25 وظيفة هندسة و برمجة و سلامة عامة و تصميم جرافيكي في عدة شركات في الاردن

25 وظيفة هندسة و برمجة و سلامة عامة و تصميم جرافيكي في عدة شركات في الاردن
25 وظيفة هندسة و برمجة و سلامة عامة و تصميم جرافيكي في عدة شركات في الاردن
1- مطلوب للعمل لدى اكاديمية تدريبية مدرب لدورات graphic design 1-photoshop 2-illustrator 3-in design 4-premier 5-after effect على ان يمتلك خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات حسن المظهر عمل جزئي للتقديم يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل التالي noor.alaqrabawi2012@gmail.com
2- مطلوب محاضرين لمركز تعليمي بشارع الجامعة الاردنية في المجالات التالية:
1- الأمن السيبراني
2- هندسة البرمجيات
3- التصميم الجرافيكي
للمهتمين يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على العنوان التالي: manager@trasimeno-edu.com او على الرقم 0780677791.
3- مطلوب مسؤول سلامة عامة خبرة من 2 – 4 سنوات حاصل على شهادة مزاولة مهنة العمر تقريبا 35 سنة العمل بماركا الشمالية
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل
4- مطلوب مهندس سلامة عامة
خبرة من سنة لسنتين
موقع العمل: عمان/ماركا الشمالية
اي حد مهتم يرسل السي في ع هاد الايميل
5- مطلوب مصمم جرافيك بخبرة العمل في المطابع على برنامج إلستريتر تحديداً .. والفوتوشوب … لدى مطبعة بماركا الرجاء التواصل على هذا الرقم فقط : 0797745598
6- مطلوب مصمم جرافيك يجيد استخدام برامج ادوبي فوتوشوب وبريمير لمتجر الإلكتروني 0781348223 0770777702
7- بحاجة الى توظيف كفاءات في مجال كتابة المحتوى والجرافيك ديزاين والانميشن والتصوير
اذا بتعرف حدا يا ريت تتواصل مع
israa soubh
8- تعلن شركة صناعية كبرى في الاردن تختص في الالمنيوم والاباجورات عن حاجتها للوظيفة التالية
مهندسة مبيعات و تسعير – معرض (إناث فقط)
الواجبات و المسؤوليات:
1- اتباع البرامج اليومية بالتنسيق مع مدير دائرة المبيعات والتسويق او من ينوب عنه
2- تسعير العطاءات والمخططات والمشاريع وحسب البرنامج المقدم من مسؤولة قسم المبيعات
3- العمل على الإلتزام بالأهداف المحددة له.
4- متابعة حركة المنافسين بشكل دائم ونشاطهم ونقل أخبارهم إلى رئيس قسم المبيعات.
5- استقبال الزبائن في المعرض و الترحيب بهم .
6- تكوين علاقات جيدة مع العملاء لتشجيعهم على أخذ المنتجات.
7- القيام بعرض جميع الأصناف ضمن المسؤولية على الزبائن الزائرين للمعرض.
8- أخذ طلبيات من أصحاب أماكن البيع.
9- تحضير عروض الأسعار حسب المقاسات المطلوبة من الزبون وحسب النماذج المحددة لذلك.
10- الإلتزام بتعبأة النماذج الخاصة بالمقاسات حسب ما هو موصى عليها في نظام ISO 9001 التي تخضع له الشركة.
11- الإلتزام بالجداول الفنية المرفقة لأنها تعتبر بمثابة مرجعيات لجميع الأقسام من مشاريع ومبيعات.
12- الإلتزام بالمعايير المتعارف عليها بالشركة الخاصة بأسلوب توزيع الشبابيك على المقاطع الموجودة من ناحية مدى فاعليتها.
13- تحضير العقد للزبون في حال موافقته على عرض السعر.
14- التنسيق مع مدير المشاريع لمتابعة جاهزية الموقع للتركيب.
15- التدقيق والتنسيق على عروض أسعار مندوبي المبيعات.
16- إدراج اسم العميل الجديد على قائمة عروض أسعار تحت التنفيذ.
17- إعداد التقارير اليومية وتسليمها إلى المسؤول المباشر.
18- القيام بأي أعمال أخرى مطلوبة من الوظيفة.
