وظائف ادارية لدى شركة الإمارات في دبي، الإمارات

وظائف الامارات
وظائف ادارية لدى شركة الإمارات في دبي، الإمارات آخر تحديث: 15
وظائف ادارية لدى شركة الإمارات في دبي، الإمارات
Legal Services Manager / Legal Counsel -Compliance and Corporate Governance
The Emirates Group legal team supports the world’s largest international airline and one of the world’s most dynamic aviation groups. Within Group legal we provide support to Group ESG programs and we are looking for a compliance professional with experience of managing legal compliance programmes or a highly motivated junior lawyer / experienced paralegal looking for a new challenge that focusses on legal compliance to join our team.
In this role you will have the opportunity to support ESG programs across the Group ensuring that that the compliance framework delivers appropriate controls, drives accountabilities and embeds within all parts of the business an ethical compliance culture. You will work on a wide variety of compliance related matters, including:
- The provision of advice on compliance related matters covering antitrust, anti-bribery & corruption, sanctions & export control and other key areas of legal compliance and corporate governance, including company secretarial support;
- Drafting of compliance related materials;
- Provision of compliance and governance training;
- Reviewing and enhancing processes and procedures to improve compliance across the Group;
- Supporting compliance investigations, risk assessments and audits;
- Management of the Group gift and hospitality disclosure program;
- Filing documentation with relevant compliance bodies / agencies.
You will work with others within the Legal Compliance and Corporate Governance team and play a central and critical role in supporting compliance initiatives. You will be required to work closely with internal stakeholders including Internal Audit, Human Resources, Procurement & Logistics and other impacted business units, and be capable of balancing multiple projects, whilst maintaining attention to detail.
We are looking for an individual with excellent attention to detail, problem solving skills and legal knowledge of compliance related matters who can give practical and business focused support to our Group. If you have excellent academic credentials, strong English language skills for communication and drafting and compliance related experience with a leading regional or international law firm or in-house department of a major international corporation we are interested to hear from you. Project management skills are desirable, but not essential. Previous experience working for an airline or in the travel industry is also preferred but not essential.
Qualifications & Experience
- Legal Administration: 8+ Years
- 8 years post graduate experience in a corporate in-house Legal Department or Law firm in the capacity of a Paralegal Adviser preferred
- Post Graduate Diploma (12+4 or equivalent) :
- Recognised paralegal qualification with current certification, including, without limitation, qualification as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives or Company Secretary, or
- Law degree from a recognised university, the degree to include a course in Law of Contract (common law) and completion of Legal Practice Course (LPC) qualification (Note: Law degree usually completed in three to four years and LPC in one year full time or two years part time)
Knowledge / skills:
- Specialised knowledge and experience in litigation processes, intellectual property laws and commercial agreements
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لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على لينكد اضغط هنا
لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على تويتر اضغط هنا
شارك هذا الموضوع:
- اضغط للمشاركة على تويتر (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على فيسبوك (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- المزيد
- اضغط لتشارك على LinkedIn (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط لمشاركة الموضوع على Reddit (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- اضغط للمشاركة على Tumblr (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على Telegram (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
- انقر للمشاركة على WhatsApp (فتح في نافذة جديدة)
معجب بهذه:
إعجاب تحميل… اداريةالإماراتدبيشركةوظائف السابق
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شواغر لدى جامعة الدوحة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا في الدوحة ، قطر
إقرأ أيضا

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