وظائف لدى بنك أبوظبي الأول (FAB) في أبو ظبي ، الإمارات

وظائف الامارات
وظائف لدى بنك أبوظبي الأول (FAB) في أبو ظبي ، الإمارات آخر تحديث: 12
وظائف لدى بنك أبوظبي الأول (FAB) في أبو ظبي ، الإمارات
Specialist- Agency Facility
This role is primarily responsible for handling and controlling Agency middle office support activities, to ensure smooth work flow and delivery of high quality and timely service to internal customers
- Responsible for assuring accurate recordkeeping and execution of all Agency middle office support activities including: monitoring borrowing status, preparing new borrowings, rollovers, rate sets, conversions, repayments and prepayments. This role will act as the primary contact/coordinator for clients, lenders and business partners for facilities we act as Agents/Arrangers
· Reporting, audit confirmations and other related tasks
· Liaise and coordinate with Loan Agency business unit, External customers, agency back office and internal stakeholders
Policies, Systems, Processes & Procedures
Follow all relevant departmental policies, processes, standard operating procedures, and instructions so that work is carried out in a controlled and consistent manner.
Demonstrate compliance to organization’s values and ethics at all times to support the establishment of a value drive culture within the bank.
Continuous Improvement
Contribute to the identification of opportunities for continuous improvement and sustainability of systems, processes and practices considering global standards, productivity improvement and cost reduction.
Assist in the preparation of timely and accurate statements and reports to meet department requirements, policies and quality standards.
Job Context
- Zero Ops Loss; NIL near miss / income leakage event; target zero high risk error
- Target zero complaints, minimum 95 % adherence to TAT standards as agreed with business. Achieve more than 90% satisfaction score in the internal customer survey.
- Nil unauthorized breaches in Policy/regulatory requirements and SOPs. Satisfactory rating in all audits – INA/RMU/ORC
- Nil breaches in housekeeping (reconciliations, tracers, DCFCL etc.).
- NIL critical findings in regulatory /external/internal audits.
- No. of PI (process improvement) proposals found fruitful by management. No. of successful PIs implemented
- Work with the line manager in introducing strong tools/processes to identify/ease operational risks attached to the unit
- Pursue opportunities for enhancing operational efficiencies along with adequate monitoring
- Ensure excellent housekeeping standards at all times
- Support multi desks and multi functions within the department
- Ensure process enhancements/amendments are duly covered by a process note signed off by stakeholders
- Reviews Agency LMA agreements to ensure servicing & administration of loan portfolios are accurate
- Review and negotiate administrative issues of operational aspects of Credit Agreements
- Coordinate movement of funds related to initial funding and closing of deals
- Work closely with the Agency Desk ,Borrowers and Bank Group
- Calculate, invoice and disburse ongoing interest and fee payments from a Borrower and/or Lender perspective including Agency and Amendment fees as well as all quarter end activity
- See through each transaction; disbursements, rollovers, assignments, waivers, consents, extensions and amendments together with the Borrower, Participants and Loan Agency Business
- Liaise between Borrowers and Lenders ensuring compliance with the terms of the Credit Agreement
- Processes / approves deal, customer set ups and other maintenance related activities pertaining to the agency portfolio
- Utilizes specialized knowledge of these areas as well as applicable internal policies, procedures, systems and laws and regulations to handle escalated situations effectively.
- Assists with other Loan Servicing functions as requested, including department projects and system
- Execution of testing / follow up / implementation of system related issues, queries, errors and developments upgrades, enhancements and conversions.
Minimum Qualification
Bachelor’s degree or related discipline.
Minimum Experience
Relevant experience in the banking sector with at least 6-8 years in similar positions of progressively increasing approving responsibilities in the Agency facility function.
التقديم هنا
تابع نشمي للوظائف على
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على جوجل نيوز اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على الفيس بوك اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على لينكد اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على تويتر اضغط هنا
شارك هذا الموضوع:
- اضغط للمشاركة على تويتر (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على فيسبوك (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- المزيد
- اضغط لتشارك على LinkedIn (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط لمشاركة الموضوع على Reddit (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط للمشاركة على Tumblr (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على Telegram (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على WhatsApp (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
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