Project Controls Specialist

Job Description
About this role:
.Provides reporting, schedule development and progress measurement expertise within the Project Team..Supports Head of Project Controls with ongoing project reporting, schedule control, change management and other ad hoc business team deliverableso Develops, coordinate and compile input from project team members, to maintain a set of standard reporting tools, templates, procedures, guidelines, and flow charts to suit EPC3 project team requirements and needs (dashboards, monthly, weekly, risk, action tracking and KPI reports).o Standardises flow of information/data from EPC Contractor and provide reporting to the project team that utilises current information to enhance communication and support effective project execution
o Develop, coordinate, and compile input from NFE Onshore team members to issue weekly and monthly reports, shareholders and stakeholders presentationo Participate in PMT evaluation of EPC Contractor change requests including assessment of schedule and cost impactso Assists PMT in developing schedule corrective actions and recovery planso Coordinate collection of EPC3 business team deliverables as required by NFE Onshore audit program
o Assist in developing the EPC3 project close out report to ensure that detailed information on project performance is retained.. Monitors EPC Contractor's project controls performance in the areas of execution planning, progress measurement and reportingo Validate the content and accuracy of EPC Contractor reporting
o Review EPC Contractor submitted schedule baseline and forecasts.o Assessment of EPC Contractor's integrated schedule to identify any schedule risks or opportunitieso Assurance of EPC Contractor schedule logic and resource loadingo Identify progress performance trends likely to impact project schedule
o Verification of measured progress reported by the Contractor.. Promotes inter-departmental communications and encourages teamwork.. Functions as backfill for Project Lead Planner during planned absences. Participates in gathering and recording lessons learned for the project
What you need to bring:
Thorough and extensive knowledge of:
- Project controls principles, theories, concepts, and tools.
- Greenfield and brownfield.
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering or relevant industry experience.
- Minimum of ten (10) years broad experience in the area of project controls, including schedule development, progress measurement and reporting.
- Excellent computer skills. Expert in the use of MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point and Outlook) and performing analysis of large data volumes
- Advanced level in the use of PRIMAVERA (P6) planning software
- Advanced level knowledge in Change Order management for large complex projects
- Strong written and oral communication skills and good interpersonal skills, ability to work with others and to build consensus among team.
- Strong coordination experience and good team skills.
- Willing to work overseas in a team environment
- Willing to relocate to project construction site
Job Details
Employment Types:
Full time
Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology , Manufacturing / Engineering / R&D , Architecture / Interior Design
Clinical Project Specialist