تبحث شركة دولية متخصصة في نشر وتوزيع المواد التعليمية عن توظيف المرشحين التاليين:

An international company specialized in publishing and distributing educational materials is looking to hire the following candidates:
Purchasing Officer
All applicants should have the following basic skills
• Bachelor degree in industrial engineering or related fields.
• 5 years of experience.
All applicants should have the following basic skills:
• High interpersonal and communication skills.
• Professional clerical skills.
• Tasks management and time management skills.
• Ability to handle work pressure.
• Excellent command of both Arabic & English languages, written and spoken
We offer competitive packages (qualified people are paid above average), health insurance, social security, professional working atmosphere and standards and a unique experience.
Candidates who meet the above qualifications and want to engage in a new challenge are welcome to submit their CV’s to the following email, mentioning the position title in the subject bar.
نحن شركة متخصصة في نشر و توزيع مواد تعليمية، مقرنا الرئيسي في أمريكا.
نحن نبحث عن افضل مرشحين لكل وظيفة لدينا و لذلك لدينا معايير عالية لاختيار الشخص المناسب والافضل لكل شاغر.
نرحب باي شخص لديه مؤهلات و مهارات تطابق الوظيفة المطلوبة.