وظائف في الجامعة اللبنانية الأمريكية في لبنان

وظائف لبنان
وظائف في الجامعة اللبنانية الأمريكية في لبنان آخر تحديث: 15
وظائف في الجامعة اللبنانية الأمريكية في لبنان
Full-Time Faculty Position- Assistant/ Associate Dean for Medical Education
Position Summary
The Gilbert & Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine at the Lebanese American University invites applicants for a faculty position, Associate Professor/ Professor, to serve as Assistant/ Associate Dean for Medical Education. The School is seeking highly qualified and motivated faculty members/ administrators who are committed to innovative pedagogy, academic excellence and transformative education. Prospective candidates must hold an MD or PhD degree, in addition to an advanced degree in medical education (such as Master or PhD in Health Professions Education).
- Build a strategy and set directions for the advancement of medical education at the Gilbert & Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine.
- Supervise and lead the medical program for Med I to IV (curriculum design, formulation of learning outcomes, learning objectives, educational activities, assessment, and program evaluation).
- Make appropriate recommendations to the Dean for the development and enrichment of medical education including the program, faculty and staff.
- Ensure the implementation of the medical curriculum and its continuous improvement including working on its visibility and competitiveness.
- Monitor learning outcomes, educational activities and quality, and faculty contribution.
- Guide and oversee the accreditation process.
- Serve on (and chair when requested) school councils and committees as required, such as the Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee, Program Evaluation Committee, etc.
Minimum Qualifications
- MD or PhD degree, with an advanced degree in medical education
- Strong experience in curricular design/development.
- Experience in accreditation and strategic planning.
- Evidence of successful leadership in a university setting, preferably health-related school.
- Fluency in English
Application Requirements
- Prospective candidates should apply electronically by submitting, to Dean Sola Aoun Bahous at sola.bahous@lau.edu.lb with a copy to roula.faour@lau.edu.lb, the following: curriculum vitae, a summary of their accomplishments in the areas of pedagogy, research, future career plans as well as the names and email addresses of three references.
Deadline for Applying: until position is filled
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