المؤهلات المطلوبة :
1. بكالوريوس هندسة عمارة أو ما يعادلها .
2. يفضل خريجة جديدة .
3. ذو شخصية قوية لديها مهارات الإتصال و التفاوض .
4. إجادة استخدام برامج MS Office وبرامج الكمبيوتر الأخرى .
5. إجادة استخدام ال Autocad
6. الدقة بالعمل .
7. القدرة على العمل ضمن فريق
على كل من يستوفى المتطلبات الرئيسية اللازمة لإشغال الوظيفه أعلاه، إرسال السيرة الذاتية الى الموقع الالكتروني (www.atarabah.com ) ثم الضغط على (join us) لتعبئة طلب الوظيفة
9- الشركة المتخصصة للتوظيف مطلوب للعمل في السعوديه يشترط شهاده البكالوريوس هندسه سلامه وامن خبره 5 سنوات للتواصل 0786070746
10- مطلوب مهندسيين للعمل بجده السعوديه
1- ميكانيك خبره 5 سنوات خبره بالتصميم والتنفيذ الميكانيكي
2- كهرباء خبره 5 سنوات خبره بالتصميم والتنفيذ الكهربائي
3- معماري خبره 5 سنوات خبره بالتصميم والتنفيذ المعماري
4- سلامه عامه خبره 5 سنوات خريج كليه الامير حسين فقط
ارسال السي في الى رقم
11- مطلوب جرافيك ديزاينر عدد ٣ خبره سنتين حد ادنى
صور وفيديو
للعمل لدى شركة سوشيال ميديا موقعها عند دوار الواحه
براتب وامتيازات ممتازه جدا
للتواصل واتساب 0798414151
Email : Anas_rahhal@ymail.com
12- UAE
We Are Hiring for the biggest Constructions Company the below Positions:
1- Estimation Engineer ( Civil , Electrical , Mechanical) with Experian 5 to 15 years
2- Estimation QS ( Civil , Mechanical ) with Experian 4 to 10 years
3- Technical Engineer ( Civil , Mechanical ) with Experian 8 to 10 years
4- Planning Engineer (Civil ,Mechanical ,Electrical ) with Experian 4 to 5 years
Please mention on email subject the position Interested Candidates Please inbox your cv to Data@tkafu.com
13- NOC engineer open vacancy requirements: two years experience in the FTTH networks reporting skills team leading skills based in Amman if your CV is fit with the above requirements please send your CV by WhatsApp 0791510356
14- Senior Full stack .NET Developer is Needed in a company based in Amman. Qualifications: – Solid experience with C# and VB.net. (Web Forms, MVC, asp classic VBscript). – SQL Server solid experience including writing queries, stored procedures and creating tables. – Good Knowledge of Java Script, Bootstrap, JQuery, CSS, HTML5. – Good knowledge of Microsoft windows server and IIS. If you meet our qualifications, please send your CV to menafn.careers@gmail.com and include " Senior Developer" in the email's subject.
15- php Laravel Framework Requirements:
A degree in programming, computer science, or a related field. About a year of experience working with the Laravel framework. Strong understanding of front-end technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap and CSS. Good working knowledge in design and query optimization of database (MySQL). Great communication skills & Problem-solving skills
متطلبات: شهادة في البرمجة أو علم الحاسوب أو مجال ذي صلة. حوالي عام من الخبرة في العمل مع Laravel Framework معرفة قوية في JavaScript , HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap معرفة عملية جيدة قاعدة البيانات MySQL
الرجاء ارسال ال cv على الرقم التالي : 0780604646
16- Web Quality Assurance Officer
We are seeking a Quality Assurance Officer to join our Quality Team.
1. Collaborate with the Developers, Quality teams, and other stakeholders to understand functional and non-functional requirements
2. Triage and log bugs and defects
3. Communicate progress directly to stakeholders
4. Ensure quality is at the center of everything we release to production.
– 0 to 1 year of experience in software development or QA.
– Recent college graduates with a degree in Computer Science or a related field will be considered
– Knowledge of manual and automation testing is a plus
– Experience in troubleshooting issues and root cause analysis
– Experience working with web-based products is a plus
Interested candidates please send you cv to our e-mail hr@pioneers-academy.com
17- Artificial Intelligence Subsidiary, is looking to hire a Back-end Software Engineer.
