should also be recognized in the following criteria:
contribution to the advancement of knowledge through applied research, scholarship, publication, knowledge transfer or professional practice which would be expected to be international in its scope
contribution to the advancement of learning by the leadership of teaching and curriculum development
professional recognition and standing amongst peers
academic subject leadership or academic management
Record of successful participation/leadership in applied research projects
Other qualifications:
Certificate, Diploma or Degree in Education (e.g. Post-secondary Education, Adult Education or Vocational Education)
Record of successful participation/leadership in applied research projects
Experience in leadership and innovation in technology-based project
Other Required Skills:
Commitment to applied and experiential learning as a pedagogy and a key feature of the College’s mandate
Ability to design, develop, deliver, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in program outcomes.
Digital literacy and demonstrated fluency in technology systems, and an ability to model and facilitate use of current and emerging digital tools to support research and learning
Demonstrated ability to develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable students to be active participants in their own learning
Commitment to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession through self-driven continuous professional development and life-long learning
Effective oral and written communication skills
Collaborative and collegial spirit and a demonstrated ability to establish rapport with learners, colleagues, sponsor-employers, and members of the community
Ability to initiate applied research projects.
How to Apply:
Applications should be submitted via our online application portal by clicking the “Apply now” button below.
You must meet all essential qualifications in order to be appointed to the position. Other qualifications may be a deciding factor in choosing the person to be appointed. Some essential and other qualifications will be assessed through your application, which may include (but need not be limited to) curricula vitae, cover letters, references, teaching dossiers, and sample publications. It is your responsibility to provide appropriate examples that illustrate how you meet each qualification. Failing to do so could result in your application being rejected. Applicants must apply online.
We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
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لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على لينكد اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على تويتر اضغط هنا
شارك هذا الموضوع:
- اضغط للمشاركة على تويتر (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على فيسبوك (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- المزيد
- اضغط لتشارك على LinkedIn (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط لمشاركة الموضوع على Reddit (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط للمشاركة على Tumblr (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على Telegram (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على WhatsApp (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
معجب بهذه:
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