We are looking for a talents with reasonable experience and strong theoretical knowledge in information technology. This is a full time position.
• Contribute actively to architecture, design & implementation discussions, demonstrating initiative.
• Design & Implement robust, scalable, high performance and low latency microservices
• Design & Implement scalable microservices for deployment using container technologies
• Demonstrate the initiative to explore alternative technologies and approaches to solving problems
• Skilled in breaking down problems, documenting problem statements and estimating efforts
• Debug, troubleshoot, and improve live cloud-based applications
• Automate build, deployment, monitoring and upgrades
• Mentor junior engineers, perform code reviews and document design decisions
• Work closely with the team that follows the Agile software development lifecycle process
• Write clean testable code.
• 4+ years of software design and development experience, demonstrating increasing levels of responsibilities and ownership of significant set of modules or applications.
• BS in Computer Science or a related degree
• Strong Knowledge of Python programming language.
• Knowledge of Cloud Technologies and Distributed Systems. Experience with AWS/Azure, Docker and container technologies is a solid plus.
• Experience with developing RESTful web APIs
• Has the ability to work independently in a project, with strong analytical and problem-solving skills
• Strong written and verbal communication skill
Interested candidates, please send your resumes to:
ai@entreviable.com Artificial Intelligence Subsidiary, is looking to hire a Back-end Software Engineer.
We are looking for a talents with reasonable experience and strong theoretical knowledge in information technology. This is a full time position.
• Contribute actively to architecture, design & implementation discussions, demonstrating initiative.
• Design & Implement robust, scalable, high performance and low latency microservices
• Design & Implement scalable microservices for deployment using container technologies
• Demonstrate the initiative to explore alternative technologies and approaches to solving problems
• Skilled in breaking down problems, documenting problem statements and estimating efforts
• Debug, troubleshoot, and improve live cloud-based applications
• Automate build, deployment, monitoring and upgrades
• Mentor junior engineers, perform code reviews and document design decisions
• Work closely with the team that follows the Agile software development lifecycle process
• Write clean testable code.
• 4+ years of software design and development experience, demonstrating increasing levels of responsibilities and ownership of significant set of modules or applications.
• BS in Computer Science or a related degree
• Strong Knowledge of Python programming language.
• Knowledge of Cloud Technologies and Distributed Systems. Experience with AWS/Azure, Docker and container technologies is a solid plus.
• Experience with developing RESTful web APIs
• Has the ability to work independently in a project, with strong analytical and problem-solving skills
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
Interested candidates, please send your resumes to:
18- We hire Motion Graphics and Animators with a minimum of 3 years of experience
Submit to this email
19- Esteemed IT Company is looking to hire:
Position One:
IT Project Manager
– 5 Years or above IT Projects Related Experience
– Bachelor's Degree or Above
– PMP Certification is Plus
Position Two:
Project Coordinator
– Fresh Grad or Entry-Level or above
– Bachelor's Degree or Above
– CAPM Certification is Plus
If interested, please send your CV to email:
God Luck Dears 😀
20- We are searching for a well experienced graph designer for the printing industry! Must have background in digital printing and is able to be quick and precise in the design he/she receives and how it’s printed!
A worker with no experience in design and digital printing will most likely be not fit for the job
An employee who believes this work is light and the work will do its own or can get by with passing work to others will not be fit for this job
Please message on WhatsApp 0798009471 with Cv abd more information will be collected
21- Vacant position for a production manager with the following experiences: ((( FOR PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL FACTORY – in DAMMAM )))
• Mechanical or Polymer Engineer Bachelor
• Min 10 year experience in Blow Molding machines for Bottles
• Knowledge in SAP system or any other Reporting Management System
• Knowledge in machine maintenance
• Knowledge in EHSS
• Handle the production floor
• Handle 60 employee
• Handle production planning
• Handle the QC
• Reduce the waste of polymer
• Improve the production Rate
• Increase the efficiency of machines
• Optimization of # employee per shift
• Work for the development of the new products
• Report all the activities in the SAP system
• Conduct the daily EHSS check list
• Conduct the daily maintenance check list
• Maintain the ISO certification and any other certification.
Email : kqadoura2000@gmail.com
Iqama transfer only plz
22- We are hiring a ‘Technical Support Engineer’ to provide enterprise level assistance to our clients. It will diagnose and troubleshoot software and hardware problems. Your responsibilities will include resolving customer issues, configuring operating systems, and using remote desktop connections to provide immediate support,
Job Description and Requirements
A bachelor's degree in computer Engineering or related technology field.
3 years and more of relevant experience in a customer focused position involving technical knowledge of a company' s products and services.
Experience in working and maintenance Time attendance, walk-through and x-ray, Cameras and access control devices.
Coordination for Regular visits for customers and write job order.
Professional written and interpersonal skills are essential when communicating with customers and clients.
Ability to prioritize and manage several milestones and projects efficiently.
Extensive experience working with different operating systems.
Ability to delight customers, contribution to team customer satisfaction goals.
Strong ownership of customer issues.
You can Apply us by send your CV with writing technical support in the subject of the e-mail to:
23- head software engineer
مطلوب للعمل في السعودية لمن تنطبق عليه الشروط يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل Osamayamin@ymail.com
او على الواتس اب 0795058287
* Job Description:* Head of Software Engineering will be leading a engineering team who is building and working on our platform using .NET, Web, Angular, Flutter, Ionic development stack. The Head of Software Engineering will provide technical team leadership through coaching and mentorship. *Technical Requirements:* Full stack developer with skills and experience with .NET, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Flutter, Mobile Development, SQL Server, Azure Cloud, etc. Analyzing requirements Ability to understand requirements as well as underlying infrastructure applications, systems and processes. Ability to oversee development efforts. Strong capability in juggling priorities so that deadlines are met while retaining consistently high quality outcomes. Software architecture design, together with architecture team Technical knowledge of Task Management System like Azure TFS and Asana. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability Creating technical specifications, writing program code and documenting Testing the products in controlled situations before going live Maintaining the systems once they are up and running Experience with systems management tools as Nagios, Grafana, Prometheus, Rundeck are a plus. Experience with Kafka, Redis, Elastic are plus. Experience of working in startups is a plus. Experience in Automation, and Orchestration to drive efficiencies within IT operations is a plus Understanding of modern IT and DevOps DC’s and cloud operations is a plus. Operational background (ITIL processes, network operations and support) *Required Experience and Education:* 7-10 years of experience in software development both front-end and back-end as well as mobile development. Leadership skills, and has been leading 10+ team members. B.S. in Computer Science or related field. Attention to detail and can-do attitude Ability to handle multiple sub projects. Strong analytical skills Structured and methodical approach to problem solving Self-motivated, a team player, and exhibit a high degree of professionalism Demonstrate analytical, interpretative and problem-solving skills. Excellent interpersonal skills
24- We are looking for a Senior Full Stack Developer.
With 6+ years' Experience working with PHP,Laravel A solid understanding of application design using Laravel Deep understanding of the basic web languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
• have knowledge on design and query optimization of database (MySQL)
• Frontend Frameworks like Angular, VueJS
• Good working knowledge in design and query optimization of database (MySQL) •
• have a knowledge on API , Integration.
*Interested Applicant, may Kindly send a CV to the following email address
(n.awadallah@arabwork.com) and mention job title in subject email
25- Project Managers are highly encouraged to apply.
Information and Research Center- King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF), promotes the welfare of children, youth, women and families, as well as vulnerable groups by providing objective, multidisciplinary research and analysis to practitioners and policy makers in Jordan and the region.
The IRCKHF is seeking to hire a Project Manager; s/he will be responsible for providing overall program management that includes comprehensive planning, executing the activities, and managing the budget, and reporting to the donor in a timely manner. Additionally, the Manager will lead a diversified team of technical staff and ensures effective coordination and networking with all stakeholders.
Requested Qualifications:
– Minimum BA degree in a related field.
– Minimum of 5 years’ experience implementing development projects.
– PMP/PDM Pro certification.
– Strong communication skills.
– Excellent team player with proven leadership of diverse teams.
– Excellent verbal & written communication skills (English & Arabic)
– Advanced computer skills
Qualified candidates are invited to send their C.Vs with a cover letter to: jobs@irckhf.org
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